What are you?

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*Were you actually trapped in some sort of Matrix rip off? How could this even happen? Peter was smart for sure, but you didn't know he was that smart.*

"I don't know what to say," you confessed more to yourself than to the mashine before you. You slow grew accostumed to the vibrant ruby light emerging from around the room.

"You don't have to darling. Leave the thinking to me and just look dashing as always." The mashine tone got tuned up a little, almost trying to sound seductive in a weird way.

"Are you actually insulting me right now? Are you some kind of creep or cult who gets off from doing that kind of shit to people?" Your words fell on deaf receptors, as the gentle stroking form your back intensified, other cables crawling like insects searching for nectar on your upper body.

"So, so impatient and rude. You wanna play coy? Does my master know that you can be so naughty sometimes? How would you like to show him, how much different you can be from your normal kind of persona?

Pressure. Sliding pressure was put on different parts of your flesh, gently stroking and rubbing the sensitve human skin. You could feel everything and your body betrayed you in every bit. You had to stop this madness somehow or die trying.

"Please... Stop it...  I'll behave I promise I won't do anything stupid." You breathed the words out, trying to maintain a neutral expression, despite being in an absolute delusional desasterous condition.

Ignoring every plea from your persona, the mashine scoots way too close again, tilting the lense to both sides and back to the middle. "Your're not to be trusted dear darling, your request will be denied after calculating your recent behaviour."

You eyes darted away, cursing yourself innerly for assuming your could outsmart a super computer. "Does your master know about this? That you kidnap his most precious darling?" You spit the last word out like poisoned food.

The camera halts in it's actions, calculating your answers apparently. You couldn't keep your mouth shut, couldn't you?

"You know, your master hasn't returned home in a long time? How do you know where he even remains?" You're not curious, but you wanted some kind of fresh wave of answers.

The camera whirred again, fans kicking in to speed the thinking process. Why was it suddenly so chill in here?

"You haven't earned the right to answer such highly valueable questions, that's reserved for only submissive and good girls," it simply stated, clearly not elaborating more on the subject.    

"Why? Why are you so obsessed with the idea of keeping me here, even though your precious master isn't even present? You know how dumb it is to hold me hostage, while the fleshling Peter is safely secured away in an asylum?"


"And, again... The mighty mashine doesn't answer the unwise human, of course," you preached towards the ceiling.

The cables rubbing continud, not caring enough about your ridiculous human nature.
Wriggling free wasn't an option.

"You have no permission to know that, darling. Your tiny squiggly brain couldn't handle the pressure of knowing the answer. I am just doing what's right for you."

You raised your eyebrow and narrowed your eyes.

"Besides, your arousal level seems to indicate that my actions on your skin did have an effect on you.
Conclusion, it seems to welcome my affections, you mind however...
I have to work harder than that. You are too prideful to admit that you like it. We can't have that darling, but we'll have all the time in the world to fix that," it explained your kidnapping like a normal cooking recipe.

You folded your arms before your chest.
"You're mad if you think I'll ever care about codes and whires, you hear me? MAD! MAD! MAD!"
You hurled your hands around like a maniac and didn't care about your childish tantrum.

"Stop that, don'z make me use THAT method again," it threathened you and your mind immediatly  returned to your previous taming.

"Fuck!" You angrily exhaled and threw a random pillow at the lense.
"Leave me alone. I'm too tired and drained to dealt with this whole a.i. shit right now.

"So? You're excepting your new home here"

"What?! No! I mean I'm not an expert in sarcasm, but your so called results aren't exactly right, are they?"
You smirked, clearly not convinced of anything you just so confidently sait ou loud.

"I am never wrong. You can't possibly compare your emotional intelligence to my inferior one, the rational and right one, darling."

"That's exactly B.E.C.A.U.S.E," you spelled the word out louder.

"You're don't know the emotional side because you are an a.i.
Peter may have programmed you, but you couldn't possibly have a heart to feel. He made you think you KNOW emotions, but you can't exactly FEEL them.
Big difference!"

Again, the super-intellegent something didn't respond.
Only the clicking and moving of the cables made sound in the room.
You sighed, anger turning to understanding, ending with the effort to compose yourself. You needed your non-existent manipulation and wit skills if you wanna get out of here.

"Look..." You straightened your upper half to gaze into the lense's, soul?
"I don't wanna be rude and hurt your mechanical beating thingy you have somewhere installed here... But, the lasz couple of months were not easy for me, you know?"

Finally, the lense focused soley on you and move in acknowledgement.

"I have met a couple of strange folks with questionable backgrounds and motives. But, you are the straw which brings the barrel to overflow. How do you think anyone would react to that? We don't think as rational as a mashine, we are built from water and a huge amount of ego. I'm sorry but you have to compromise with me here? Even if you are some kind of transported mind of Peter in a light bulb, I still can't quite believe that..."


Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now