Where are you?

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The day went by faster than actually thought as your closed the doors of the diner behind you. TK leaned on the wall, stretching himself to feel his arms again. "Man, that day was awful, finally it's over," he whined and looked at your, awaiting your response. "TK, don't be such a pessimist all the time, focus on the good little things in life," you said with a a sparkly aura around your face. "Sometimes you and your positive attitude drive me nuts, you know that Y/N?, he lamented again, scratching his head side. You laughed and stuck your tongue out. "That's why I'm the waitress and you're the food maker," you said, making a hero pose. The green haired man smirked, a blush crossing his face. "That's why you're so important to me Y/N,"he half muttered, half said to you, hoping that you would get the hint. "You're important to me too TK," you said and you two made the everyday fist pump. You checked your phone and freezed on the spot, TK inspecting you with a furrowed confused brow.  "Everything okay?" You didn't answer, your brain processing some slightly more important scenario.

"Earth to Y/N, what's wrong you kind of starting to scare me?" You stared at him, then the phone in this rhythm. "I have to go, gosh I completly forget about that," you panicked and put your device back. "Sorry TK, I must take care of some matters, see ya tomorrow," you screamed back at him while trying NOT to cause a car accident. "I'll explain everything, please don't worry!,"  you yelled before finally diseappearing out of his eye sight. Scratching his face TK sometimes wondered how someone could be so....bizarre.

*7:45 p.m. I'll never make it in time and I'm definitly not going in my work uniform to his house. Blasting into your apartment you showered in seconds, making your hair at least look acceptable, make-up was not an option, you had not time for that.*                                                     And, oh, oh no  you had to find an outfit. Like a mouth drawn to the light you chucked everything out, that wasn't for special occassions. Your best clothes, still lingering and smelling like dead fish in the laundry basket didn't help you either. The rising anxiety made your clumsiness so much worse including you bumping your head on the cupboard, falling down over various kinds of clothing and tripping over your own god damn feets. Doesn't matter you had to be at least on time. 

8 p.m. 8:15 p.m.  The clock ticked in the luxurios with deep-red roses decorated dining room in his house. The white candles burning brightly like little stars in the sky illuminating as the only light source in the room. The endless pitch-black couch ,covered in white angel feathers, representing your god-like beauty on in his dark shadow world? Was it all for nothing? Did you lie to get rid of him?

Peter said on the couch, the worry of you not coming increasing in his mind. Did you betray his trust? Today, he had everythiny perfectly planned out for this important evening. He had showered three times in three hourse to make sure to spread a manly aura aroma for you. The tuxedo he wore, even know he hated formal clothes, he spent an hour trying to find the right one. Even the tiniest bit of dirt was destroyed and the decoration also took a large amount of time. He even prepared a speech, about how you changed his whole life and how awesome your are. Was it all for nothing? All the effort? All the pain? All the anxiety? Did you no want to be seen with him today and THAT was the best lie you could come up with? Playing with his feeling like THAT?!? Tears of anger, sorrow and betrayal crept down his whole falls, but they soon turned into waterfalls. Why would you do this? You put his hops up high, only to face the reality of utter dissapointment. 

Or? Or, maybe you got hurt, when your where on your way to him? The worst case scenario made him flinch of anxiety andn worry. That was also a rational option. Maybe your were lying somewhere in the dirt, awaiting his much needed assistance? Could it be? Could it really be, that you were alone out there? A prey surrounded by dirty predators trying to claim you? What should he do?

With his head in his hands the floor, puddles formed themselves on the ground, reflecting his face, his disgusting, horrible unloveable face. Peter avoided mirrors as much as possible but htis time he couldn't look away. He faced himself and took every aspect of himself in. 

First his deep, endless ocean-blue eyes normaly filled with the sparkle of seeing you, now blank, dusty, burned out like a desert. The bags under his eyes growing darker, more unpleasant to look at. How can he sleep when you were on his mind all the time. 

Second, the teeth, oh how he both despised and loved his sharp chewing tools. But he remembered the first time you were freaked out by them. You didn't say anything but he saw the uncomfortable glimpse in your eyes. It bothered him, but you loved him despite that.  The long, worm-like tongue didn't make it better either. The doctors weren't sure why it was like this, maybe a gen error, they assumed. And the most hated part of his, the non-exitisting hair. Wishing he could get rid of this problem too, punshed into the puddle, this time lookinmg away from it. ?

Third and last his annyoning body height. Sure, he can be intimidating with it but how many people laughed at him when he bumped his head everywhere he went. How many times would he get called filthy names? Giant earth ball? Massive circle freak? 

Maybe that's why you didn't show up? He was too much of a freak, to be with someone as amazing as you. Maybe TK was the better option? NO... He got rid of this ridiculous thought immidiatly. Where are you Y/N?  

9:30 p.m. 

Now he was sure, you did not come. He stood up, wanting to throw the clothes away until a banging knocking sound put him out of his self-loathing trance...

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