Chapter 13. OTA

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The dawn was waving at a small distance.

The banausic yet soothing fog kissed the Hogwarts castle. Fine sifted flour was peppered all over the weald. The castle looked like a cupcake topped with confectioner's sugar. Shimmering white diamonds that sparkle and glow were falling down in a very faint relaxing sound.

"It's only a week before Christmas holidays. Have you chosen which person you will pick for the OTA?" Harry's voice was the first noise in the Gryffindor Quarters. He was comfortably sitting on the couch, the warm, fuzzy blanket covering him.

Hermione was seated on the floor. She was busy reading her favourite book. She was unable to hear Harry's question when Ron chimed in, "I'd prefer Professor McGonagall. She's the one. She does not resort to bloody favouritism. She's strict and cunning. There's no denying it."

Hermione scratched her nose and looked up at the boys talking about the OTA.

"I couldn't agree more. McGonagall my bet on that little competition. From what I see, it's actually somebody's game, Ron. No one has the potential of winning because there is already a winner." Harry exclaimed, feeling the Gryffindor pride flowing into his very arteries, veins and capillaries.

She was listening to their dialogue and she has her choice already but was kept hidden deep in her intelligent brain. Like any other, her first choice was Professor McGonagall. But due to the recent events that prevailed, she was able to find a more tasteful and promising person as her pick for the OTA.

She was absentmindedly rubbing her hands, hoping to create heat for her freezing body. She wore her Gryffindor knitted sweater, with a large lion design on the front and a letter H at the back. A pink scarf was wrapped around her neck, like a python contorting its prey in a voracious way.

"I don't know why but, I think this is the worst school year ever," Hermione said catching her friends' attention. She placed the book she was reading on the table while she scratched her nose.

"Agreed." Ron hurriedly answered. "Actually, the term was not bad, it's just this toad thing that made everything blunt and disgusting."

"I wonder, do you think there's a student that will choose her for the OTA?" Harry asked his eyes gleaming with malice. He laughed at the scene his mind concocted, for he saw Umbridge receiving not even a single vote for the most-awaited OTA ceremony.

It was not a usual ceremony, for it was only done every 5 years. Students will select their choice from the faculty for the Outstanding Teacher Award. From the past few ceremonies, Mcgonagall has won thrice. And almost everyone thinks she will win Grand Slam this year.

Ron almost choked when he heard Harry's question. His foul look of expression was risible but Hermione tried not to laugh.

"Only a fool would fail to pick that awful woman. Whoa, but then maybe she'll get votes, too, Harry! What if she's going to torture students to percolate their votes?" Ron's verbosity was never new to the both of them, so they just nodded at his picaresque appearance.

"Who's your choice then, Mione? Who's it gonna be? It seems to me that they will take your choice into account for you are an excellent student. You have seen the darkest side and brightest side of the teachers." Harry altered the subject but this didn't please Hermione for it wasn't her plan to let them know which person she had chosen.

"Mind your business, Harry. I am still trying to work things out", she said in a sheepish manner.

"You're not choosing Mcgonagall, are you?", it was Ron's turn to ask his query.

Hermione felt her cheeks painted with oxblood tint so she looked away and tried to leave.

"Hey, since when did Hermione Granger leave a question unanswered? This is History, Harry. Hermione didn't answer a question. A typical subjective question. We must call the Daily Prophet... or maybe Rita Skeeter!" His never-ending exaggeration only made Harry chuckle.

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