A (hopefully) peaceful day

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Your soul mirrors opened, reacting to the once again, gentle sunlight through your curtains. God, your sleep schedule was really fucked up, you need to fix that in the near future. Your body, stoic as ever refusing to leave the cozy feeling of the blankets around you. As much as you'd like to move your mind was weaker than your physical being. Instead of fighring any lknger you caught a glimpse of your boyfriend, peaceful snoring beside you. His hand, still wrapped around yours making sure you're not going anywhere. You really wanted to get up, but as if on cue the deep ocean blue eyes of Peter shot open immediately. Squeezing your hand with adoration, he turned his head towards you, giving you a peaceful, almost creepy happy smile. "Good morning, darling have you slept well?" He spilled the words out, as if nothing happened last night, it did on one side relief you, on the other however...it scared the hell out of you. Does he have a coping mechanism for this? Peter shivered at you not making a sound nor motion. "Did I wake you up darling?" You shook your head, quietly reminding yourself what this guy's issues. "No," you replied too fast, shuffling down to get your comfy clothes on. "Really?," he enquired and you just shrugged with your entire body. "I'm just confused right now, nothing to worry about." From your peripheral vision you definitly saw the not believing look on his face. "Look, a lot happened last night, the last days also didn't help my well being either...I just want to spent some time alone right now." Before he could protest, you shushed him with your index finger. "And I don't want to talk about it right now," you added with a stern expression. Surprisingly, he obeyed your wish, retracting to give you a much needed space. "I'll be in my room if you need anything darling," he said before dissappearing somewhere.

Settling you morning you routine, you decided to take a walk around town, since you're free from work the enitre week. Your boss just called you, saying you had too much overtime anyway. Of course, you gladly took the opportunity for some alone time. The day went by and Peter didn't bother at any time, he took your demand very seriously.

You decided to spent the early midday in you favourite place in the park, near the water fountain with your adoring little feathery friends. The false peace here, reminded you of a dream you never want to wake up to. "Long time no see, dear Y/N," a familiar lovely voice echoed suddenly, startling you a bit. Spotting the hourglass-shaped perfect woman trotting in your direction. "You sure look better after our little girls night," she joked, taking the place next to you. "Lucy, I don't wanna be rude, but I'm really tired and want some alone time, so if you don't mind...," you gestured with your hand towards the way she came from. Instead, the witty woman looped her arms around you, pressing you deeper into her distinctive front frame. As always, this makes you blush like virgin, since you don't like surprising body contact. "What are you doing here anyway?" She chuckled, petting your head gently and kissing it at the end. "I saw you walking away from this freaks place and decided to buy you a visit," she said, continuing stroking your head. You kind of liked the way she caressed you so gently, so very afraid of you breaking into her arms, like porcelain.
You should feel disgusted, even outrafwd by her behaviour, but your body reacted entireley different. The stress and struggle from the last couple of days weighed made your walls crumble. You were in a trance, embracing her mother-like mood.
"Shhhh, let Lucy take care of your, after all you're the only I dl this for, dear Y/N....You're so hard on the outside, but here you are, laying in my arm like a satisfied baby after feeding time." Ignoring the upcoming back talk you just burried your face deeper into her neck, careful not to make contact with her chest.
"You're so quiet dearie, are you enjoying my attention to you that much?" Chuckling, she stroked your head again, before ghosting her other hand over your shoulders.
"Do you want me to ravish that goddess body of yours again?" The seducing undertone didn't help much either. You shot up, almost hitting her chin in the process, while struggling to keep your balance. "What the hell is wrong with you?" The sudden harshness in your voice didn't do anything to her ever lasting smile. "I just wanted to let somd steam off, no need to be so tense...Even though it's adorable when you are like that," she added, adjusting her usual violet top. "I'm not some kind of
f woman, who does that to her best friend," she protected herself, blinking innocently at you.
"What are you doing here anyway?" Trying to change the subject, you awaited an answer. "I wanted to see you Y/N," she said, fidgeting with her hands nervously. "I wanted to ask you someth—"
"I'm not giving you another f*cking dollar," you cut her off aggressivly.
"No, that's not what I'm asking," she quickly waved her hands in front of you.
"Then spit it out already," you demanded, crossing your hands over your chest.
"No, I...Forget I said something."
"Lucy, I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to you yell at you," you apologized regretting it immediatly, knowing your bad temper. "It's okay darling, I'm not better either at feelings."
"You're good at other things," you smiled creepily.
"Y/N, you pig," she laughed hardly boxing arm gently.
"So, what is that important, that you had to come extra to this place?"
"Y/N, I'm not sure if I should tell you this?"
"Oh come on, you banged me, even though you know I have a boyfriend, so what could be worse that that?" At this sentence her chirpy personality faded into a stern one.
"Y/N, sit down please."
You obeyed, letting her collect the right words to say.
"Promise me you won't me we will be best friends, even if this goes wrong."
Nodding, she took both of you hands, looking down to them.
After minutes of waiting, you dared not to make a move.
Lucy's breath spet up with every second before she inhaled a large amount of air, holding it a while and releasing it slowly.
While doing this the three words of your doom were spoken.

"I love you."

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant