Chapter 2. H-BP

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"For the rest of this hour, you will be brewing Douleur Soulaguer." Professor Snape gave his usual sneer of the day. His eyes pierced at the Gryffindor table, as silent frowns started forming on their faces as a sign of protest. Hermione was even shocked herself, she couldn't 't help but gulp and show her wide-eyed gaze.
Without a moment's hesitation, she raised her hand and waited for the teacher to finally recognize her presence. She tried once again to make her hand more noticeable, but with no luck. But then, of course, the professor would be a fool not to notice her hand, but he didn't give her even a flick of response.

Hermione, seeing her teacher becoming dense and playing ignorant, and conveying the traits of stubbornness and impatience, couldn't take the fraud unawareness of her teacher no more.

"Sir, we are supposed to discuss today's lesson and we aren't going to brew. If I am not mistaken, Sir, you gave us a schedule to follow concerning the Potions subject." She huffed almost screaming. Her frustration broke freely and she accidentally slipped. But as she remembered whom the teacher was standing in front of her, she almost clasped her hand in horror for she knew she would be in big trouble. What was she thinking? This is clearly a sign of negligence and improper reference. Oh, no! Stupid girl, she whispered to herself as she tried to compose herself once more.

Professor Snape showed a bitter smile. The class certainly scented danger that's why they all quieted down including Hermione. A faint scowl of controlled anger flew over the Potions Master's face, giving them an obvious hint to his students that his blood is boiling.

"I shall not hear any more complaints and objections from any of you." The quiescence grew even more with that, for Professor Snape looked as if he was an uncaged tiger in a zoo ready to strike.

"And as for you Ms Granger, your intractable tongue is quite impressive. Maybe we should train it to become respectful next time? A week's detention will do, isn't it? And apparently, ten points will be taken from Gryffindor for your cheek, Granger." His eyes were burning holes in Hermione's pale face.

"So what is it now, did you lose your capability of speaking in a matter of seconds? Well, stay behind after class so we may discuss the chastisement of speaking in class without permission." He smirked at the young Gryffindor, insulting her every being. Hermione's hands were clenched under the desk, she concealed the anger rising inside her. Tears were forming in her eyes, but she blinked them back. "I will never let you have the pleasure of seeing me cry". Ron and Harry who were seated beside her turned red in disgust. The two didn't want to speak for the last time they spoke to stand up to Professor Snape, they received detention during quidditch practice. They won't be doing the same mistake any time soon.
After that, the class carried on with mundane contempt from the professor.

Meanwhile, Hermione busied herself in perfecting the potion, which is actually a Pain Reliever draught. She kept closing her eyes to somehow prevent the impertinent tears from falling. She sniffed a bit and turned around.

She took her potions book out of her bag when her eyes shifted to the blackboard. Douleur Soulageur, she read. I've known this potion before, it was even called Analgesique. She had almost forgotten the scene she had just created in Professor Snape's class when her brown almost golden eyes grew wide as saucers.

The writing... His writing on the board...
It was horrifyingly familiar.

Her painful thoughts evaporated immediately as she stick her eyes to the board.

Aha! Only I don't fail. He is the one. He is H-BP. Got you. Hmph...

Looking satisfied, she continued to work on her potion. She had to hide a smile. Can you even imagine, that Professor Severus Snape, the most feared bat of the dungeons also known as the greasy git, is no more than a lovestruck poet?
She can't even help herself from believing.

She gave Harry a warm smile and Harry gladly returned the gesture. Ron walked simply past her just to whisper "Everything will be all right. I promise." Hermione found their comfort very helpful for she knew she had put a toe out of line.

The hour seemed to wipe off so quickly without even for Hermione to notice. After completing the task given to them, she placed the vial of Douleur Soulaguer at the teacher's front desk.

Professor Snape was seated at the corner of the room, eyeing the waspish young Gryffindor as she put the potion on the desk. Actually, he didn't have to check if the potion was properly brewed for he knew that this girl has a talent in potion-making. He was just too dogmatic and fastidious to admit. No one really impressed him before, for all in his life he had focused on pessimism. The darkest side of things was much more worth scouring rather than sweet sentimental things. But this girl has indeed an undeniable talent.

But then maybe not. Maybe she is just doing some extensive cheating. And I will find out. Professor Snape brushed off his thoughts about the haughty Granger and dismissed his class.

The class immediately left without another word for they are even surprised themselves that they weren't insulted by the Professor before the dismissal. The teacher didn't even bother examining their potions before the class had ended, but then they were pretty pleased that they were finally out of the dungeons, which they fondly called "gates of hell".

Harry and Ron showed her a sympathetic smile before leaving the classroom. They wanted to be there for her but it would only make things worse.

Hermione was left behind because she still needs to speak with her hateful Professor. And it was because of not refraining from speaking. Is it even a crime to speak?
"Yes, especially when a teacher is around and he didn't give you permission. It is proper etiquette to ask permission before expelling words in class." A voice opposed to her. And that was still her. Lecturing her own self. Hmph...

After a few minutes, Professor Snape's voice swallowed the walls of the dungeons which startled Hermione. She tried to hide her annoyance by biting her lip. She looked at him nervously for she felt like she had committed a crime and her death sentence will be revealed by the Potions Master in just a few seconds.
She tried to be brave and kept her fear deep within.

Professor Snape smirked for he knows the little Gryffindor had finally seen the error she did when she messed with him. And Hermione Granger never accepts defeat. For the very first time, the Gryffindor know-it-all had made a rather stupid transgression.

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