Chapter 11. Meddling and Backstabbing

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"Good morning, class. It's a wonderful day, isn't it?" The woman with a pink handbag greeted the fifth year as she entered the room. She gave a creepy smile as she sighed when her eyes connected with the cat portraits displayed in the classroom. The cats mewled and purred in excitement but the students yawned in disgust and ennui for the pink-coloured toad is going to start her boring classes again.
She did her usual roll call, but she paused when no one answered or raised a hand when she called a certain female name, she placed her hands on her hips.
"Foster, Aneurin? Foster, Aneurin Tremaine!" The woman was losing her patience when a soft knock interrupted her.

She opened the door and she saw a tall woman wearing dark emerald robes.

"Minerva. Do we have a pleasant trip, today? I see no reason why you are barging into my class. I am actually having a little problem and now you just added salt to the wound." Professor Umbridge said in a sweet voice, her usual one but a hint of danger was staunching the air.

"My apologies, Dolores. I meant no harm to your... ingenious discussion. But, may I have word with you?" Professor McGonagall was turning pink, but she was trying to play indifferent.

"Anything for you, Minerva." Her laugh was a bad tune to everyone's ears, for it was clearly a fake one.

"You must be wondering why a student from your class at this hour is missing. It is because she was expelled last week. Ms Aneurin Foster will no longer be joining any class." Minerva gave her a half-smile which made Umbridge smile even more.

"Excuse me, a student was expelled? Why wasn't I informed? It looks like everybody knows except... me" She turned to see the students exchanging alarmed glances with each other. "How come I didn't know? I don't want to hurt your feelings, Minerva but it seems that you are not doing your part well in this school. As Deputy Headmistress, you should disseminate salient information to every staff. Have you been doing unnecessary things, lately?" She caught Mcgonagall off guard. She was deeply insulted by her words when a voice cut their burning conversation.

"I think, Minerva is not to be blamed, Dolores. Your lack of attention is your biggest shortcoming. Have you been amusing yourself by attending nonessential meetings from the Ministry rather than accompanying your educationist duties, lately?" Snape leered at the short, plump woman. McGonagall almost sighed and was relieved that Snape to come to his rescue. Umbridge was a tactless woman who pretends to be calm and hospitable, so she thanked him at that very moment.

"Well, hello there, Snape. If I may ask, did we invite you to this conversation?" Umbridge said looking so awfully nice.

Snape's temper was rising when he heard that statement. Before anything happens, Minerva answered before Snape could reply to his rash response.

"He is still a staff, Dolores. He has access to join or speak to any academe issue. I am sorry if you missed that. As part of the Hogwarts faculty, now I share this information. Good day, to you." Minerva's smile was lacking awe but still, she offered Dolores a smile.

Dolores was obviously mortified when Snape and McGonagall left her. The class hid an earsplitting laugh for this messy woman had finally met her match. Of course, the Slytherins and Gryffindors celebrated while the Hufflepuffs mourned and the Ravenclaws sympathized with the Hufflepuffs.

No one knows the real reason why Ms Foster was expelled, but almost every student from Hufflepuff House and Ravenclaw House believes that she didn't do anything wrong.

The class was adjourned after the little scene. Umbridge even growled in annoyance. She dismissed the fifth year and she went to her chambers to drink a cup of tea. If anyone would see her pouring 6 tablespoons of sugar into a small teacup, they will surely burst out laughing. That's maybe the reason why she has an excessive amount of sweetness in her stomach.

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