Breakdown and Betrayal

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You didn't know what to say. The words, trying to form a line from head to tongue.
The desperation in the bald man's voice was overwhelming, pitiful, you tried to form the right words. You felt a hand on your shoulders, massaging then gently, almost to reassure you, that you're alone. You have someone to support you.
"Y/N, I know you, say the words, I am right beside you."
Your left hand crossed the way to your right shoulder, landing on the bulky hand  ans squeezing it hard. It felt nice, though you of course wouldn't admit it to him. You head tilted to sideways, but your eyes remained on your supposed to be boyfriend.
The worshipping look as he gazed upon you, it repulsed you more than anything.
"Peter...?" You began with unease. "Yes my goddess," he answered immediatly, like a dog waiting for his treat. You shrugged with your shoulders, before continuing.
"Peter... How do I put this?" This time the maniac's smile turned upside down. "Darling, you aren't gonna do that to me, aren't you?" The bald man protested. If it weten't for John behind your back, you probably would be running away right now.
As if reading your thoughts, the hunk put his other hand on your left shoulder, pulling you back to his embrace.
Peter's frown turned feral, eyes to slits, showing his enourmes shark teeth.
"Don't test me old man... If it comes to my darling, my everything, MY PROBERTY... I don't understand jokes, when it comes to things like these," he laughed, swinging his all familiar sword around.
"They decide that, not you,"Don snored back.
You leaned back to Dons chest, signaling him to let you talk. The bulky being nodded, not entirely convinced.
"Peter, you obviously need help," yu bluntly spit it out. Suddenly there was silence. Akwardly, deadly grave- like silence.
Peter put on hand onto his heart, as if he would die this instant. His whole body began to shake, tears drops wanting to get out of him. But he hold back, definity not gonna give Don the satisfication of seeing him cry.
He shrunk, upper body turning into a submissive C- form. "Darling, how can you say something so cruel to your servant?" Peter lulled the words out.
He pointed to the man behind you. "It was him, wasn't it? He forced you to say this, you would never do that. No. No. No, you would never. These people you call friend planted horrible, false ideas in your head. They manipulated you, wanting you to dump me, to get away from me, you don't want that. You want to be with me, only with me, not anyone else, just me."
Peter stretched his hand out, sure that you would reach out to him.
"Take my hand love, let me feel your warmth, radiating like sun you are in my endless hollow life."
Your face remained neutral, you would not give in. This guy. He hurt you, kept you from everyone, manipulated you, everything he did was unethical to say the least. Then, he begged you for your presence in his life, but Don was right.
Sometimes it's better to realize when a person is beyond saving, then to drown with them in their whirlwind of emotions.
"I'm sorry Peter, but you are a ticking nuclear bomb, ready to blow up anytime, someone tries to get close to me."
Don sneaked around you, getting ready to launch. "I'm sorry Peter, you had enough chances to prove me wrong, but failed at every attempt."
With every word the lanky man sank deeper and deeper, at the end kneeling on the ground, not daring to lift his gaze.
"Darling, I can't live without you," he pleaded, punching his fists into the gorund. "I. Want. You." He said darkly, now lookig you straight in the eyes.
"I. Need. You." Peter continued stretching his hands towards you.
Inches away from you, Don took the chance overpowering him, binding his limbs behind him and not letting go.
"You bastard," Peter screamed, trying to get fee from the other ones grip.
It was useless. Whilst Peter had agility and was strong, it was nothing compared to the strength of Don.
"Stay stil or I will knock you out," the brown-haired man threatened, putting more effort into his grip.
You knelt before him, forcing his chin into your direction. He immediatly stops struggling, swooning in your heartfelt touch.
"We will now call the police, okay?" You soothed him and his eyes widened.
"No, they'll take me away from you and I'll never see you again," he argued, trying to get back your warm hands. "They know people who can help you Peter, it'll be alright, you don't have to be afraid," you mumbeld gently, tracing ghost touches on his forhead.
"Darling..  I- I- I already have a therapiet and she's great... I'm learning so much from her... She also said 'If you desire something so deeply, go ahead and take it'
I took her advice and finally you were right beside me in my own home. Isn't that great? I'll take more lessons with her, I'll promise. She helps me darling...
Please tell this overprotective being to let go of me, I'm the only one you need..." he said and almost sounded to excited talking about his therapist.
Don and you exchanged glances, both of you thinking the same.
"Can you give me the address, number or whatever you have from her, so that I can... get her knowledge too? You know?
Just too understand you better? We can go together of you want to," you lied giving him the most fake smile ever.
Peter eyes lighten up with fury and affection.
"That would be great, I have everything on my phone."
You searched into his pockets and grabbed the phone.
Peter chuckled excited.
"You don't know how much this means to me darling. She always said, she'd wanted to meet you and I wasn't sure if you're ready for such a big step.
I know you would take my side.
I can't wait t—"
Sirens chimed through the air, interrupting Peters speech immediatly. Blue and red lights also imluminating around you.
Peter stayed still, flabbergasted.
He gazed upon you again.
"I know it was this mans fault darling, you love me too much to hand me over.
I will come back, this I swear to you."
The door was opened and the police did the rest of the dirty work.
Peter refused to cooperate, always looking at you, until he was taken away into a black van.
One of the officers came and questioned everything, the usual routine for them.
Not until everyone was gone, you finally blumpwd onto the flloor, the adrenaline in your body finally worn out...

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