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CHAPTER 28 = 4+4= ATE

One week passed . Everything was going great . Safia haven't returned to India yet , and didn't have any proper contact with Ismail . She was still unaware about Radhika's death .

She was getting ready for Zeheb's party , wearing all sorts of jewelleries which Fawad's maids brought for her . She stared at herself , and for a moment she couldn't recognise her own self . She was wearing a purple saree , and her hairs were tied in a proper bun with flicks out .

"You are looking very beautiful Mrs Siddiqui" A lady complimented her , making her smile.

"Out" Fawad ordered and all the ladies walked outside . Safia smiled seeing Fawad. They were sleeping in separate rooms , so she rarely saw Fawad . He got up early for the meeting and came late at night .

He stared at her.

"You look gorgeous " He complimented.

"Thank you" Safia felt shy at the compliment.

"I hope I don't look like a joker like this though" She said , referring towards her unnatural eyelashes .

"You look beautiful, but just not like yourself. You sure you want to go out like this?" He asked her to confirm if it's actually something she wants to wear and isn't just wearing it for the sake of mixing up people.

"If I don't , I would look wierd"She said .

"You won't . Fashion is all about being yourself and carrying your own energy " Fawad comforted her .

Safia looked at him.

"Have my luggage arrived ? I can wear one of my fancy dress in that case" Safia told him .

"They haven't, but I have picked a few on my way for you . Come here" Fawad grabbed her hand and led him to a big room . Safia didn't had the time to protest and her mouth hung open at that .

There were 3 ladies . One of them was holding a red suit with black print , and she adjusted two more hangers in her hands . The other had a black suit with golden print and the other hanger hand yellow suit with dull spotted design. The other one was holding a blue , red and black stripped suit and the third and final maid was holding a beautiful onion pink suit.

"We didn't know your preference so we prepared different designs for you" the first lady said .

"These dresses and the words of the maid sound familiar—" she mumbled .

"I watched your favourite k-drama, W . There was this one scene where the hero asked his maid to show heroines these dresses . I mean , they were frocks , and I know you don't wear those , so I personally asked them to stich ones for you with the same design. I hope you like them" Fawad told her and her eyes widened realising that , it's not only the dress , the maid's dialogues , but also the darn room . He renovated everything to make it similar to Safia's taste.

"Mr Siddiqui-" she started but couldn't say anything. She was so excited to try out the dress.

"Although it's not a party in the white House , where the party took place in the drama , but it's still a castle , so I hope you enjoy your time there" Fawad smiled.

"NO WAY YOU ARE DOING THIS FOR ME!!" She shouted on the top of her lungs .

"Ofcourse I am doing this for you , is there anything you would like me to do ? Feel free to tell me . I got this one for you too" Fawad went towards the showcase , and opened the drawer pulling out a book "Love in small things" which had a lot of romantic gestures which couples do together .

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