Strange event, followed by stranger conversations

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After the event of nealry getting yourself killed by an angry hormone-controlled, whatever that was, you let out a much needed breath.
You could never understand how someone could handle these kind of people.
Your lungs hurted, the adrenaline sinking, and you felt like a complete piece of shit. Coworkers rushed around, apologizing for the inconvenience.

"Hey Y/N!"
An angry, stressed voice smashed you back to reality.
Before you could acknowledge the voice you were rudely cut off.
"Swing your ass back to TK, you're the closest to them, make sure they function properly before I personally drag you there."
The manager flung his hands uncontrollably in the air. You wanted to avoid another tantrum , so you obeyed, dissappearing to the break room.

There he sat.
Like a scolded, embarassed child caught in the act of a crime, whom he's the victim.
Arms around their knees, face burried deep between them, wanting nothing more than to fade away.
You had never seen them so down like this, they were always the straight forward caring persona. Now, utterly swiched out.

"TK?" You asked, gently stretching out your hand. They didn't react, pushing themself further into the corner.
"It's alright, the crazy, now divorced lady, has left the battle. And certainly won't come back any time."
Slowly looking up they smirked, whipping away some tears. Laughing, you knelt down, facing them.
"Everything alright?"
They poison hair coloured being before you gazed at you, obviously in some dreamy state.
"You there? Are you there? There? Come on, don't leave me hanging. We gotta get you back in shape. Or do you want to explain the whole thing to the boss?"
They shook their head.

You took their hands gently, then squeezing them reassuringly.
"You are strong TK. You're my best friend and I know you can pull yourself together ."
They seemed not convinced, shaking their head, before looking at you again.

"D-Does that mean you forgive me?"
This throw you off guard.
You flinched, backikg away a little. TK hiccupped sadly, face down to the ground.
"I knew it."
They quickly gathered their things, fleeing to the door.
Before TK could turn the knob you pulled them back. TK spinned around, accidently  hugging you in the process. You didn't mind a bit, hugging them tighter, the feeling of finally letting go.
"I am also sorry, I could have stopped you, but I didn't..."
You gurgled into his chest, not having the courage to face them right now.
They patted your head, making clockwise circles with their fingers, repeating this process.
"You are one, if not the one person I adore most in my life. I hoe we can still be friends."
They hugged you tighter, closer, it was pure bliss.
"Can we talk after work?" You suggested, not wanting to draw more attention to yourself.
"Of course, now put on that lovely smile of yours, customers are waiting," TK pecked you on the cheek and smiled.

You met at your favourite spot in the park near the bird fountain.
TK alteady sat there, dreamy eyes appearing a they spotted you.
The handed you a small bouquet.
You raised an eyebrow, confusion written all over your face.
"Just for all the trouble."
For the calming of their guitly mind you took it, gentle touching the petals and smelling them in the process. 

"Thank you TK, the are very lovely," you smiled at them, taking another deep sip of the sweet toxin. "So? Um... You wanted to talk."  The calm atmosphere gone in an instant. TK shuddered a little, before gesturing to the empty place beside them.  "You better sit for this one," they explained in an unsure tone. A tone, which could only mean something goint to ruin this moment. 

They took your hands, letting out a large amount of breath before locking their eyes with yours. "Are you still connected to that Peter guy?" Dumbfounded, you scooped back. "Why do you wanna know?" You sounded offended, what right he has to ask such a private thing. "Y/N he almost killed, raped or what do I know what he would do to you... I was worried sick, when you didn't answer my calls. Your parents ignored me the same way, saying some sh*t about you needing a break from this town and your friends." They squeezed your wrists tightly.

"So?" They wanted an answer, they could have it. 

"Yes, I still talk to him-" TK pressed their lips togehter. "-Only on the phone, not face to face," you reassured them quickly. "Look, the doctors said they could fix him. Since he has no family member or close people, they suggested me for that. I wasn't happy about that either. But maybe... And that's a HUGE maybe. Maybe, I can help him, ease his worries and get this stupid obessession for me out of him. Please TK, I want to do this. I... urgh... I want to understand his protectivness for me. I am a normal person with normal problems and still... Why would he do all those things for me? I don't get it, but I want to get to the bottom of this."

TK stood up, shivering, obviously scared and offended. They turned around, hands on their hips, trying to intimidate you to change your choice.
"B-B-But  after everything... You still wanna help th- this thing to redeem himself from his sins. No offense Y/N, but your are no doctor, people study years for that thing to understand their patients minds. And you think? You actually think you can help him with the magic of love and passion? Don't get me wrong. You have good intentions, but you're really naive, almost, I'm sorry for saying that, really really dumb.
You froze in place. 

"I'm not trying to change your mind. You have a kind heart Y/N. I know that."

You wanted to counter, but they held up his hand to your mouth. 

"It's just that-" They motions to your heart area. "-It has been hurt so many times and doesn't know when to give up on something or someone you can't fix."

They cupped your face. 

"I know you're not ready yet, I know you're needing time to process. But when the time comes,  I'll wait for you. I'll await your choice of our relationship. We'll stay friends for now, but I'll be difficult for the both of us.  Try and help the poor predator. I will not stop you ever again. But when he hurts you, just a single scratch on your finger etc., I'll step in." TK finished and vanished without another word. 

Leaving  poor you, flabbergastered, behind...

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