Be careful around him

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You let out a much needed breath of air, after closing, almost shutting the door behind you.
*I swear I'm gonna go down with this guy.*
Thoughts spiraled through your head, a tiny headache was at the finish line.
You had to calm down, somehow you had to. You tried, your tried to understand him, but he was a wandering mood. Xou know you weren't innocent either.
But would Lucy really go as far as to drug you?
Sure she had a large amount of debt, but would she really do that kind of thing. Maybe you needed a clear head. Then it shot your eyes open. You forgot your phone at home, how could your forget that.
Stretching your body to function again, you retreated your way. Peeking into Peter's room, you decided to wake him up. If you don't, he most likely would follow you and you don't want to deal with that right now.
Approaching him, you caressed his face along the jaw line, making him shudder under your touch.
"I'm sorry..." Rubbing his soul mirrors, he met your gaze and smiled like an idiot.
"Darling? Are you gonna join me after all?" Starry-eyed he awaited a positive answer, since you clearly missed him. Before his already wide grin could get any bigger you put a hand on his mouth.
"I have to grab my phone, I'll head over there, just so you now," you informed him, feeling how he hoped for a different answer.
"You c-can't," he said, grabbing your hands tightly, now fully awake. Raising an eyebrow, you questioned your decision wherever ot was a good idea of informing him. He catched up on your confusion and buried his face into your chest, quietly begging you to stay.
"What if you got hurt and I am not here to aid you?" He brought up various scenarios of why you shoud be staying with him.
"Peter, I'm going to be fine," you reassured him, giving him a quick nudge on the lips. "Do you not trust me Peter?" Your question made him wide awake and he nodded vigorously.
"Good," you said, rising from above him. "Then wait for me and I'll be back in an instant."B-Bu-!"  Too late, the door interrupted his sentence before he could finish, knowing, if you would stay, the rambling would definitly go on. The late night air flushed into your face and you tightened the grip of your jacket around you. The walk home remaind without any mentionable events, if you count a nearby squirrel running across the street, nearly scaring you outta yer pants. As soon as you stood at the entrance to the apartments, you realised light's coming out out of you landlord's space. Strange, he was normally an early riser, not an night owl. You didn't bother with that thought until he blocked your way to the your home. "Y/N?" The stoic expression on his face remaind, but his voice indicated worry. The big man stumbled towards you, cleary not a good sign. "Mr. Wil-... I mean Don, what can I do for you this lovely night," you bubbled out, you hated small talk. "What are you doing out so late?" The tone signaled it was more of an order than a question. "Just taking some stuff and then heading back to my ... friend," you half-lied half-told the truth.  By the twitching of his eyebrow you recognise that he didn't believe you the slightest, but doesn't elaborate on it. 

"Are you okay, YN?" Suddenly he changed the subject to your well being, alright. "Everythings fine, I can pay my rent, thank's to another shif," you declared proudly. "Aha." That was the simple answer and he waited a few seconds. "I think you misunderstood, I was talking about that guy of yours, Peter, I assume?" A nasty feeling told you that this was gonna take longer than you wanted.

"Yes, he's home, as I said, just gonna grab some things and I'm gone like the wind," you buzzed out, mentally face palming yourself for this poor show of poetry. "You're sure you're okay? Seriously you look more than exhausted, you can talk to me, you know?" 

Why does everybody suddenly want to play therapist with you?

"Thanks for your concern Don, but I'm really in a hurry here, so ... " You gestured towards the stairs with your eyes and he sighed in defeat. 

The hunk before you, crossed his arms, tapping his foot annoyed on the floor. "I know it's not my business to interfere with your private life, but you seem more tense then ever since you've met this man, he doesn't do you any good you know?" You raised your voice, trying to defend your realtionship, but the words got stuck in your throat. Even though Peter was the most unstable person you ever met, you clearly can't jsut abandon him. 

Don had no right to talk him down like that. "Stop," you said, firmly raising your hand to shut him up. "What?" He was confused by your sudden confidence. "I said stop," you repeated with an almost dangerous warning. "Stop talking about him, I have spent most of my time with him, yeah he's a real weirdo and doesn't fit the norm, but you what? I'm giving this realtionship a chance because I think he has more potential to overcome his fears. He's methods migth be something else, but I wanna do this myself. I appreciate your worry for me, but I'm not a weak person, who needs help in everything, I can do things on my own, so please don't let me lose a good friend Don. I don't want things between us difficult, but you interfering to much into my life, and it's already hard enough, so please. If something is wrong, you'll be the first person on my call list, I promise."

The man before you stood there, only he and your breathing sounds in the air. His eyes turned to the ground, thinking, before turning to your gaze again. "Alright, I'm trusting you Y/N, sorry for making you uncomfortable, it comes with life experience," he chuckled and put a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it a litte. "But I'm more than happy,  that you see me as a friend, because you're also dear to me," he said with a confused smile. "Be careful and look after yourself, that is all I'm asking of you," he reminded you and let go of you. 

You instincts took over and you smiled at him. "Thank you!" The two of you shared a quick hug, event though Don looked more like he needed one, you just made the first move. You weren't sure if he would accept it.

After a goodbye wave, you dissappeared into your apartment, searching for the goddamn phone...You had to leave as quick as possible, knowing that Peter hated to be left alone...

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