Free from the burden

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"I love you."
The hourglass shaped woman couldn't even react as you teleported yourself away from her.
"Y/N calm down, damn, I know this wasy a bad time," she managed to say, before stretching hef hand towards you.
A mocking laugh escaped your throat, followed by small chocking noises. "Bad time?" Your tone wandered from hyped to deadly cold. "You think this is a joke, Miss Perfect...Or shoud I say Miss Perfect...Genderfluid...Cum...Dumster?" That's it, your emotions took over your brain. "You think, you can walk your ass here, lulling your problems into me and then say you have feelings for me. Swinging your hands in the air, you let out a frustrated moan. "You know what, fuck this, I'm going home and you better be gone while I am not there...Cause you Miss 'I can f*ck my way to get everything I want' are banned from my apartment.

She smiled, putting on arm behind her backhead. "Now now, Y/N I know you don't mean it, you're too afraid to this, after all I'm the only friend you have...Again, I am in love with you, even if you don't believe me now, later you will regret if you do this now. 

"You." Waving your arms dangerously at her face. "You think I wouldn't do it? Fine I had the intention to give you two weeks to move out but now?" You gestured with your hands and counted to five, showing her the number. "I think five days are more than enough to get rid of everything you have in MY HOME." 

"You're joking? You can't kick me out. I'm too...I'm too valueable to get rid off...Please, Y/N I'll do anything you ask of me, I'll pay the rent in time, I'll do the laundry, cook for you, be your shoulder to cry one, but please don't kick me out, I beg you, everything but that..."

Your body reacted, grabbing her with one arm around her neck and one to hold her arms. "Promises...always empty promises...That shitty line doesn't work on me anymore sweetheart...Your little act here, doesn't me sh*t to me, you can crawl up my ass all you want, this time it's final and you're finished," you announced, tightening tightening the grip around both of her areas. "I give you five days and that's final, you understand?"

She nodded, explicity trying to avoid  the rising waterfalls in her soul mirrors. "Yes, I'll do what you say Y/N." Satisfied, you let go of the poor girl, the anger literally stabbed into your face. "Well, if that is cleared,nevertheless I wish you good luck to wherever you go," you snorted, giving her the most crazy smile you could come up with. Stepping away from her, you made your way to nowhere as the words "Can we still be friends or at least aquaintances?" struck you like thunder. Darting your eyes to hers, you shook your head violently, causing her to flinsh a bit. "I...I understand, but please don't delete my number, I'd like to keep contact with you, even though you don't want" Shrugging your shoulders you left the heartbroken girl at the bench. Funny, you never saw her cry, this was the first time you saw the witty Lucy beg for mercy. She was treating you like a puppet, move when she says, pay the rent for her, always doing house chores and being the emotional support for her. Sure, she did the same for you, but not as much as you did for her. You, somehow, felt lighter, the stones crumbling down from your soul, turning into a warm, fuzzy feeling of finally getting rid of her. It was amazing, honestly you could scream right now, the anger washed away, like sand in the ocean. 

There was only one last step. Sprinting home, you hoped your landlord would have the time to get rid of Lucy. An almost evil grin crossed your face as you knocked on the door. "Who's there?" Crap, he was in a bad mood, but hey, no risk no fun. "It's Y/N," you annouced, waiting patiently. "Y/N?" He clearly didn't await you today. Heavy steps echoed from the other side, before the half giant opened the door. "Come in, you're always welcome here Y/N," he grinned and you nodded a little taken back. Normally he was emotional like a rock, but to you, somehow open like a book. "Please, take a seat, would you like something to drink, coffee, tea, water or something stronger?" Raising your head you put on a good natured expression. "Thank you, and yes a coffee would be nice." Nodding he disseappeated into a tiny side room area and you heard the starting of the corffee mashine. The well-built man took his place in his work chair, folding his fingers and letting his elbows resting on the wooden table. "What can I do for you?" 

Rubbing your arm, the confidence from earlier left you now. "I...I wanted to talk about Lucy...I already talked to her...She's gone in five day and I have the apartment for myself..." The brown haired man's eyes widened almost popping out of his holes. "I'm glad you made this tricky decision Y/N, it's time, that this woman left you for good. She isn't good for you, she is the same person as my ex was, manipulative and sweet in the right moments. They want you to feel you need them, that you can't get on in life without them, until it's either too late or you finally take the step to betterness."

The words hung in the air, nobody saying something for seconds. The man patted your shoulder, reassuring you. "I'm proud of you Y/N, I'll get the documents ready and if she calls the police, don't worry...I can confirm that it was you, who always paid the rent. She doesn't have a chance against you and me..."

"Thank you so much Don," you almost cried out the words. "You're really the helping hand I needed right now. He let you cry, not saying anything but patting your shoulders gently, over and over again. "It's not a big deal Y/N, I love to help you, you know that." Drooping into your seat, you interrupted the father like gesture. "I'm sure, you have other things to do, I gotta go."

"I have one more question Y/N," he said. Gulping the bad feeling down you turned your head slowly. "What about that creepy guy?"

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