Notice me

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The next weeks Peters efforts to make it up to you after the restaurant incident were more than you'd expected. Each morning a boquet of freshy picked roses surrounded by an elegant ribbon of  satin and little gold dust dots all over the petals were put on your doorstep. The only difference was a tiny scroll, which was bound to the ribbon of the satin wit a meaningful message in it. 'For my beautiful Sunshine', 'I always think about you and 'You're the rising star in my sky' were just one of many compliments you get.  It maybe was his intention to make it up to you – Even if it was a little too mich for your your taste.
In your thought you suddenly heard the doorbell and made your way towards it. Peeking through the little hole you spottet the familiar bald head looking directly into your eyes. His smile always wide as ever smirked at the wall between you, if already knowing that you're watching him.
"Hi Peter, what brings you to my humble home?," you joked while opening the barricade. The said person chuckled and blushed a little. "I was in your area and thought I'd by you a visit...A‐A-Am I interrupting you?," he asked with a worried expression. You put your hands on your hips and headed in your apartment, gesturing him with your head to follow you. He took it as a yes and entered with hands fiddling and sweat pearls emerging from his forehead.
"Coffee?," you asked and he nodded. The room was silent except the sound of the coffee mashine filling the room. You liked the scent of fresh coffein and inhaled a lareh amount of it.
Peter watched as you smelled the fresh made coffee. The rising of your chest and the exhale made his fave even more redder than before. Why couldn't you see how much he has to hold back? If you would just give yourself willingly to him. But he had to make sure you trust him again. Even the thought of your beautiful frame under his body made him tremble with delight. The things you could do to him.
"Are you okay Peter?" Your voice rushed him back to reality and he put on his poker face. "Yes I was just thinking how dashing you look." Rasing an eyebrow you put your attention back to the mashine. "Thanks Peter but you don't have to woo me you know?"His gaze met yours and he could get öost in your soul mirrors. "All I give to you is a sign of loyalty and that I value our companionship," he said with an overrated royal voice and winked at you.
Chuckling you almost tripped the coffee before putting on the small table in front of the couch. "That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard," you said almost choking at your own laugh. "I'm sorry for my lack social skills," he suddenly stated with a sad undertone in his voice. An akward amount of seconds later you leaned down and looked in the eyes. "Peter?" The taller man stared at the floor, obviously avoiding your gaze. Putting a hand on his right leg he flinshed under your gentle touch, not used to the comfort of another. "D-D-Darling p-p-lease..." The words got stuck in his throat and he swalloed an invisible gulp. You can't get used to this guy. One moment a total aggressor the other an overprotective geek and the last a vulnerable child. He was definitly not used to someone touching him. "Peter...Are you alright?," you tried to get his attention again. That's when he finally lifted his head but still looking at the floor. "Have I said something wrong?"  Shaking his head another time he still refused to interact.
"I want to be better for you , but –..." He paused for a moment. "I-I think I'm stuck in an endless cicle like I can't get closer to you...I google and searched for ways to 'How to woo a woman?', "Things you gotta do to make a woman fall for you!', 'What the female wants'. You almost giggled if the situation wasn't so bad. "And still you don't seem to like a friend."
*So that's what he's worried about*
You brushed his cheeks with a butterfly kisses on each one and he stared bluntly at you.

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now