Unwanted visit and a new face

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The shrilling sound of your ssac, ala sarcastic sounding alarm clock threw ypu back from you unnatural nightmare-free sleep to reality.
Rubbing your eyes, you snashed the trigger, to silence the damn thing. Your body refuses to leave the comfort, the soft embrace of your blankets and pillows.
But as a wise man once said, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Smirking a this, you got up, stretched your muscles, opened the windows, letting the soft morning breeze, combined with the rumbling sound of the uprising traffic wake you up gently.

*You really should do this more often...
Enjoing the simple things in life, appreaciating the normal things, which are not to be normalized.
But it all escapes in this hectic speeding world of humanity.*

Sometimes, your head goes into philosical mode and thoughts like this ran through your head.
The previous night with Peter lez something sparkle in your body, a glittery fuzzy feeling of closeness.
Right after that comes the feeling of what he really did to you and why your are still around him.
For him it was love, for you it was a duty to help someone, who doesn't know how to handle himself. A big difference.
Last, the unknown emotion that you couldn't describe in words.
You could feel it, but describing it was like an exam.

Anyways, you prepare yourself for the day, feeding your complaining stomach and drifiting off to work.

It wasn't a busy, but also not boring day. Customers come in around midday to satisfy their hunger and the afternoon was rather, charming, yes, that was the word. Your coworker were unusally friendly to you, it was almost unnatural. But, from past experiences you didn't trust that tiny bit of luck, it would be foolish to do so anyways. To your surprise, even the freshly-divorced male human entered the restauran today, chatting about how he was still relieved about this descision to leave this, in his words. sorry-excuse-for-a-lying-wretched-whore, that had more silicone in her body than brain cells. The man also gave you a handful tip for your help and open ear and almost floated out the door, but not without giving you a attempt of a wink.

This action caused TK to finally show up and shoo the stranger outside already. You wondered, how long he could restist before stepping in.

"Are you alright Y/n? I though this guy would almost propose to you," they sneered, not amused by the internal image of that scene.

You nodded, but didn't say anything more on that matter.

"Are you free after work or do you have mischivous plans?" They fail at their attempted flirt towards you, TK was never good with that. You only raised an eyebrow, staring at them with utter confusion.

"Excuse me?" The sound of your voice made him jump a little.

"Sorry, bad pick-up line, I just want to apologize for the other night... I know you need time, just wanted to get this off my shoulders," they admitted, putting their right hand behind their back. TK stared at you with that akward smile again, but Peter's smile beats everyone in that matter.

"Thank you TK, truly, but your promised that the second time now. I'm not ready to hang out, yet..." You finished the sentence with a deep sigh and serious face. TK got the message and leaves you alone with your tasks.

The day goes on and you find yourself in your humble home at last. Truly, you needed a normal day atleast once a week. Drifiting down into the two-seat couch you turned the TV on, clicking to random channels until you find on that could be of interest.

*Knock* *Knock*

You pretended not to have heard something.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Sometime people eiter didn't get the message or, they are just to pompous or bored to let go. You dragged yourself to the entrance and you opened it.




Your mouth ( metaphoricly spoken) met the earth quickly than gravity itself.

"Hello Y/n, you look better than ever, almost to tasty~," the lucious voice of the females voice hit your ear drums, like the sailors covering their ears from the sirens deadly call.

Rubbing your eyes, slapping your cheeks, you looked again, but she was still standing there.

"What are you DOING here, Lucy?" You sound more aggressive than you wanted.

"What? Can't I visit my former roomate without needing something, for once?" The sarcasm in her voice made your blood boil even further.

"You can't be here, I have to dealt with enough shit already," you growled like a lioness protecting her territory.

"Feisty~ and beautiful~ as ever, aren't you?" Lucy said, bending forward, your lips almost meeting hers. You slap her hand away and backed off a little. She took hers in the air, looking down at the ground defensivly, but your could still see that false smile of her.

"I am just joking Y/n, I was just around the neighbourhood and thought I'd drop by to see what this little kitten was up to... You don't need to be so rude, you know?" The well-packed woman feigned to be offened, while she obviously enjoys getting you out of your skin.

Suddenly, out of the blue, you heard another higher-pitched voice coming from the entrance:"Lucy, are you quite done yet, I haven't all day, you know. I hav--," the woman suddely stopped talking looking at you, eyeing every part of your body, making you very uncomfortable.

Somehow, and you don't if you're imagining it, she has a strange resemblance to Peter, the heart on your shirt giving it away. You feel really exposed right now, and not in the way you wanted. The girl before had a strange fascination with the colour pink, pink head band, t-shirt, nails, earrings, even her eyes...

"And who, by all means, is this striking beauty you have been hiding from me Lucy," the woman steps forward taking one of your hands and kissing the back of it. Lucy chuckled.

"This is Y/n, she was my roomate for a certain amount of time, I maaayyy have caused some problems around, but she had the right to remove me from here. I didn't realize my mistake in the past.

You were a frozen blushing mess on display. You never handeled compliments very well.

"Well... Y/n," she cooed your name with a certain purring sound.

"My name is Sarah, Lucy and I met not long ago and we became good aquaintances, it's to early to use the word friend or shoud I rather say friends-with-benefits," she laughed evily, staring at Lucy, who tried to hide her emberassment.

Sarah continued, not elaborating any further.

"I was in a hurry before, but-- I suppose I could squeeze you in a little bit more, only if you want to, of course." Sarah brushed a strand of hair away, tilting her head to the side and giving your the most innocent smile there is.

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now