Did you thought wrong?

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The man cooed non-audible, leaning closer to your comfort zone. Before he could touch your face, you catched his wrists in a row. You gulped, taking a few steps away from him.

"You- You're joking, right?" You half-laughed, whiping away a fake tear in your eye.
His expression remained neutral, clearly trying to hide the sadness about you tsking him not seriously.
"I would NEVER-" As best as he could he straightened his whole upper body, giving you the most predatory sharp gaze he could come up with. "-joke about OUR relationship."
Jerking around in his open cage, Peter tried to get you. You thanked the doctors, (even though it was gruesome) for their thorough work. You decided - before the bed would finally break - to interfere.

"Hey!" You waved your hands vividly.
The bald man ignored you, continuing to escape his bindings.
Between "I love you!", "You must free me!", "We are soulmates!" and other non-understandable phrases  you moved towards him. Careful - even though you knew your stealth skill was questionable.

"Peter..." You tried to soothe the babbling mess.
"— are made, no - destined to be fused together forever–" Your bearing fell on deaf ears.
Peter...?" Now, now it's really getting weird.
"—The solar system, the universe and everything far and beyond that dissappear in your beauty, grace and kindness–"
"Peter....!" Your patience, running thinner and thinner, like when you try to put a string from a ball of whool through a tincy tiny needle.
Again, he rambles and rambles like a maniac confessing all of his sins at his death bed.
You sprinted forward, fists high up in the air, ready for combat.
Peter, too focused on his prayer and mantra for you, widened his eyes as you suddenly put both of his hands behind him.
You gently, but with firm, put pressure on him, so that he laid gently onto the uncomfortable bed before you.
Peter remained silent, not daring to anger you, you could see a glint of excitement  glissening in the form of a tomato-red blush on his cheeks.
Silence. Both of you, remaining in this state.
He looked at you, longingly.
You didn 't know, but you barely let out a whisper. Leaning down to his right ear, some of your hair strands brushing the grey skin underneath you.
"Behave yourself." You commanded with an unknown confidence.
Peter writhered ubderneath you, trying to lock eyes with you again.
"I said-" You started, moving your hands to his chin.
"BEHAVE!" You said again with much more fierce.
Peter hold still. Taking in your command, surprisingly. His eyes now directing to yours.
"Y- Y- Yes?" Like a thief caught in the act, still feigning innocence.
You scoffed.
"Don't play dumb now Peter!" You said, still with an embarrassed flush of redness on your cheeks.
"But you like it", the man countered mischievously.
"What? No... NO!"
He laughed again.
"Don't be flustered darling, you're like an open book to me.
You like being dominant." He tried to explain your kinks as if it wa the most+ normal small-talk.
"Don't you dare play the dirty card Peter," you warned the bald man again.
"Why? Already wet and ready for me–"
He leaned against your ear, nipping on it with ztter care.
"– aren't you?"
You blushed again. The nerve of this man.
"-way..." you mumbled to yourself.
"What was that my beautiful morningstar?" Peter cooed giving you another nip.
"- Get away," you repeated a bit louder.
"Still can't hear you, you must speak up and tell YOUR BOYFRIEND what you want."
This broke your already limited patience.
The emphasis. The fu*cking nerve to highlight that damn word. You could feel your inner fire rising up to that motherf*cking gaslighter before you.                                                                               "Care to say that again, Peter?" You're really on your last wits. Maybe even on your last reserves. Peter? Peter just shrugs it off, smiling that you-know-what-i-mean smile again.

"I'm your boyfriend, nothing changes that darling. And I will say that over and over again, until you also know it. I'll make sure that it is imprinted in that pretty little pudding up there." He points at your brain. 

"So, you're saying I'm stupid now too?" You raised an eyebrow, which would be ticking if it could.

Peter remaint silent, but giving you a thumbs up moments later. 

"Which other being could satisfy those needs of yours darling, tell me." The man leaned forward as best as he could. "Tell me which of those wandering flesh bags can do that, mmh?"

"Peter, you're talking about people whom you don't even know correctly." You tried to reason with the obviously unreasonable.

"They touched and tainted you! I don't need to know more or should I?" He snarled back at your, expecting to an answer. 

"Peter, I though..." Your words, stuck in your throat you couldn't continue. You really though you could help him, but in this state...

"You thought I would be at your mercy, bouncing around like a well-trained little puppy and do what you want. Don't get me wrong darling, I would do everything for you. But I'll not be able to handle people taking you away from me. That, I cannot do. I know my boundaries and I know what I want in this relationship. Don't try to make into something I'm not.  I'm devoted to you, but to everyone else, I could care less what I am." He finished his dialoge with a disgusting growling/purring sound you couldn't describe."

You didn't even notice how he grabbed your hands tighter during his emotional breakdown. But you knew. You knew you had your answer - for now.

"Then I have what I wanted!" You gritted your teeth, dusting his hands away, like he was the most digusting bug you didn't wanna have near you. 

"Darling?" Peter cooed with a predatory undertone.

"You said it yourself, I can't change you. It was never my goal to change you Peter. My goal was to give US another chance, a new beginning if you say so. But if you're gonna threaten me to only give my attention to you, only you, then I'm afraid we have to go our separate ways. I am still gonna call you, but that's about it. I don't even know, if am gonna visit again. Maybe it was a mistake the first time. I need time to think this though."

You grabbed your things, not bothering to look back, blending out the cries of desperation from Peter. Between "Please stay!" and "Don't go yet!" the shattering sound of metal kissing metal made you jump up. 

You gazed over your shoulder. Peter had been rocking forth and back so hard, that the portable bed gave in and now  he laid on the floor, like a shattered porcelain doll. You knew he expected you to come up to him, soothe him, praise him but you had it for today. 

The doctors and nurses rushed in, restraining the poor man again and every free movement he had for a glimpse, vanished in an instant.

"Pl..... Ple...... Plea- sh?!" Those werde the last words before a huge restraint was put over his mouth and he was trailed away. But his eyes never turned away from you. 

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя