Moving in and the first step

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A few days later you packed the last piece of your belongings into Peter's closet, carefully placing everything in your place. The bald man made sure everything was perfect.

You had enough space for your stuff and he bought food, drinks and other things to survive. You insisted, almost pleaded that you at least pay for groceries,  but he stayed obstinate like a grumpy mule, telling you that he would take proper care of you.
That wasn't even the last drop that breaks the camel's back, meant in a positive/negative way. The tall man made sure everything, really, everything was perfect, even if it was too much fir you.
For example, you two went shopping and he persevered that you buy anything you liked. You just needed a new bottle of shampoo, but he looked at every detail on any bottle. He would be devastated, if your silk-like shiny hair woulf be damaged by low quality products.
He would even go so far, as to ask the owner to verify the shampoo's high quality. The price alone made your soul mirrors turn back into your brain,but your generous boyfriend paid for it after a long embarassing conversation with the owner.
Imagine that situation with various products and services, you almost went crazy, almost, if you weren't in oublic right now. After this day you were utterly
wasted , both mentally and physicly.
You swore to yourself, thati f you ever go shopping again, than alone, not with anyone else, maybe you overracted again.

Sure, he just wants the best for you but you honestly weren't picky about these things. You can make choices on your own, you're not some kind of pet, that needs to be scolded or taken care off. You have to remind your boyfriend that this attitude won't be tolerated, even if he he has your best interests at heart. 

"Darling, love of my love, beautifulest princess of mine, dinner is ready~," he cooed like an highschooler in love with his crush, before peeking only his head into the room. The sharp-like smile was almost too happy for your taste, nothing compared to the sulking creature he was days ago. Did he get over it so quickly? Furrowing your eyebrows you didn't witness his worried approach to your frame. "Are you feeling dizzy, my love, should I get some medicine?" Shaking your head you gave him a fake smile. "No, I was just thinking about ... stuff," you explained, hoping he would buy your lie. Suddenly his gaze turned threateningly serious. "Does something bother you, shall I change the room to a different colour, don't you like the style, shall I-?" the male was cut off by a very soft pet on his head. "It's alright Peter, don't get scared, I was just organizing some thoughts, nothing is wrong, everything is perfect with us," you reassured him stroking his head again. You know how much attention, affection and reassurance he needed. Turning into hi goofy self again, he smiled and bowed deeply to your knees. "My love, you are too kind, I'm so sorry I doubted your loyalty towards me, please forgive my utter outburst," he pleaded and hugged your under half. "Peter..." Your voice let him look up at you. "You don't have to apologize for everything to me you know?" He tilted his head, like a child not knowing what that means, as if it was something everyone in love would do.  

Sighing you put a hand under his chin and helped him back up. "You have a right to do things wrong too, nobody is perfect, you know, it's okay," you reminded him and smiled, this time with utter honesty. Eyes looked at anything but you and he scratched the back of his head unsure of what to do. He put your hand on his heart area, the hammering beating of his heart yearning for your touch. "D-D-Darling .... I-I-I h-av-e  to -be per-fect for you," he said, almost screamed in your face. "What kind of boyfriend would I be, if not the perfect soulmate for you?" You raised an eyebrow, shrugging your shoulders, unsure what to answer, but he took the opportunity away from you. "Flawed...I would be flawed and my love for you must not be tainted by that," he demaned to himself and almost hurted your wrists in the process. You could feel the hammering heart beat increasing dangerously, almost the first sign of a heart attack.

"Peter," you spoke out loud and balled your hand that rested on his heart area to a fist. "You have to calm down," you demanded and gripped his collar, pulling him down to your level. "Calm down...Breath with me...In and out," you tried to mimic breath movements. Surprisingly he obeyed and did what was told. 

Minutes of silence passed and you stood still in the same postion. Peter recollected himself and gazed ashamed at you."I'm so sorry my dear, I overreacted again, I messed up again, I f*cked up again, I can't do anything right," he mumbled out louder than he wanted, before your warm hands embraced his face. "What did I say about trust Peter?" He gulped down, throat dry like a dying flower in the sun. "Always be true about feeling towards each other," he answered and you smiled. "Good boy," you praised him and gave him a well-deserved head pat. 

Little did you know something was rising in his mind and body. The utter tightness of his pants made it more unable to resist. He loved it when you praised him, he absolutly loved and craved it. How many times had he imgained you under him, praising him, oh, lewd thoughts at the wrong time. 

"Are you alright Peter?" Your voiced sent him back to the edge of time and he didn't notice the deep dark red shape forming on his cheeks, almost revealing his primal instinct to make you his. You put a hand on his forehead, not making a fuss about the earlier sweat and stink coming from him. "Gosh, you're burning like meat in the pan, do you have headache, are you hurt somewhere, talk to me," you spoke out with worry. "Tell me what's wrong with you?" Peter did his best not to look at you, you're caring nature was turning him on soo much and he needed relief right now. But you would be digusted, wouldn't you? Your worry for him and he gets off on it. What a needy animal he was...

Furrowing your eyebrows you looked closer at him, giving him a good gaze on you beautiful two bells hanging from you chest. This doesn't make the situation any better and smiled half-lidded, saliva drooling down his mouth. 

At this moment you could see how pent up he was, it was almost sad seeing him like this. He waited so long for you to finally become one, but you're still hesistant. "Oh...OH...," you let these words out loud and an invisible light bulb appeated over your head. "Do...Do you want to see more of me?" You could slap yourself right now, but giving him a little of you won't hurt, wouldn't it? 

"Can I? Can I really gaze upon you soft flesh and touch it? Is this a wet dream again and I wake up right now? Do you really give me permission to the first step of our union? 

You nodded and didn't question the third question about his wet dreams about you. "I'm still not ready to do the whole thing, but you've been so good to me, you deserve it Peter." He nodded and suddenly turned more redder than before. "There's one thing you shoud know darling," he mumbled out embarrassed. You looked at him patiently. 

"I...I...I am...still...a vegetable," he said out loud more than he intended. Your smirked and looked at him confused. He panicked, fiddling his hands in front of you. "No...wrong answer...wrong," he tried a again and you looked more confused than before. 

"IAMSTILLAVIRGIN," he blurted out loud and hid his face in his hands. Blinking with your eyes, you looked at him. "Is that all?" He opened one eye and nodded ashamed. "I wanted my first time to be special, I watched everything online and it was satisfying at first, but when I  met you, it was not enough, I needed you, but was too afraid, the p*rn was't enough...I needed the real you, not some fake love making...So I..." He stopped and looked to the side. "So you what?" He hid his front side again. "I stopped touching myself since I met you, just once I did it after I met you, it was hard but I don't want to be some kind of creep, so I waited...I swore to myself to wait until you're ready. The wait for you consent would be worth the wait."

Kissing his hands away from his face you laughed. "I am so grateful for you patience Peter, not every guy would be that persistent to have me." You guided his hands to your chest and encouraged him to touch it on his own. "As I said I'm not ready to do the whole thing, but I'm ready for the first step," you repeated and kissed him...

"Do what it feels right, I'll tell you when I feel uncomfortable," you reassured him and laid with your back on the bed, giving him a view of your beautiful body...

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now