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Disclaimer: Teen wolf does not belong to me in any way, shape or form. I'm back yayyyy, so sorry for the delay but if you could all keep reviewing it would mean the world :) love you and hope you all like x

Apparently, this lacrosse game was a big deal.

She didn't really know why, team sports weren't really her thing, but for the entirety of Saturday that was all that was all over her facebook page, including multiple texts from people requesting her presence.

Honestly, it was the last thing on her mind right now, especially considering Derek was still in jail but she threw on the outfit Lydia picked out for her, the camel coloured checked pinafore dress with the white rounded long sleeve top and matched it with a pair of brown ankle boots, throwing on a black leather jacket to protect from the chilly night air and left her house.

Luckily her mom wasn't about as she was pulling extra hours at work so she didn't get the third degree when she left earlier than planned to head down to the station, hoping that maybe she would get a chance to speak with Derek before the game.

She pulled up and parked outside the small station, following a couple of deputies in through the front door and stepped up to the front desk where a female officer was typing on a computer, glancing up when Kayla tapped her fingers impatiently along the worktop.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm here to see Derek Hale" she said, ignoring the woman's surprised expression, "can I do that?"

"Oh, uh... I don't think so" the woman replied, "he's being questioned"

"Well, can I post his bail. Do you take amex?"

The woman was clearly baffled, the crease deepening between her brows as she watched Kayla pull the silver card from her purse and try to hand it to her.

"He doesn't have a bail set. Like I said, he's just being questioned" she reiterated, pushing the card away with her finger, "are you family?"

"Yeah" she sighed in annoyance, carelessly shoving the card back in her purse, "I'm his cousin"


Kayla had heard that enough times since returning to Beacon Hills. The surprise and shock of learning of yet another Hale, one that hadn't been brutally encased in fire, was enough to make people not only untrusting but a little unsure too.

Humans, despite not knowing about the supernatural world, were inclined to feel a little wary around a Hale. No human could pinpoint why, but that feeling never really did go away. Not properly.

"The sheriff might want to talk to you" the woman said, "stay here. I'll be right back"

Kayla rolled her eyes to herself, leaning back against the front desk as she watched some deputies come and go.

She wanted to try and be better, to make a difference and help others and she thought she was doing that. She thought that by actually starting to make an effort here and help out with the supernatural stuff she could make up for some of the shit she had done. She began to make friends only for two of those people to turn around and get her cousin arrested for murder.

To say she was pissed would be a severe understatement.

"Miss Hale?"

She turned at the weathered voice, seeing a man standing there in the sheriffs uniform, his face pinched with lines and creases no doubt from years of working in law enforcement, hair peppered with strands of grey. Despite this he seemed kind, his eyes soft but inquisitive.

"Yeah, uh, sheriff..."

"Sheriff Stilinski" he confirmed, reaching out a hand for her to shake which she did so a little hesitantly, latching onto his last name, "can we have a word?"

I'm No Werewolf (The Rewrite) // Stiles Stilinski x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora