Unexpected act

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"W-Why... Why would I be scared of you? That's ridiculous Peter-"
You stumpled back, but he caught your wrist in time.
Pulling and pulling but nothing, you were no match for the lanky man's strength and ambition.
"Peter..." More tears, ready to burst out at any momemt again.
"Y-Y-You, ouch, you are hurting me Peter," you tried to tell him, but the sickening smile in his face told otherwise.
"And you are hurting me, darling. I endure so many things my angel."
Your second wrist snapped into his other arms, taking you by surprise.
"The bullying of the personal, the funny drugs they force into me, the constant longing to be with you, all of that I can endure," Peter growled, almost whined he had to hurt you like that.

The bald man gazed a way for a moment, leaving you on a painful cliffhanger. Wriggling only did so much as angering him more.
He turned to you again, the calming blue ocean turning into a raging storm kn his eyes.
"The mere thought of you being scared of me is my downfall darling, I cannot let you do that. You can hate me, loathe me, spit and kick me all you want, but being scared of me is a death sentence.
So... Are you really afraid of me? Are you darling?"

The killer look appeared, eye widening and piercing into your soul. Darting your eyes away, you knew the answer, saying it was another issue.
The coward took over, your condidence leaving the stage. You darted forwards, arms in the air. Peter thought you wanted to strangle the poor soul.
You wrapped your arms around their neck, the bed dangerously swinging underneath Peter. You closed the gab and held it like an unmoveable stature, careful to not put to much weight onto the plattform he was laying.
"You're not scary to me, you never were. Sure, you are a little much sometimes and your feral animal instinct got us in so much trouble..."
You released your face from his neck, but your arms remained stoic in place.

"Peter, I-" you stuttered unsure, knowing he wanted to hear those three magoc words.
"You are dear to me Peter, very if I'm being honest." The man before you smiled  with a hint of disappointment at the choice of your words.
"But I'm not sure what to do with you," you confessed to him.

"You give me mixed messages Peter... You think you are sane enough to be let free. But I am not sure, if you're really ready."

"Darling? What are saying?" Confusion was written into his face.

"I think you're all doing this for me and not for yourself. Do you understand?"

"No... No, I don't darling! I am here so that you and I could be together someday."

You stared mouth agape, you already knew the answer, but hoped of another one.

"That's exactly the point Peter! You do all this for MY not YOUR sake. That's exactly the problem, you're not realizing I'm keeping you in here."
You explained, as tears ran down your already flushed face, causing you to automaticly hid it in Peters neck.

"I don't want you to rot in here because of me! That's the last thing I wanted!" You babbled the words out and hugged him tighter.

Out of nowhere, gentle limbs were wrapped around your much more petite figure. Putting pressure to lean more into his embrace, Peter gave you a quick and nimble kisses on your forehead.

"I love you darling, these tears are only for me. As much as I appreciate you worrying over me, please stop the waterfalls.
I don't want my darling to cry, will you stop and talk to me? I'd rather hear your voice than your whimpering."

Taking in the kind words you nodded, calming down a bit. You felt so awful. Here you were. Lashing out on him, while he reassures you everything will be alright.

You rose your head, noticing how you wetted the straighjacket.
"You feel better?" Peter cupped your face and drying some tears.
You nodded and he smiled.

"Thank you Peter. I really needed that. But my point still stands. Promise me ypu will do this for yourself? Please..."

Peter retracted his hands, eyes to the ground, probably thinking.
The man didn't not let go of your face though.

"How about this?" Peter began pulling your faces together.
"I do this for the both of us!" The grey man suggested excitedly.

You gave up. Maybe in time, hos view would change in the right direction.
Buthe clearly would not change his mind today.

"Okay," you answered, expecting he would let go of you.
Of course he didn't.

"This would be the perect opportunity, woudln't it darling?"
The smirk plastered on his face was undenieable.

The question threw you off guard.
"Peter! You can't just say something like that!"
You hid your embarrassment, retracting your hands from him to hide your face.

"I didn't even say anything darling. How dirty do you think while we are her. Alone."
The man flirted shamelessly, making you blush even harder.
"How about a kiss instead? On the cheek? Am I not a good boy and deserve a little treat? Come on... Just the cheek? Darling? Anyone there? Hello-"

Fed up with his bad flirt attempts, you pushed over your comfort zone and grabbed his throat.
"Stop that! I hate it when you do that!" You pushed yourself forwary, arms snaking around his neck, like in the beginning but with more force.
Before Peter could realize what's happening you pushed him into the bed.
Your lips smashed on his with a passion you didn't knew you had.
Peters mind fluttered, he could and did not want to think straight. Focusing on the fury of your embrace.

You did not let go. Your hands growing tighter and tighter around his throat.
Peter replyed the kiss with hesitance, not wanting to not unsettle you.
Closing your eyes your dominant self took over. You didn't know you had it in you.

After moments of exchanging saliva, your lungs burning for air, you retreated from your passionate attempt.
Peter laid there, knocked out and fairly satisfied.
Catching his breath, he chuckled darkly, looking you straight into your orbs.

"Darling... I didn't know underneath all that kindness laid such a sinful passion..."

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