Blue VS Green Part 2

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"You think only your tool can bring her pleasures?" TK laughed and pointed at him.
"You no nothing about her, she needs someone who takes care of her in more than a sexual way," they critized Peter.
"And you of all people now that better than anybody, clinging to her like a puppy," Peter mocked the shorter example of a man.
"Of course the abomination knows more about humanity, than me."
The fight continued and you managed to untie yourself, thankfully TK wasn't very good with knots and they loosened very quickly.
You couldn't handle this. You couldn't handle the argument between them. You always tried not to cry in front of others. It was so damn hard right now, but your education about being always holding back your feelings didn't help either.
You wanted to stop then, you hated nothing more than people fighting, especially if you were the trigger.
"Listen here yo-," Peter abruptly stopped his sentence as he looked over you. TK followed his move and the two of them stayed still. You sat on your knees, sobbing silently, giving the impression that you were holding back.
"Darling?" Peter's voice turned down the volume and he tried to touch you.
You backed away to the wall.
"L- L- Leave me alone... ," you whimpered and pressed yourself against the sheets, as if your life depended on it.
The both said at the same time, but you gave then a death glare, through your watery eyes. "I don't want to see ANYONE OF YOU RIGHT NOW," you screamed, both of them twitching at your sudden outburst.
"Please... Please leave me... I can't talk right now... I'm sorry I yelled... I'm sorry... Just give me some time," you whined, you were a wandering emotional mess right now. They just nodded, leaving you with a worried expression.
When you're certain the both left, you quickly dragged yourself out into the darkness. Sometimes the coward's move is the winners trophy. You could hear their arguing, even from outside, Peter obviously being the more dramatic one, while TK remained defensive, trying to ease the tension for your regard.
You were a geographical wild boar and the darkness didn't help either. Lucy was no option, you just thre her out and god knows where she f*cked her way up right now.
Don... Don could be your last option, considering he was the first who urged to broke up with him. Unless...
Unless he and TK were in the same boat. But how would they know about your weird relationship with your landlord?
No, that would be impossible, would it?
Stumbling through the streets, only illuminated by the sallow light of the street lamps mixed with the uneasing atmosphere didn't do you any better.
Suddenly you heard two familiar voices.
*What the hell, you were only gone for ten minutes.*
"Y/N? Where are you?" The worried voice of TK resounded around your area.
"Darling? Darling, please come out, I'm sorry I scared you." Joining their voice was Peter's rather animalistic one.
"Y/N? You still out there?"
The fight over you was forgotten completly. If it wasn't for your peciluar situation now, you would feel pleasantly reassured.
"Good job scaring her away you bacon-licked bald freak," TK assaulted their sworm enemy.
"Me? What about you? You wanted her all for yourself, making her scream your name, knowing you could never pleasure her like I can," Peter countered with the most sinister grin he could come up with.
TK held their composure, knowing completly this man wants to piss them off. "I- I don't know what you're talking about. Me and her are just- fr- ...?!" The answer met with a punch to their face. TK dodged the it quickly, falling behind in the process. "WTF is your problem you grey bastard," TK hissed at the opposite man, who's eyes now completely lost in agony and insanity. "I'm not the issue here... You think I'm a complete fool... You say you're just friends with her, just moments before you were ready to ravish in ecstasy with her... You're a terrible liar... Pathetic as well, I don't know why a mystical creature such as Y/N would hang out with a low-life troll like you..."

A heavy paused silence surrounded them and Y/N had no way of escaping them, without being noticed. Small laughter escpaed TK's lips as they burried his hands  before is mouth. This seemed to piss Peter off even more, as he was ready to end his opponents life right there. "What's so funny, finally lost yourself to stupidity?" TK shook theirhead, still surpressing the urge to laugh at this guy. "Better be the troll, than the ugly villain or should I say beast of the story," they snarled at him, pointing out their physical flaws. 

"Come on... I'm usually not one to judge but..." TK raised an eyebrow. "Look at yourself," they said, going back to their feet, dusting away the dirt from their clothes. "I can't possibly be the first one to tell you the ugly truth, can I?" Peter hold his breath, the voices in ihs head coming back immediatly, telling him lies about not deserving you, just taking you away with him, mocking him, urging him to kill, too many feelings at once. 

"What do you mean, you strolling poison ivy?" 

Sighing the green haird man crossed their arms, looking directly at your hiding spot. "First you come into her life, as weird as possible. Second you break down in the middle of a crowed, embarrassing her in the process, because if she didn't help you, you would've kidnapped her, am I right? Peter growled, but didn't waste his breath to answer. 

"Still not convinced, well then I shall continue?" TK almost sounded like nothing you ever heard before.

"Third, you lock her away, you play the victim, lose yourself in this role, you wouldn't let her out, afraid that she would destroy this sick fairytale you build for yourself. Fourth, yes Lucy maybe the biggest cum dumpster running around, but she still has more value than you. She should Y/N what she could have with someone more stable and safe, even though I wished I was the one in this sensible situation..."

Peter grabbed  his heart, arrows shooting at his fragile heart.

"Oh... I am not done yet..." TK's smiled turned sick victorious, knowing they had this abomniation right where he wanted.

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