A careful warning

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The gentle breeze of the upcoming wind raced through your hair, blowing away your still lingering anxiety.
Hopefully they won't destroy their place...
A good face to the bad game, as thebold saying goes. Jogging on the sidewalk, passing car drivers and stressed people spotted your eyes. You can't understand how the life of this people would make them happy. But to each their own...

Anyway, your ongoing thoughts about the world were interrupted as you bumped into a much more muscular being. With a loud "Uff" you almost fell on your butt, but a large hand grabbed you by the wrist, saving you from a nasty bulb on your rump.
With your head on the ground, cheeks crimson red from embarrassement you stuttered a quick apaology. "I'm sorry I didn't see you," you mumbled, lettinh your eyes wander painfully slow from the ground to the other humans soul mirrors. And when destiny decided to be a huge butthole, definitly a big cherry on the top must not be missing. You wanna know why? Because you bumped into no one other than your landlord Don Williams. After a minute of freezing and burning inside you gave him an akward smile. He furrowed his eyebrows and made sure you stand, before letting go of your hand.
"Careful kid, wouldn't want my favourite tenant get herself hurt," he stated matter-of-factly. "Thanks Mr. Williams," you finally said out and nodded.
"What's up? Is Lucy bothering you again?"
"NONONO, no I just needed some fresh air," you spit out but he clearly doesn't believe you.
"You know you can always talk to me," he said and forced himself to smile a bit. You nodded, Don was was areally a great friend to you and you appreciated every kind thing he does for you, even when you're behind your rent.
"Wanna grab a coffee?" Surprised you thought a second and said "Sure?"
You only said yes because people started staring at you with confused expressions. Don led the way and after a couple of minutes you spotted a small diner.




Wait ....

It was you work place. Don could have chosen any other place but randomly decided to choose this.
You're not angry at him, he didn' t even know where you work but it bothers you just a bit.
"Y/N?"You turned and stared at the older man's stoic face. "It's just my job." He looked again at the diner and scratched his head. "Oh, I-uhm I had no idea, does it bother you?"You shook your head, even though it bothered you a little bit.
"Okay," he snarled and rolled his eyes, not believing you. The two of you entered the diner, Don opening the door for you. Eveb though he's scary and always pessimistic looking underneath that hard shell is a real sweet heart. You smiled at him taking the first step into the restaurant, spotting the best seat in thw darkest corner. Don didn't questioned you about your decision, simply following you.

After ordering your milkshakes you fiddles akwardly with your hands on the table. Don on the other hand, stared out the window with his left hand supporting his head. This forced silence was almost unbearable.
"So...everything alright with you?" His eyes turned to you and he raised an eyebrow. "Good," he said bored.
"Oh, nice?" The silence back again then. "Do you still have problems with Lucy?" The question was more like an order than simple request. "U-Uhm..." You weren't comfortable with that topic and let out a deep sigh. Don studied your figure and turned his head now fully to you. "If you don't wanna talk, that's alright but if you want this 'friend' to be thrown out..."
He didn't finish, assuming you could read the words from his mind.
"She will pay her half, I'm sure if it," you reassured him but your crackling voice exposed you on the spot. He laughed darkly and waved his palms in the air. "How many times have you told yourself that?" He said the most sarcastic undertone. "Too many...," you a nswered you shoulders dropping. "I know you're kind one, but you have to draw the line somewhere between helping others and exploiting yourself." Like a strict parent and an naive kid you felt like shit. He was right but...Damn your well-mannered nature.
"I'll take that as a yes then?"
You nodded, avoiding the looming eyes of your landlord.
"Promise me to think about it," he pleaded and lifted your chin with his right index finger. "I don't want to lecture you but I can't just stand there, seeing a hard worker getting used by a wanna-be wh*re," he said and looked straight into your eyes.
Witout another word, he stood up, made his way to the counter and paid for the milkshakes. He passes you one last time.
"Consider my words Y/N, this woman is not good for your well-being," his words echoed in your ears as he left the diner. Your body was shaking at his warning words and the adrenaline slowly fades away. Sipping at the long straw you finished your drink and exited the building.

You had some serious thinking to do...

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