Chapter 18. Uncontrollably Fond

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Hermione Granger's head was above water when a cluster of bizarre thoughts came rushing to her mind. She couldn't sleep at this time of night again. Perplexity dominated her mind as she looked back at the words the Wisenheimer and the nocturnal mammal told her. They were hard to understand and believe.

She wasn't the Chosen One, but here she was, feeling miserable, for it was as if she was a weak prey of a devious predator. Her situation was hopeless and undistinguished at this time. No one knows what may happen next except maybe for the two persons she had spoken to about her problems, but they were very closemouthed and strangely cryptic.

It had been two weeks since she had the nightmare. Dumbledore has spoken to her about her predicament. His answers were always mysterious. After she heard his reasons and explanations, she felt even more confused.

"Lord Voldemort's plans cannot be enforced with somnolent debilitations. I must tell you, Ms Granger, use not your wings to soar in the skies, for you will be chased to death. Learn not to fly in order to keep your wings flightless and unharmed. Forget the wind and the places you can visit, for if your wings get torn and destroyed by your malicious urgency to explore, you'll lose yourself all the time. I will tell you only this once, and I hope I won't have to repeat what I said. "

His words were beautiful and cunning yet deceiving and bemusing. The only thing she understood about what he had told her was the warning he was trying to impose. Something incredible is about to happen. He never dared to explain his meaning to her, nor did she ask him to explain it further. She was supposed to know; she has a broad mind. She would feel insulted if she asked him more, for even the Headmaster believes she can understand everything. She doesn't want to disappoint him.

The nights after her nightmare was peaceful and calm. But even if she was feeling okay now, the memory of the hell unwelcomely invaded her mind. She wanted to forget the fear she felt in it to focus on fighting against it and build a defensive wall in case he tried to revisit her dreams. But the more she tried to repel the frightful memory, the more she became frail.

Classes turned into a dull light bulb towards Hermione. She couldn't tell her friends about the incident, for Snape said to her that this little information she had must be kept classified. Knowing Harry Potter, once he finds out about it, he will surely try to save her from him, and this act may turn into a disparaging situation for all of them. Well, she really couldn't blame Harry for this behaviour because she knew that they were in the same boat when it came to this. They would save anyone in danger or in need. But of course, they would never risk anything so essential as this just for an act of recklessness.

She clutched the scented paper she was holding when she realized she had already crumpled it.

"Oh no," she mumbled. She touched the poor paper carefully as the article revealed a particular school logo that made her shudder.

Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had sent her a letter three days ago. They were inviting her to study outside Scotland and visit the USA. It was like a Student Exchange Program or something. But she already knew the answer; she wouldn't go. She would never leave Hogwarts. This castle, filled with both light and darkness, is her home. And the jeopardies from within are what made it so beautiful and unique.

She threw the paper away from her sight and tried to get some sleep even though her eyes were wide awake.

Outside the Gryffindor quarters, a man walked straight to the Headmaster's office. He had a relatively steady pace; his eyes moved with a glint of treachery. It was midnight, and catching a student, especially a Gryffindor, could improve his mood.

Once he entered the place where he was headed, an older man with a pair of calm twinkling eyes called him.


"You wished to see me, Headmaster?" Snape's tone was kinder, for he wouldn't insult any student. By the way, he was speaking to his boss in simple terms.

"Have you heard about the news? Ilvermorny sent Ms Granger an acceptance letter. They have seen great talent in her, which caught their interest. They seem to be very adamant about taking her, Severus. I see no reason why they shouldn't try to ask for her."

"You mean piracy. I understand why they are vowing to take her away. But it never came close to my mind that we need to discuss this kind of subject. This is a personal matter. Let the girl decide" Snape almost snorted when he said this, for he was summoned by Professor Dumbledore only to be told about the Granger girl again.

"I am not trying to remove her right to choose, but I just want her to select the correct choice. I know I needn't have to worry, for this is where her family live. But then, they shower her with flowery words of promise for betterment. It would be unwise if we wouldn't secure ourselves."

"How am I involved in this noteworthy plan of yours?" Snape knew that Dumbledore had something in mind. Perhaps, another mission for him to accomplish.

"You must be the one to do this, Severus. You are still the most exceptional person on my staff. You will fit perfectly for the job."

"No need for equivocal words, Headmaster. Tell me what I ought to do." Snape looked mildly disgusted at the thought of becoming a clown for hire for his former teacher.

" Offer Ms Granger an apprenticeship. This will not only lure her away from leaving Hogwarts because you can also find her knowledge and abilities useful." Dumbledore said matter of factly.

"And what if I refuse?"

"You don't have to tell me that. Sooner or later, you will be persuaded," and with that, he swished his cloak and disappeared, leaving Snape, who shook his head in disbelief.



By the way, I called Dumbledore a Wisenheimer and Snape a nocturnal mammal. Wisenheimer is a self-assertive person with the pretensions of cleverness. And you guys know that a bat is a nocturnal mammal. Sorry 'bout that. I couldn't think of something at the moment. Anyway, I am so happy to post again finally.

Woo-hoo!!!! My research defence was a success. I can write more this week. Just so happy.

Please, please like and comment. It really means so much. Thank you!

I hope you guys have a fantastic day.


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