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CHAPTER 31 : Twisted Decisions

Rudhra :
Give me the file , but not here
In private .
That scumbag got great hackers , she might tamper the information

Sabrie stared at the text for a good five minutes. She didn't know what to do. She was always afraid to meet the people she worked with , because of how she was in real life . In the virtual world she was the coolest hacker , but in reality , she was just one silly chubby girl , who was always lonely .

She didn't know what kind of image Rudhra had for her . If it's the perfect hot hackers like shown in the movies or some geek cute nerd . Now a matter of fact was , she didn't care what exact image Rudhra formed or thinks when he first sees her . It was Seth she was worried about . She didn't want Seth to take her un-seriously .

She bit her lower lip thinking about this while swinging on her chair. 

Okay let's meet.

She typed with hesitation . Because Rudhra's words weren't wrong.

Mrs Z was known for her mischief. She ended up playing 'Abhi toh party shuru hui hai' in Khalid's right hand man's funeral , after killing him . Each and every person who was present there , got their phones hacked .

She was a menace.

Give me location
I will pick you up

Let's meet at Lajpat at 6 tomorrow
Give me some treat too , to get you this info

Of course but only if the info is correct
But till then , just tell me one thing.
Is Doc and Z the same ?


Rudhra put his phone down taking a deep breath. It was the very first time , in the past years when he felt confused about what decision he should take .

Till then he decided to kidnap Zeheb and torture her for the acts she is pulling. Because a part of him knew that even if Augustus gets to know about her deeds he will just protect her and he didn't wanted that . And neither did he wanted Augustus to feel hesitant to love again , so he felt it was better if he kills Zeheb and just made her a good memory for Augustus as his nice sweet ex-wife who died under mysterious circumstances.

He knew that she and Augustus are going to be here in India too , at 4 am tomorrow


The next day arrived soon , and Zeheb was resting in her room tired from the long trip. Augustus was outside , to meet one of his old friends .

"Ma'am , sir sent this juice for you" a voice told her . It was a slow voice and could almost feel as if someone was faking the tone . Zeheb was sleepy , and failed to notice it.

"Tell Gus , I don't want to drink it" She mumbled . The man in the mask and cap just stood there.

"It's mango juice ma'am" the boy added and Zeheb forced her eyes open . She couldn't refuse a mango juice .

With closed eyes , she drank the juice . She put the glass on tray , but frowned when she saw the man still not going .

"Go away now" she said trying to not sound rude . She put her head on the pillow . Her eyes fell on the wall. The shadow of the man still didn't moved .

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