Chapter 32. Death

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The grey skies were forming and accumulating as the morning drew closer. She was sat by the smooth lake ignoring the upheaving storm. The weather itself resembled the ravenous scratch of pain in her heart but her eyes weren't shedding any tear. Her appearance seemed like a frozen, emotionless statue. She wanted to scream and be angry about everything, but how could she?

How can a beautiful memory alter and become the most remorseful one? How can the happiest thing in the world become the dark and painful one? How can a thing be so life-giving yet lethal at the same time? The moment his lips touched her own, she felt herself surrendering everything. It doesn't matter who they were, what they were, or what others will think of whatever was happening now.

A loud boom of thunder announced the arrival of the hurricane, sending a williwaw and fat drops of water which caused a havoc in the magical weald of Scotland. The girl by the lake stayed still as if nothing occurred. But as soon as the rain poured down, another storm fell from tired, mourning eyes. In that solemn splashing of rain, if one could see by the isolated lake, one would never know that the water glistening down her cheeks weren't from the downpour but tears of frustration in her eyes.


She entered the silent corridor slightly feverish. The dark circles in her eyes made her appearance look more unappealing than her usual fashion. She was heading to the dungeons this time, only holding a vial of golden liquid. Time passed as if the minutes bled into years. Every step was hard to make but her determination never faltered, not even a bit.

She was constantly closing her eyes, stopping any stray tear from breaking her way. Her brave face was slowly chipping away but she have to see him, even if it would cost her everything. She had nothing to lose, though. She already lost everything, what could be worse?

As she reached the door of the infamous Potions Master, her heart shivered a little. Every time she came here to meet him, she was all jittery and fiddle-footed. But right now, this wasn't just nerves nor excitement. This feeling was fear. She tried to open the door when she noticed it was ajar. She entered the room only to see him slightly hissing in agony for the wounds all over his body still needed attention.
She quickly ran to him and tried to help him but he pushed her with a tremendous force which caused her to fall and result to a small cut on her cheek.

Her face was utterly torn and was begging for an explanation. Why would he do this? She knew what was left inside her was dissolving at the moment. She had no power or whatsoever to prevent it from happening.

He was angry towards her that he would immediately cut off all connections instantly. That was all he could think about. Make her disappear. Make her hate him once and for all. He hadn't much a choice but he knew his plans, his life will be in shambles if he will let her continue this foolish infatuation. He was hesitant somehow because he didn't know what he will lose if he will do this. But sometimes one had to choose the thing that the mind favors rather than what the heart desires to turn everything back to its proportion.

He took all of his remaining strength and approached the trembling girl from the floor. He grabbed the collar of her uniform and spoke words of poison.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Leave me alone. You are Nothing to me."

She looked up at him as fresh tears broke out from its confines. "I only wanted to help you. I know I am not her, I am not what you want but I don't care. I'll be the kind of person she never was. I'll make up from my mistakes. Please, I love... you. I'll do everything."

He was shock at what he was hearing. He couldn't believe it. But the astonishment slowly turned into anger. Uncontrollable anger. He tightened his grasp to her collar having no mercy on how she felt hurt by his words and actions.

"How did you come up with an idea that I will ever love someone like you. You said it yourself, you are not her. You will never be her. I love her and only her. No matter what you will try to do, I can never love someone like you. I will never love you. I want you out of my life. I don't want to see you ever again. I regret meeting you. To me, you are dead."

She slowly backed away with a forced smile on her face. "I understand you perfectly. "

She went out of his room and closed the door with a heavy heart. She fell from where she stood as the world started to narrow and crush her. It was what she had expected. But why does it have to be this painful? He had always been so cruel and cold-hearted towards her but the pain was too hard to bear. She continued to cry and covered her face in shame. The numbness in her heart started to grow like a cold fortress. She was imprisoned by an unreciprocated love.

She closed her eyes for one last time and forced her body to move. There was only one thing swirling in her mind. One little request. It was what he asked from her. She had to fulfill it. A wish she could never turn down.

Her legs were shaking as she opened the door to her quarters and reached for a sheet of paper. She hated this idea. She already made up her mind. But she had to reconsider things. She took her quill and signed the paper. That simple act would eventually change her life forever. Would change their lives forever.

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