The dark side

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Peter unbottoned the dark jean, his hands sweating, shaking, the nervousness was written onto his facette. "D-D-Darling, I-I-I'm not sure if you even like or tolerate it."
Leaning down your kissed his chest, the sticky lube still covering it. "As I told you, I want you to show me how you please yourself. Don't hide anything from me."
Determination filled him and he got rid of the blockade between him and his member. On clue, the bulge in his underwear sprang free, Peter holding his hands before his face. You didn't know what to feel, but the sight before you was rather intimidating. You weren't sure if such a harpoon would fit into you.
Peter noticed your resistance, the glimmer of disgust in you beautiful eyes.
He wanted to hid himself under the covers but you pushed his hand away, not allowing disobedience.
"Hold still, I'm experiencing a little bit."
Gulping, Peter's friend twiched, wanting to be touched, carressed, anything but this teasing.
"Don't you like it?" The fear in his voice turned into a silent sobbing.
"Peter...?" Putting your hands on his cheeks, you whispered sweet nothings into his ear. "Don't you want to be ravished by me? Don't you want to be loved?"
He nodded vigourously and you smiled satisfied. "Good. Now spread you legs for me, handsome?"
"H-H-Handsome?! You find me attractive?"
The words shot out of him, disbelief in his voice.
"Of course, don't you think it would be rude that are the only one complimenting me?"
He thought for a moment, before chuckling with hald-lidded eyes.
"It's my job as your boyfriend to praise you to infinity and beyond, you don't have to do the same...I know, I'm not good looking and I apprecciate that you try to cheet me up, but please don't lie to me about these thing...."
He pushed you  upwards and kissed you deeply. "Don't try to change my mind darling, my appearance was always an issue for me, but I beg you, be honest with me." 

Tiny little sweatdrop dripped down your face. Of course, he would do this, not used to receiving compliments. Letting the subject drop you just nodded, continuing your task of helping him relax. 

"Still ready to continue?" The bald man gulped the anxiety ball mixed with fear down his throat. "Do...Do what you want with me, I'm your's and your's only." Spoken like a true high schooler talking to his first crush.

Again, you fondled the sensitive area around his member, cupping the balls with one hand, the other massaging him from the tip to the top in an teasing slow motion. The man tried. He tried so hard to surpress the need to buck into you beautiful carved hands. But you were the one in control, the master and he was your obedient slave for eternity. This sentence was printed into his very brain, body and soul, only visible for him. Peter must contain himself, he m-m-must hold back for your sake. 

You weren't innocent either of that. "Everything alright up there?" Biting his lips, he just nodded, avoiding eye contact with you. "Do you want me to go faster, slower or shoud I stop completly?" At the word 'stop' he pushed his eyes half open, shaking his head immediatly. "Do...anything...But please, don't sop, this heaven on earth." Raising an eyebrow, you pumped his member faster but also with more precise, focusing on his sounds he made. Imprinting, the senstive spots, memorizing the tiny baby squeals he made for a grown up man. Some would even say he sounded more than patethic. Some, while other's definitly had the fethish for this. 

Focusing your attention back to his abdomen you put your hands together and stroked him vigorously, an unknowing feeling of power rising inside you. *Was that really you just speaking?* The feeling of holding someone in your hands, controlling them like you wanted. Encouraged you put your lips over  his in precum covered slit. Curiosity overcame you, making your push forward, still continuing this motions and licking over it. A loud moan escaped your lover but he didn't stop you. No, quite the difference, he pushed up into your face, demanding more attention for his quivering member. 

"Darling, I don't know how much longer I can hold on," he warned you with half-lidded eyes and saliva dripping from his mouth. "I can't promise I won't make you dirty, or even if I can tell before it happens."

You didn't respond, you just wanted to see him squirm under you. "Cum or I'll be mad at you," you ordered not waiting for an answer. "Yes, whatever you wish my darling," he said and concentrated again on your movements. 

Suddenly he moves forward and you got covered in a white substance, while the man above you shoot our more and more. "Oh.My.God.Darling..." Disgusted you whiped away the thick, creamy fluid and got rid of it. You, somehow, felt not good, like really not good, like you had really done something perverse. Standing up, you faced the door to your bedroom. Peter was still high from his first orgasm from you and needed a few moments before he could he say anything. "Dang, my sweet angel that was amazing, I hope we can do that again some time," the bald man laughed and cleaned himself off a bit. 

But from you came no sound, you just stood there staring at the wall. You didn't feel well doing this with him. He looked as if he wanted to bite you, mark you, breed you. It brought fear into your very core seeing him like that, you weren't sure what to do. You had to raise you voice against him, it was fear that spoke out of you. He took it as dirty talk, but you were far away from that. 

"Are you alright?" The tall man hugged you from behind, leaving tiny kissed on your neck. "May I help you clean yourself my darling?" A tiny voice inside of your brain told you to retreat, too many emotions rushing through you like thunder. You had seen his devil side, the side he hide's behind this innocent act of the victim of everything. "I don't feel so good," you finally replied, making space between him and his still nude abdomen. "Darling? Did I do something wrong?"

"Cut if off Peter," you screamed out, freeing yourself from his grip. Perplex, he let you go. "I'm sorry it's just...I have to think, good night." No word was spoken as your dissappeared into your room, even locking the door behind you, as if he would hurt you or something. 

Peter glued his eyes to your door, to his hands and back. What was wrong with his darling?

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα