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CHAPTER 9 : Let's make a deal

"I'm sorry to ask, but why?" Safia's confusion seeped into her words as she questioned Fawad's unexpected request. She couldn't fathom why he would want to meet her, no matter how hard she tried to process it.

"If you're worried I saw the face of your attacker, don't be. I didn't," Safia clarified, her voice firm with the only thought that had occupied her mind until now.

"I don't think anything like that. And about the attacker? He's dead," Fawad replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

"Then why did you want to meet me?" Safia's inquiry dripped with even more confusion.

"Because I want to take you to a party," Fawad announced casually.

"A party?" Safia's shock was palpable.

"Yes, and it's tonight," Fawad informed her, seeing it as an opportunity to learn more about her.

"But..." Safia struggled to find the right words to express her reluctance.

"Do you not have clothes or makeup? Don't worry about that. My maids will take care of it. See you tonight," Fawad dismissed her concerns and began to leave the room.

"It's not that—" Safia's words halted Fawad in his tracks.

"Then what?" he inquired, turning back to face her.

"I don't want to attend any parties or anything. Just let me go home," Safia pleaded.

"That can't happen. I want you to attend the party with me, and you will," Fawad asserted, his tone leaving no room for argument. "What you do have a choice in is what kind of clothes you want to wear and if you want to invite your parents over."

"I saved your life, but here you are—ordering me around," Safia complained, though she knew she was treading on thin ice.

"Saving a criminal doesn't make you a hero. You saved me without considering how many others I could harm. Is that kindness?" Fawad's words cut through the air, leaving Safia momentarily speechless.

"Wow! You're making me feel bad for saving your life! Bravo, Mr. Siddiqui," Safia retorted sarcastically.

Fawad stared at her, unmoved. "At least don't punish me too!" Safia pleaded.

"How is inviting you to a party punishment?" Fawad's frustration began to show. He couldn't understand her resistance, especially since attending the party would be an opportunity for her to mingle with elites and celebrities.

"It's not just an invitation; it's coercion. And sending your deadliest criminal to fetch me? Everyone knows the number of his crimes exceeds the digits of his phone number. Do you know how scared I was when I first saw him?" Safia's fear was palpable.

"I don't care what you say. You're coming, and that's final. If you don't, then you'll see what I can do," Fawad warned coldly, his patience wearing thin.

But beneath his cold exterior, Fawad was unsettled by Safia's defiance. In his world, people obeyed and feared him without question. Her resistance was unfamiliar territory for him.

"Okay, but let this be the last thing I do for you," Safia relented, not wanting to escalate the situation further.

"Last? Listen, darling," Fawad began to approach her, causing Safia to instinctively back away until her back was against the bookshelf. She stared at him, her confusion evident.

"What?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart.

Fawad locked eyes with her, his gaze unwavering. "You'll do as I say, for as long as I say," he declared.

"And how do I pull you out of that delusion?" Safia asked, her voice trembling.

"We'll see what's delusion and what's reality. But for now, follow me. I thought to leave this to my maids, but you'll be difficult for them to handle," Fawad remarked, stepping back as he noticed Safia's discomfort.

Safia gently pushed his shoulder, creating space between them. "There's no need for that. It's just a party. I'll attend and then leave. I don't need payment for that," she insisted.

"Now I understand why you're in this financial condition. Intelligent women seize every opportunity they get. But there you are, refusing a generous offer," Fawad remarked, shaking his head.

"I don't mind looking stupid," Safia mumbled.

"I'll pay you a hundred dollars for every minute you spend with me. It's not much. So, quickly accept it," Fawad urged.

"EIGHT THOUSAND PER MINUTE IS NOT MUCH? You really have a lot of money to waste," Safia exclaimed dramatically, placing a hand over her chest.

"Yes, I do. But as far as I can see, it's an investment," he mumbled, his words barely audible to her.

"Now accept it, or I'll deposit this money into your father's bank account and inform him that his daughter earned it by selling drugs to me," Fawad threatened.

"I don't want that tainted money, acquired by shedding innocent blood, anywhere near my home," she retorted .

"Innocent? Nobody is truly innocent in this world. And besides, it's my own money. All of it eventually goes to my father. The portion I have is what I earn as a CEO," Fawad countered, his tone unyielding.

There was a knock on his door.

"Come in" He ordered.

Niya entered the room with a tray in her hands. The tray had one cup of coffee along with one cup of horlicks with chocolate cookies on the side.

"It's snacks time sir" She said and put the tray on the table.

Fawad sat on the chair and then glanced at Safia who was still standing there quitely.

"Come here , and have some . These are your favorites afterall . Till the time you are eating , I won't ask any further question or pursue you further . You can make your own choice , but keep in account your father's health and your parents dream of " Fawad got to know about this , through her Google history . She kept on checking price of tickets of different cities in India , for 2 people. It was evident that she was looking for it for her parents .

Safia was not even shocked at this point. She knew that it won't be very difficult for him to have her basic information with the influence he have.

She silently sat on the chair.

"Here have this , it's for the time you spent here till now . He opened the drawer and pulled a bundle of notes from it .

"It's around two lakh forty thousands. It will cover the medical bills and debt" He put it on the table and Safia just took a sip of the cup of horlicks deciding what she should do.

After a moment of tense silence, Safia hesitated, her resolve wavering. She glanced around the room, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Finally, she let out a resigned sigh, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

"Fine," she conceded, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm doing this for my family, not for you."

Fawad nodded, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Good choice," he remarked, handing her the money with a subtle flick of his wrist.

Reluctantly, Safia accepted the cash, her fingers trembling slightly as she counted it. With a heavy heart, she realized that sometimes, in a world governed by power and money, compromises had to be made for the sake of survival.

As they continued to drink their beverages , but with contrasting feelings in their heart . Where Safia was sad because of putting her values aside , Fawad was satisfied for another victory of his.

To be continued.....


Thereee we goo !! Thank you so much for 2.5k reads !! Love y'all and ty for all the sweet comments y'all have been dropping ♥️

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