The talk

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After his, rather unique live confession you felt both flustered on the edge, even that was a huge misunderstandment, and extremly confused and scared.
Flustered, because of the admiration for you, scared because this love could turn i to a sickness called jealousy, confused of how he acted so cold towards others and  so warm with you. "I'm...sorry."
You were, again, afraid of him, afraid of the future, afraid of what he could do. Your body betrayed you, Peter noticing your unease as you climbed on the edge of the bed, legs tangling with nervousness. Peter gazed at the ceiling, eyes wondering with tremendous dissapointment.
You didn't dare to look at him, he already knew he f*cked up, that it was too much.
"Darling?" After moments of utter silence, your head turned to him. You did the last best thing that came to your mind, knowing you'll regret it.
"Peter...," you began. "I'm not sure I am ready for such commitment."
"I'm sorry Peter, but I don't think I'm ready right now. You speak as if we were married, we barely know each other for months and your speak as if you knew me since childhood." The words splattered out of your mouth and and you faced the now heartbroken man in front of you .
"But I thought you would try, you promised you would try," he defended himself, giving you an reproachfully look. You did promise that and you know he was right, but still.
"Peter you are the first man, that I let near me and I really love you, I really do, but sometime it's—!"
He grabbed both of your wrists, spiraling you onto him, pulling your underwear down, throwing it anywhere into the corner.
"P-Peter. What are you doing? Ahhh~."
Suddeny, his tongue entered your slick entrance, pumping in and out of you. Fingers circling your clit and his arms pressing your further into his face. Even at the loss of air, he would rather keep your enchanting smell and taste on him than that.
Against your better judgement, the pleasure was too much. Didn't he say he was a virgin, how can he do THIS without training.
"Does it please you darling? Do I make you feel worshipped?"
You couldn't answer, resisting the urge to let out a moan and riding his face. He peeked up and awaited an answer. He gripped your thights and massaged them, fingers still pleasuring the outer side of your private area.
"Peter!" Whining, you put on hand on his forehead. It was too much, the intense pleasure overhelming your and this mand didn't seem to have a limit.
"Let it out, my love. Every insecurity about our love, let it out on me. Drown in this pit of affection. Let me ease your tension."
He wanted you to cum, he forced you to it. But the friction was too much, his skilled hands wandering up and down your body, you hat to do something.
"Peter...please, stop," you whimpered almost pleaded.
The man didn't respond, instead increasing his goal to make you his (at least the first step to it.) His tongue seemed to have a will of it's own, moving around inside you, hitting just the right spots. "Peter...I swear if you don't.  Ahhh~." Interrupted by another moan you couldn't finish your words. Even though it fel like heaven you hat to öut a stop to it.
With you last strength your fingers curled around his big-ass like eyes, making him falter in an instant. This was your chance.
"If you don't stop now-..." Even the beginning of the words made him shiver under you. "-I'll never LOVE you, I'll HATE  you," you spoke firmly and put more weight onto his eyes. For seconds nothing happened, judt the two of you staring i to each other. Suddenly the taller man let you go slowly, giving you the chance to put your clothes back on.
He simply laid there, not daring to look in any direction. You didn't want to threathen him, but you are not a toy or mindless thing he could control. Silence filled the room, only the sound of you covering yourself in the air.
"L-L-Leave?" Turning your head you raised an eyebrow. Peter's head didn't met yours, he still faced the ceiling. Not getting an answer, he was on the verge of tears. "Are you going to leave me, break up with me, now?" The question. You knew he would act that way, but you were an ass before, so.
Slumping back to him, you stared at the shiveringer being under you.
"Look at me Peter," you commanded and put your hands in front of your chest. He refused, too scared to met those soul mirrors. He hated that look, he could deal with it when other people stared at him, as if he was an alien, but you...
"Look at me," you voice rang again and he obyed this time. Struggling to uphold the gaze, you shot forward, piercing into his soul. After a minute, you let out a much needed breath and put your lips on his. It was gentle, you were treating him like porcelain, one wrong move and he would break.
"I'm not going to leave you," you pacified and gave him another , now more rougher response with your lips. "I don't want to lose you Peter, but this was going to fast for me," you explaind, while wiping the tears away with your lips.
An invisible weight dropped down his heart and he resisted the urge to hug you. "I am so reliefed darling," he whimpered and silently begged for another kiss, which you gladly fulfilled.
"But I am going to sleep in my room tonight," you stated, not putting it ip for discussion. "Can I at least get another, you know?" You huffed and your lips sealed one last time with his for tonight.
"Goodnight Peter, have a good rest," you whispered before exiting the room...
He also wanted to wish you a good slumber, but the sound of the door was quicker...

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن