Friendship Tensions

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Disclaimer: Teen Wolf does not belong to me in any way, shape or form Back on the nightshift again so decided to pump out another chapter because I am on a roll and avoiding my uni responsibilities like a pro hahaha thank you for the continued support and I hope you enjoy this next update :)

Kate's gaze, full of something close to awe paired with unease, cut through her like a sharp blade, unnerving her down to the very bone.

"Quit looking at me like that" she ground out, glaring at the Argent.

'You don't know what you are, do you?" Kate continued to prod, an arrogant smirk pulling at her lips.

"Jesus Christ reborn" she snapped, eliciting a gleeful laugh from the hunter.

"Do you know Derek?" Kate asked, "Is this another family secret? Or are you just as clueless?"

Everyone remained silent, giving Kate her answer.

"Maybe I should slice you up, take a peek inside" she grinned, "see what your insides could tell me".

"You don't scare me" Kayla scoffed, "so take your pathetic threats and shove them so far up your ass you choke on them".

"I should scare you" Kate smirked, swinging the gun around in her hand, "after all, I'm the one in control here. I decide whether you both live or die".

"Then put me out of misery so I don't have to listen to your incessant, arrogant yapping anymore".

"Y'know... I kind of like you" Kate shrugged, "you remind me of me".

She couldn't help but scoff. "I am nothing like you".

"You sure about that?" she asked, "you're always having to prove yourself, aren't you? Always getting dumped on by everyone else? Never scared to make the hard decisions, weighed down by guilt. I bet you've hurt a lot of people, and I'm even more sure you probably enjoyed it".

"I've not murdered innocent people".

"Yet" Kate grinned, "give it time. Maybe those pretty green eyes of yours mean that, not only are you not human, but you're not so innocent after all".

She didn't say anything, biting back her words. Determined not to play into Kate's game.

"I want to know who the Alpha is" Kate shrugged, "and you can either tell me and live, or end up caving and telling me and dying. So what's it going to be?"

Both her and Derek remained in stony silence, not willing to give Kate what she desired most of all. If they told her, she would have the upper hand and still, most likely, end up killing them. She wasn't exactly honourable in her promises.

"I see" Kate sighed, "well... I suppose the Hale family lineage ends here. Any last words?" she asked, raising the gun and pointing it at her.

"Yeah" she snapped, "go fuck yourself!".

"Surprisingly uncreative. I expected better".

"I'm not wasting my breath on you".

Kate turned to look at Derek, cocking a brow as she smirked. "Say bye bye to little cuz".

Derek was panicked, staring between them both in fear but it seemed the final blow was when she raised the gun again, only this time pointing it directly at her head, did Derek shout out.

"Stop it. I'll help" he exclaimed, "let her go and keep me and I'll help you. I'll be bait. I'll be whatever you want, just let her go".

Kate grinned, "see? Finally, we're getting somewhere. Teamwork, am I right?"

I'm No Werewolf (The Rewrite) // Stiles Stilinski x OCWhere stories live. Discover now