Talk to me

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Before your soul mirrors laid Peter. Covered in dirt, sweat, water from the old-fashioned fountain and other substances you couldn't identify. Strangers surrounding him, some offering to help, others pulling their phones out, it was the saddest situation if you're the victim. The one's that make photos, video or selfies of themselves were the worst.
"Eh, Earth ball, look this way crybaby" yelled someone, catching the full attention of the crowd. A huge hulk appeared and took a selfie with his thumbs up of him and your boyfriend.
Laughter, but also dissapointed sighs were heard, the ones who tried to help backing away from the center. Peter seemed to have zoned out, as he didn't even react to the insult. You dropped your bags and approached him soll. He didn't even see you. The fetus position making him unable to properly recognize you.
"Peter?" your hesitating voice hummed to him, as you tried to get him out of here.
No reaction, just strangers rising eyebrows.
You yourself felt more than uncomfortable, you also hated being stared at, but Peter seems to have a heavy breakdown.
"Are you alright?" you tried again with a more stern voice. The said one uncurled himself in slow motion. But the tension in his body took over again quickly. You knew what to do, even though you despised how people are nowadays.
"Peter..., you mumbled and rose a hand outwards to him ... "Come on, let's go home," you finished and hoped he would finally notice you. The talk man rubbed his puffy eyes from the endless stream of tears and opened the left half-lidded eye.
Pupils shifting from utter hopelessness and anxiety to pure relief and unbelieve.
He eyed your hand and took it as if it was a lifebelt from all the wandering eyes around him. You pulled him upwards and the two of you quickly disappeared from menacing cycle of stares. Some of the teens shouting inappropriate words after you for destroying the show. A side of you wanted to go back and smack them highway to hell into the fountain. But because of someone clinging onto your very being you kind of were blocked for that action. You just hope a higher force would punish them somehow.

The walk to Peter's place remains silent, only the flat breathing echoing between the two of you. He didn't let go of you and when you were forced to switch hands because of the numbness building, the water filter in his eyes turned on again. You didn't want to talk to him right now, since he was the reason you had to drop your shopping bags and didn't found them again. But he must have had a good reason for that.

Entering the house, you held the door open for him. "Come on...," you encouraged him and gave him a little pet on the back. Peter looked at you, afraid you would disappear right after you came. "Don't worry, I'll stay...," you said with an unsurely tone in your voice. He moved forward, hands still clinging onto yours, scared of letting you go. Leading him to the couch you sat him down and he just stared at you with adoration, it was flattering and creepy at the same time. You didn't get the hang of that guy. You're a normal person with normal problems and struggles and he eyed as some kind of deity. "Are you alright now?" You broke the silence and he nodded, not keeping his soul mirrors of you. "What happened Peter? What has gotten you lying in the middle of nowhere? You must answer me... NOW." The last words were a little harsh, but you need to know what's gotten into him, that he nearly drowned in his own tears there.

He didn't open his mouth, instead gulping down them down his throat. "Peter...I can't help you if you don't talk to me, you understand? You don't have to talk about something that makes you uncomfortable, but I want to help you, you understand? If you don't want me to help you, then please try to see someone you trust. If you however chose this path, I can't stay with you. I want this relationship to work, but if we're not honest to each other, I don't know if I can stay with you. I want to be happy Peter. I want us to be happy together, but if you don't want that just say it so that we can spare us this useless conversation and get to the point." The tall man shivered, head in his hands, muttering "Sorry, sorry" to himself as if he committed a murder. In this state he wasn't able to answer your questions. You had to change your approach, kneeling down between his legs, moving your hands to his. "Peter, look at me," you said and removed them from his face. "Don't you understand?" Your voice, now more soft and gentle, reassured him. "I want to love you Peter, but you must help me understand you better," you explained and brushed the tears from his cheeks. "I want to be close to you, hold you, but if you have some sort of illness than I would understand, please talk to me," you now pleaded, inches away from his face. "I won't judge you, I won't leave you, I won't do anything you don't like, I just want to listen, nothing more," you said and kissed each of his swollen eyes. "If you are not ready to talk now, I unders-!?" "Agoraphobia," was the first word he said to you. A moment of silence crowded around you, and you looked at him with confused stare.

"I'm sorry, but what is that, never heard of it," you questioned him and he sighed. "I am afraid of crowded placed, specifically where I can't escape the mass of people, when the judge me, I can't think straight, my head hurts and my body won't listen to me anymore," he explained and brought you closer to him. "Today was one of the worst days of my life and then you came to save me Y/N, you came and offered your hand to me, when no one would, that alone makes you a goddess to me," he said with adoration and nearly collapsed into you. "I saw you and wanted to catch up to you, but you disappeared into the mass, I couldn't find you, that's when I realized where I was, it was devastating, I was so lost until you approached me."

You didn't interrupt him, letting him let his feelings out. When he finished you smiled at him. "I didn't want you to know, because I thought you'd leave for good, shamefaced by the thought of you having a boyfriend who cannot go out on his own. I thought you'd laugh at me, judge me, telling me to grow up and act like a proper adult. And now... Now I messed up everything by not telling you the truth, I'm so sorry my darling. If I could turn back time, I would erase this filthy mistake of mine and fix it."

Shaking your head you looked at him. "Peter, you're very brave to trust me with this personal information of yours. I promise, I won't abuse your confide you put in me," you said and underlined your statement with a kiss on his lips. He hiccupped out of pure joy and put his arms around you. After seconds and the loss of much needed air, you let go of each other. This time your face showed no sign of disgust anymore, just your neutral face looking at a man, who really adores you...

Deep inside you knew this guy hid many things from you and you know you were on the right route to make him open up to you. You didn't forget the altar in his basement, you're still wary of him. Even if you trust him a little bit more now, you're still convinced he had much darker secrets than a phobia. You decided to let it go for now, he held you so gently and you tried your best to soothe the pain his heart and head to go away.

It will be a long way to understand these guys' emotions and motives towards you...

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt