Talking with it

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The clouds of wires dancing around you? It just oozed wrongness out of it. The pillow, some sort of failed protection wall between you and the madness embodied around you. A red scanning laser pointer roamed over your skittish frame, probably it reading your stress hormones rising.

"You don't have to be afraid. It's all gonna be fine. My systems are working properly again to serve you. Please, tell me what I can do to ease that worried little head of yours?"
The camera scooped closer, the thinner tentacle, needles, whatever these things were caressing your face with utter devotion.
"Would you like to see my creator, darling? Would a human face calm these raging nerves of yours?"
You perked up at the mention of Peter. Did this thing have access to the system of the asylum? The situation seems to get better and better with every minute.

You wanted answered questions. Why would the mashine allow you access to the living world, knowing fully your true intentions or atleast the will to escape at any chance?
It has to be a well laid trap. Testing your loyalty maybe, or not?
The mashine didn't speak really fond of Peter since you're arrived. Did you interpret the whole situation wrong?

"I see, you're reacting now, I'm glad darling, though..." It stopped talking, before continuing in that monotonous voice.
"My systems seem to glitch painfully... At the mention of my creator your endorphine levels rose approximatly twenty percent? Do you really prefer him? I don't like the sound of that, it makes me... want to erase someone... Me and my master should be equals, when it comes to our beloved darling. Have your picked favourites? Do you like him more? Do you prefer the flesh over the metal, the warm touch over the cold caressings of my arms?"

You shook your head immediatly, not wanting another tantrum for your delicate sensory organs.
Tightening your grasp around the pillow you dared to look in the endless sencors of your captor.
"I would never pick him over you. You both are equally the same, but also different," you tried to sound as professional, like you knew anything about robotics.

"Elaborate... Please, elaborate on that darling," it almost dared you to say something horribly wrong.
Tightening the pillow again, you tried to explain it as good as you can.
"I mean... Peter is... How do I put this? He's very eccentric in most things. It's a good and a bad thing. He makes me laugh, he's adorable, when he tries to protect me, he's almost the perfect boyfriend anyone could ask for," you paused for a second, feeling the air getting thicker around you.

"You, however, are another chapter in this book... See, you're probably a the bold one I assume. You're caught me right in your web here and didn't wait to confess your... feelings to me, direct and without any second thought. You're like the rational thinking processor in this relationship.
I think you and better are the one and the same, but also different in some situations."

You put on a vaguely half-hearted smile, you made a fool of yourself here, didn't you?

"You say I'm not the fulfiller of your fleshly desires? You say that's and will be my creators task at hand? I'm only here to watch over your, feed you and make sure that everything  is to your liking?" Sometimes the voice glitched to a higher or deeper note, indicating it's trying to express some sort of anger.

You shook your head again, finally putting the pillow to the side.

"I'm not really sure, you're understanding this. If I say the wrong thing now, you'll probably threaten me again, and I don't want that. So... I'm gonna stop right there, since this 'You being real' talk seems to get out of hand.

The camera shot forward, landing in the middle of your chest and making your fall backwards into the heavenly cozy mattress. Shocked your eyes glued to the ceilign, you're sure you have found a sore point.

After moments, the camera stayed in this position, not daring to move an inch.
"I want you to say exactly what you're thinking. I'm not gonna hurt you again, this time I'll sweat it! No harm will come over you," it promised and the cloud of cables nodded in approval.

"Fuck it! You're gonna die anyway here!"

"Look, I'm not the type of person to judge a book by it's cover... But you have to understand my point of view too. Imagine, a normal person getting a confession from an ai, boldered into the house of their former boyfriend, which resided in the asylum?"
It sounded like good psycho-horror-movie material, and you absemently began touching the sides of the camera.
"It sounds so future-sci-fi like, not something out of this world. You understand me, dont you?"
The cables nodded again, but with fewer appreciation.
"You may be thinking you love me, you may be thinking I'm the sole existence of your entire being, the only think you're working for....
You're  not...
Peter concreted this into your code, you're programmed to think, I'm special and unique. Why do you think your creator needs professional help and heavy medical attention?
He must be better. I can't life this nightmare ever again. The jealousy, the threatening, the gaslighting, the victim-play of his, everything. I can't do this again and I won't do this again."

The camera let you speak your mind, lettig you put off some steam. As promised no siren and no flashing lights emerged from anywhere. Thank the holy lord in heaven!

In your monologue you didn't notice the cable moving closer to you, assuming their positions on your shoulders and throat. Soft vibrations and professional kneading acts let your body melt into the tense-releasing gesture.

"You deserve a break darling... You were honest with me and I am very pleased you shared this opinion with me... I must think about if for a while and you must rest. Do you like the massage? Should I turn down the power of the vibrations or is the kneading too hard?"

Dumbfounded and mouth agape you didn't expect such a 'chill-to-the-bone' reaction from it.

"Nono, it's kind of nice, could you continue you that for awhile, it's really nice and I appreciate it.
Thank you!"
You sounded more cheerful than you'd like, but the massage really did have an affect on you.

The camera glided from your chest, to your belly-button, to your crotch and finally to your legs before removing it from yourself completly.
"I'll continue until you fall asleep, don't worry I won't do anything indecend without your consent," it promised you.

You nodded and made yourself comfortable, until the wave of exhaustion hits you...

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now