The forgotten worshipped place

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The mashine worked and you prepared the utensils for the creamy liquid coming soon. The loud *beep* sound sang out to you and you finished the order with grace.
Shuffling your way back to your landlord you kept your head down. Your stomach refused, protested and rebelled with your brain. Feeling Vs Brain? Not a good combination.
You put the tray down in front of the hulk, whom retracted from gazing out the windows.
He kinda looked almost calm, the emotional wall around him crumbming slightly.
Clearing your throat, you delicatly put the big chunk of liquified cream onto the table, ready to leave as soon as possible.
Holding the tray close to my body, a protective useless shield, you scurried towards the salvation aka kitchen.

First step done, a hand suddenly slings around your wrist, making you stumble back a bit.
Eerie feelings rose in a alamring rate to your already strained heart and you gulped, not wanting AND wanting to know the act behind this behavior.

*Pull yourself together Y/n. Don't panic now you unlucky girl of a b*tch? Was that even a curse word?*

"What do you want Mr. Donavin? I don't have time for chit-chat you, I have a job to do," you grimaced and finally faced the man with a death-like neutral expression. Only in really rare situations you can pull off that face.

The man laugh faded and the usual expression of desinterest appeared on the said face.

"Don't worry Y/n...
I would never keep hard workers from doing their job, that's not my style.
I just wanted you to give a warning about the person who's name I'm not gonna say out loud."

You raised your eyebrows, the man releasing your wrist since he made his point.

"You know what we've discussed Mr. Donavin. You don't interfere in my life and I not in yours," you growled and glared the sitting man down.
"I'm not as weak as you think, so please let this topic go. Find a hobby, friends... Anything to keep you occuppied, but please don't sneak into my lifestyle and choices," you finished, slamming a fist down the table. Not louf enough to attract attention but loud enough to underline your point of seriousness.

William folded his arms before him, thinking what to say next.
He knew how stubborn you can be.

"Can we talk after your shift?"
You wanted to refuse, but he raised his index finger.
"It's urgend. You ex-boyfriend is no who you think he is. If you wanna go I'll let you. I'm not gonna hold you captive.
I swear it!"

Your mouth closes and you walk away. The brown-haired man's head escaped many invisible question mark, whom are twirling around his head.
You printed the bill, scribbled a quick note on the back and gave it to Don. No other word was spoken you quickly departed to your well deserved lunch break.

The landlord didn't question you any further, instead inspecting the white sheet of paper given to him. The total price of his milkshake, nothing more interesting.
That is, until he turned the sheet around reading the hastily written message on it.

I don't know what kind of curse I'm bestowed with, but I'm willing to listen to your investigation results.
I'll meet you tomorrow at any time.
Make sure you are in your apartment.
I'll come when I come.

With suspicion,


Donaving read the note again and stuffed it into his pocket, smashing the money on the table and leaving the diner immediatly.
He had her. He'll make sure to drift you away from that monster.

Meanwhile you finished your break and your day ended at 4 p.m sharp. Changing into your comfy clothes and collecting your things you left without saying goodbye to your coworkers.
Not like you had any decency to talk to TK more than you'd like. They had to earn your trust again, you had enough of apologizing first to people.

Now? Now you had more important things to worry about.
You made sure no one was following you, checking your surroundings more than triple.
You headed into the oppostie direction. The direction to the disvovery to your possible demise.
Several passing minutes later you stood before the house of your one's loved one. Was he even your beloved? Mixed messages were his thing after all.

Entering his domain, nothing has changed or was being moved. Glad to see this place was also not being robbed or anything.
Dust seems to pile up a little, some tiny eight-legged monsters crawling around, that's about it.
You make a mental note to take the time cleaning this place a bit. Mold and dust have not place to be here.
Your searched from top to bottom. Nothing interesting, only a few mentions of your name and love letters he wanted to give to you.
Once you are on the main floor again, you sat down for a second, collecting your thoughts.
Besides the obvious obsession for you and his pet. There was nothing unusual in this house.
Honestly, you expected far worse coming from your search... Far, Far worse.
Then you remebered something, the days you're first entered Peter's home. The dark alley below, the eerie darkness around you, the shrine...



Your body moved on it's own, exactly knowing the location. You wandered around a bit more, before stopping before a huge glassed cupboard, large enough to hide during hide and seek.
You didn't remember there was something like that before. Maybe he closed it off, not wanting to see what's behind. It would fit his character though.
The other thing? There's no way Peter could have moved thid giant on his owm. Even Don would've had problems with that.

Either your memory was fucked up or you're missing a vital piece of information.
You did remember the stairs leading to the said door. But was there ever a cupboard. Maybe a hidden mechanism? A button? String? Anything?

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now