Competing for you

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As the day goes on the cafe got more crowded than you'd like. Rude customers, stressed mothers trying to calm their multiple kids, drunk guys coming after a night shift, some students eating from a monday party nigth etc. The list of your lovely customers goes on and the best part of this job was meeting new people and their percpective of life and other things. Even though you hate talking to strangers, sometimes they have themes you can relate to. At least one good trait about this job. The guests complaining about not getting their food/drinks on time drove you back to reality. Like a snake you slithered around the tables, trying to make everyone comfortable. It was past 11:00 am and you could not hide your forwardness of your well-deserverd lunch. 

"Your espresso and our own baked carrot cake," you whisteled happily and gave the man the order. "Thank you...Y/n, also it hurts that you don't even recognise me," the voice said with a bit dissapointing but also sarcastic undertone. You looked up and saw Peter staring neutral at you, his eyes inspecting your every being. "Peter, gosh I'm so sorry. I was just getting ready for lunch," you tried to explain and his stern expression turned into a shy one. Putting a hand behind his head he akwardly formed a question. "W-W-Would...y-you l-l-like to dine with me?" He spitted the last words out, a blush crossing his face.  Laughing inside you couldn't chuckle at his mans moods. Folding his hands and looking at the cake, he awaited your answer. "I just gotta tell TK, that I take my break earlier," you giggled and suggested him to wait at the counter.

"TK?" Your voice rang through the kitchen and after seconds your best friend finally answered. "Yes?" Quickly trotting to your partner in crime you asked if it's okay to go on break early. He raised an eyebrow and spotted Peter throught the tiny kitchen door window. "Special occassion, I assume?" Following his gaze your heart bumped and you nodded. "He's just a friend, don't worry mum," you tried to ease his worry in a fun way. "How'd you mee?" It's clear he didn't approve of oyur aciton aka 'getting-to-know-someone-he-doesn't-know'. "Yesterday." He stared at you, still not convinced. "I know he seems-... Thinking of a suitable word ... off, but he is really sweet, he is the reason I'm not sick today." Soul mirrors stared into yours and he blinked twice to put the puzzle pieces together. "Don't tell me you were out in the rain again," he demanded to know, only for you to just nod your head in defeat. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing theses things, you know how dangerous it can be out there, even in the park," he lectured you and after a minute of warning words later (you already drifted off after one second), he put a hand on your shoulder. "Please be careful, dear." His second hand repeated the same action and he pulled you into a hug. Knowing he wouldn't let go you returned the hug and suddenly a bad idea plopped into your head. "Why don't we all eat together? You get to know him and I get my lunch, everyones happy." TK looked at you and shrugged with his soulders. "Okay." Putting his white apron on the wardrobe he  accompanied you on your way outside. Even the few steps he protectivly stood before you. 

Peters eyes lightened up as the door opened, awating his darling, but his smile dropped as the green-haired pest entered first. From the first moment on their cemistry was terrible. You joined the two and winked at Peter. "Peter," you gestured towards TK. "This is my best friend TK and TK this is my new acquaintance Peter." TK hold his hand out and only with a reassuring smile from his beloved he repeated the gesture. "Nice to meet you...," TK gruffed and avoided eye contact with the bald guy. "Same," Peter snarled his eyes only on your beautiful figure. The air seemd to get thicker any minute and you broke the ice. "Let us all sit down in the corner," you decided, taking each guys hand and pulling them with you. You didn't even notice the two staring with anger at each others throat, tiny lightinings emerging between them. 

The three of you sit down and everyone stared in different directions. Peter at you with his warm gaze, TK to Peter with a death glare and you akwardly sipping at your coffee. "So...Peter what do you?" TK wanted to make sure his little lamp was safe. "I test stuff and make reviews, it's not great but it pays the bills," he answered his right hand turning to a fist. "And you had nothing better to do, then stalking a girl in the middle of the night and playing hero huh?" Peter pupils turned thin like a needle and he stood up, towering over the green haird guy. "What did you just say?" Your eyes went between them, worried and confused. "What kind of sane person, walks around at night and helps a girl, kind of creepy if you ask me," he added and emerged from his seat two, meeting the bald guys blue eyes. "A kind sane person," Peter answered, glaring with more intense than before. 

You went between them, hoping to stop them. "Guys, calm the f*ck down," your voice overpowering the two of them. TK took a deep breath and slowly wriggled into his seat. Peter growled a warning at him before going into defensive state. Crunshing your teeth, the anger in you body rising like a embers ready to build up flames you could not contain it any longer.

"What the hell is wrong with you two, are you six or something?" Your gaze wondering between them, they obviously ashamed of their bickering. "I thought we could get to know each other but NO..."

"TK I know you want to play big brother and protect me, but I can take care of myself, you know. I'm not a damsel in distress, I appreciate your worry but sometimes you strangle me with it." Peter laughed as you lectured his rival but was soon met with your scary face. "You better keep your mouth shut. First I thought you might be a decent guy, but you more of asshole than I thought. TK was right about one thing, I trust people too easily and by giving you a chance life was a b*tch again to me." You could see Peter crumble inside and only now you notice a bag in his other hand, probably a gift. Going back to business you wanted to burst out but due to customers already watching you took your bag and lunch- heading towards the exit. "I'm going home, tell the boss I'm sick, I don't care."

TK wanted to shout but the words got stuck in this throat. "Well done TK," Peter glared at him, also leaving the diner. "You'll be sorry for making me look bad in front of my sunshine."

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now