No, means NO!

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You didn't tell anyone the 'incident'.
Especially your parents, meaning ypur father. He was a very calm, collective and understanding person, who doesn't let his  anger take control easy.
But if he gets in rage mode, you don't wanna mess with him. Specificly it the target is you, his beloved little daighter.
Your mother, a very strict, but just person, even gets afraid of her husband.
Lucy, TK and Don respected your wished to not call you, but either of them were worried.
You were cautious, since you were the reason she got kicked out of your apartment.
Anyway, you kind of feel like a coward breaking up with Peter that way. You decided to do the right thing. The bold move.
"I'm Y/N L/N and I'd like to speak to Peter King, if he is available."
The secretary passed you onto the rigt line.
"Y-Yes, wh- wh-os there?"
Broken. The only word you could think off.
As if a switch was slipped, the happiness and hope returned.
"Darling, you're back. You did not leave me." Shuddering, you braced yourself.
"Peter, are you alright? Yesterday, you hung up and I heart strange noises."

Silence at the end.
"Don't you worry about me darling, I just had a little hiccup with myself, thinking you broke up with me, which, obviously, you didn't since you called me," he announced with pride.

You stopped.
"Darling... I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to burst out like that. It's just like my inner emotions took over and I can't control myself when I'm around you. Only hearing you keeps me sane.
You didn't mean what you said yesterday, did you?
I'll be good, I'll be better for you, I swear it to you.
But I can't leave you. I'm bound to you. Your name is written all over my heart, my skin, my soul, my whole being is useless without your presence."

You shouted suddenly.
"Listen you sound like I'm an addictive object rather than a lover. Don't you listen to yourself? Your obsession with me turned into something more sinister than love, you are not in love with me Peter. You have fallen in love with the first person who showed you kindness. I'm sure someone, someone better out there can love you like you deserve."

He hammered against the wall, making your shriek in the process.
His voice turned from hope to a deep sinister growling.
"Don't you EVER say those things AGAIN," he warned you, not in a threatening but in a reminding way.
"You are not just someone, you're everything to me, I can't, I will not find someone else. I'd rather die than doing that."
Another loud punch into something made out of glass made you shriek. Again.
"Peter, please stop destroying everything over there."
Your words fell on deaf ears.
"Peter you know they'll cut me off, if you don't behave," you tried to reason with him.
"They can't keep me from you darling!"
Again with the moody-victim phase.
Fine. Beat fire with fire.
"Peter...—" You put on your seductive-horny purr
"Huhh?" He seemed surprised.
"My dear Peter, would you please calm down, I won't be happy with you hurting yourself," you flirted with an uncertain smile.

Loud, long wheezing at the end.
"How can I not listen to you, when you're so worried about me."
Atlast the thundering at the other line abruptly stopped.
Shaking your head you continued.

"Let's drop it Peter, how are they treating you in there?"
"Oh, you really care about me—"
"Cut it Peter."
"Right, right, we really are feisty today.
I'm fine, they give me funny pills, making me feel funny feelings and they taste funny.
But without you, it's so devastating. You are not interacting with this landlord of your's, are you?"
Gulping you hesitated.
"No Peter."
"I'm so glad, since that awful night, that devastating night they took you away from me and you were in the arms of that giant cockroach. I thought you would forget me. But you called back, you did not abandon me. I am so thankful for that. You have my eternal gratitude for that.
At that moment I swore to better myself to get out of here, to be with you again.
"Peter... Do you really think things can go back to normal after all that shit younpulled me through?"
A smirk emerged at the other end.
"Of course. I KNOW that things will turn even better for us," he mused more to himself than you.
"How can you be sure? Does my opinion even count?"
Peter took a sharpbreath, almost to hide the annoyance of you being so uncooperative.
"You stretch my nerves darling, who put those wrong, awful thoughts in that pretty little head of yours?
Tell me... Tell me, so I can cut there throat open and let them choke on their own tongue."
You don't know what to feel.
Anger. Anxiety. Anything. Numb.
It didn't matter what you say. This particular patient twisted words as he pleases.
"Peter, nice talking to you, but I gotta manage some things..."
You wanted to hang up, but the wheezing  sound of a panting dog stopped you.
"I wouldn't do that darling, besides you're in no danger, you're safe and so you can speak a little more with me, don't you?"
He almost sounded too convinced of himself.
Suddenly, a loud bang followed giving you the pleasure of receicving a tinnitus.

You flinched, putting the phone away.
Sounds of people yelling insults, the crashing of objects and most of all Peter's feral growling and screaming. It was like a mad orchester of insults and screams.

Eventually the timid, shy voice of a suppossedly nurse asked for you.
"Mrs. L/N, I'm afraid Mr. King isn't in the state of interacting anymore.
We will call you, when things slow down.
Please don't call yourself, since Mr.King will be transferred to a much more... safer zone for the safety of him and the employees of this building."
You didn't even have the chance to answer when the unnerving sound of the hang-up tone beeped.

"What the hell was happening over there?"
When Peter acted like this, when ypu really don't dance to his tune, how bad can ve really get before you would end up seeing the grass grow, buried under the earth.

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now