Chapter 9. Mendacity

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The morning was sultry, and it seems to become worse as time passed by. Fat, puffy, grey clouds dominated the skies, and you can see the faint scratch of lightning that paints the horizon. The puissant screams of thunder can be heard all around. The storm annunciated its presence to the weald where the Hogwarts grounds were situated.
A williwaw rose up seemingly out of nowhere but there were no drops of rain in sight.
A girl watching nearby was filled with nescience. Like the weather, her lucent side seemed to have vanished at that moment. The ambience was tearfully sentimental when it came to her but she shook her head and tried to walk inside the castle. A strong wind embraced the area which caused mild body discomfort to the girl. Before she could enter the castle, a decimated repertoire of water had expelled its contents to the ground.

Hermione Granger marched til she reached the Gryffindor Common Room. It was better to relax after surviving an arduous school week.
She was about to go to sleep when a familiar feminine voice called her.
"Hermione, can we talk?"
Hermione smiled when she recognized the owner of the voice. She turned to the source of that voice and saw an exhausted damsel with flaming red hair.

"And what should we discuss, Ginny?" It was her turn to ask a question.

"You guys have been avoiding me for weeks. Harry and Ron are burying themselves in the library, studying. They were so happy that your... your punishment was finally over. But still, they can't get over it. They almost forgot that there are more important things aside from Potions. And you, I was meaning to talk to you but you were so preoccupied with something else. What happened to you, guys?" Ginny looked worried and that calmed Hermione.

There's no denying that Ginny is Ron's younger sister. They are the most worrisome people you can ever meet.

"I was just too busy to catch up with my lessons. Being an OWL student means you have to work hard. The progress you are facing cannot be described as easy. Even Ron and Harry know that. I hope you understand. You will know this once you're in my situation, Ginny." She explained to the red-headed girl who seemed satisfied with her answer.

"I'm sorry. I guess I am just missing my best friends and my brother. I wish that you will outlive the hardships of being an OWL student." Ginny's face was compassionate that it melted Hermione's heart. She quickly enveloped her in a hug and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I better go to sleep, Ginny. Goodnight". She gave her a feeble smile and before Ginny could respond, she went to her quarters to sleep for the night.

In the middle of the classroom, under the chandelier, where eerie shadows were subordinating, the Potions Master was seated in his favourite chair. His fine, greasy hair covered his head, his black eyes glowed in the firelight, you can say that he has a patriarchal look. He held himself in an upright position, his canny pair of brilliant eyes glimmered in extreme fortitude.

His appearance suggested a radical amount of superiority, for his mind swirled with uncertainties and dislikes of other people. Concealing his personality from anyone's grasp, he earned a prescriptive perception of life.

The young Gryffindor and the Potions Master cannot get a good sleep that night for they don't know what's going to happen the next day.

Snape has been battling with himself if he would tell Professor Pomona Sprout, the Head of Hufflepuff House about the assault a student had done on him. But of course, he was full of self-preservation, so he wouldn't want to expose this incident to anyone for they will, of course, laugh at him.

Professor Severus Snape, an intelligent and anomalous man was outwitted by a muggle student. And a Hufflepuff. His whole reputation will be destroyed. It simply isn't done.

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