Surprise! Surprise!

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The sound of your car rumbled. It's 1 a.m. Your parents slept like babys, no one would notice your absence. Your plan was simple, a piece of cake.
Go in, find clues, go out.
What could go wrong?
But one fatal flaw was your demise. You suck at geography. Even though you made this way a few times.
Pulling in, you took a deep breath and turned off the roaring engine.
Time to strike!
Every step felt so wrong. You don't wanna be caught snooping around.
Entering the big main room, you glanced around, noticing the dirt covering various objects.
Still, the house was clean and cozy. If yoj didn't know what kind of persom lives here.
Careful, step by step, not leaving any traces of your presence here, your senses hightened to alert mode .


'What the hell was that?'

You froze. Not moving. You were so fucking dumb.
Of course! Of course, Peter had something like a guard- dog-demon-something here.


The restless sound of something slithering , crawling, you don't know how to describe it.
You didn't dare to move. You focused to learn your other senses.
Suddenly, a soft caress along your legs. Fidgeting, you gulped, swallowing your rising urge to cry out loud. Maybe a lizard or, a snake?
Your head got crashed from a meteor. Petwr had said something about a pet named Randle? Ricky? Ra- Something with Ra- Rat? Rat! That's it!
You snipped with both of your hands, causing you to meet the hard floor and startling the poor thing.
You didn' t even now, if she qas venomous or not. How she escaped her tank? This, you really wanted to know.
And, how did she survive half a year without food and water. You knew snakes didn't need to eat often, but still.

"Shit," you crused and assumed a sitting position with your legs curled against you.
A few centimeters away, slit eyes followed your every move, staring, gazing all at the same time.
"Don't think anything about it. I'm a hobbledehoy by nature," you reassured yourself and the snake.
The reptil lifted it's head, tilting it to the side.
"Figured! Are you allright, does Peter know you're even here?"
The snake slipped out it's tongue, making her way towards you.
"Hey," you chuckled nervous.
"I don't know if you even like me, I mean I'm good with birds and cats, but I don't know if you even like me, you barely know me," you spoke to your slithering fellow friend.
The snake didn't hear you, instead closing the space between you two.
Crawling away, you grabbed your legs and dashed through the exit.
'You're sure as hell wouldn't die here from a hog-nosed? snake.'
You wanted to go, save yourself from the reptil, until you looked back, looking in the sad eyes of it.
It blinked. So innocent, can a snake even have puppy eyes?
"I'm sorry but I can't you'r-"


"Oh, don't you look at me that way, I- I- I am going now."

You quickly took a step, but another gentle hiss stops you, again...
Sighing your body reacted, your hand already at the door handle.
Opening it, the predator gazed upon you. Longingly? Desperate?
As if sensing your fear and hesitation, she leaped forwards and tugged at your ankles. Slithing around, as if making sure you wouldn't run away again.
You bend over, like bowing before a king stretching out your hand in peace.

"How about you come with me? You promise you don't bite, scratch or do something that will harm and I take care of you," you cooed, waiting patiently.
Tilting it's head, it tasted you, before slithering up your arm. She was about 1 and half meters long. Like a loving hand caressing your skin, ghosting it's way around your neck and ending the performance with a satisfied flick against your neck area.
You patted it gently.
"Good girl, even though your owner scared the hell out of me, I can't leave you like this," you muttered, stroking the snout of the gentle beast.
Making sure, everything was right, you headed out.
The reptil made itself comfy in your...?
You blushed. Even though it was warm outside, Rat insisted of staying between your bells.
It didn't help at all, when she wriggled herself into the right postion. The drive home was more pleasureable than you'd like.
The entire time the reptil explored your, rather caotic car. Maybe she smelled some bread crumbs or your long- lost bubblegum...

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