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CHAPTER 32 : Meeting the family

Safia had returned to India too , but sadly the house , she once inhabited was empty . Her parents had moved to a bunglow in patna , for better treatment , under the guidance of doctor Joshi , who was the personal doctor of the Siddiquie family .

She was in the car with Fawad nervously sitting . The car was reaching the Siddique manor , where the Siddique family resided.

"Don't worry much.  My family isn't like that k-drama or Indian drama family . They mind their own buisness" Fawad told Safia. 

"Oh okay-" She murmured.

"I would have taken you to some other place , but my family couldn't even attend the wedding , or meet you after that due to the storms , so I thought it's better for me to introduce you to them" Fawad told her.

"You just gotta follow some rules , which I think Seth taught you" Fawad added and she gave a nod .

It wasn't some rules .

Only after meeting them did she realised that there was a whole damn set of etiquettes to meet , greet , and eat .

"Wait-Seth said something about BMW? We were supposed to go with a BMW car ?" Safia asked completely forgetting about what it even was.

"Not honestly . BMW here stands for 'bread, meal, and water,' so remember that 'your bread-and-butter plate is on the left, the meal is in the middle, and your water glass is on the right" Fawad told her and she hesitatantly nodded while murmuring about it . She kept pointing her fingers from left to right slightly trying to remember it .

Fawad noticed that and placed his hands on her palm .

"If you forget , just know I will be beside you . Follow my lead. It won't be difficult" Fawad told her.

"Do children follow these rules too?" Safia asked and Fawad hummed.

"Geez I feel I am useless now" Safia held his arm and clung onto it worriedly. Fawad slightly smiled seeing it .

"You aren't . It's just something new for you . You will adjust just fine" he conforted .

The driver just smiled seeing it from the mirror .

"Sir we are here" The man told them .

Safia let a breathe out . Fawad got out of the car and opened the door for her .

She got out of the car and saw a girl peeping out .

"Maira , come here , meet your bhabhi" Fawad told her. The girl came , she was wearing a pastel green lenghah , but it was made with mulberry , and didn't had heavy embroidery, making it seem almost perfect for this occasion.

"She's my cousin , Maira , and Maira , this is my dear wife Safia" He introduced.

Maira smiled and greeted Safia , and Safia returns her greeting , but they soon fell silent.

"Let's go inside . Shall we? This rain will start again"Fawad said noticing the grey sky .

"Okay bhaijaan , come bhabhi" Maira passed a hand to Safia , and Safia gave her own hand in Maira's hand , letting her carry Safia inside.

When she reached inside , Safia could feel herself getting self-conscious seeing everyone dressed up so elegantly wearing light floral jewelleries , and men dressed in designer suits.

"Everyone , please welcome Bhabhi"Maira introduced Safia and everyone who was talking with each other stopped and stared at her . All the strict faces who seemed serious smiled and the cold dreamour broke down , making Safia smile at them too.

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