Blue VS Green

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Peter didn't know how to feel right now. Sadness, anger, jealousy, the fear of losing you... All of these feelings and many more fought inside of him, leading his heart to beat at a dangerous speed. "Darling... Darling... Darling... I- I- I- need you... Please... don't... leave... me... ," the bald man begged, putting both of his hands to his heart area. "It- It- It hurts... so.... much... ," he breathed heavily, noticing the small amount of air in his lungs. "Please... I... can't... ," Peter gurgeled, drifting away from the heartwarming and -breaking scene before him. His soul couldn't handle it, may it be rhe kindness towards others instead of him or your fear of him.

The bald man's body shivered, eyes half-lidded and focused thourougly on you.

Meanwhile you enjoyed the company eith TK, even though he hid something from you, something that you have thw feeling micht bring problems in the future.
"Did you ever think it would be better to get rid of him," TK threw you back to reality. "What?" Baffled, you inspected any kind of meaning behind this question.
They scratched their head, obviously embarrassed about it. "I mean, he obviously isn't good for you, look what had gone through since you met him," zhey explained before you could get angry. You opened your mouth and outside Peter prayed you would defend your relationship. To his dissappointment,  nothing left you throat.
"See?" TK formed a knowing expression. "You can't even defend your toxic love for him, I thin you're just dating him out of pity, honestly Y/N xou could do so lich better... I'd rather prefer Lucy being with you than some psycho who gets horny for the wrong reasons," they spited the words out and you didn't interrupt them one time. Why? You didn't  know it yourself.
"You really think I'm better off without him?" TK paused, before answering.
"I don't think, I knew it would be better this way," they answered honestly. They took your hand, gently rubbing circles above of them.

"Why would I lie to you, you're one, no you're my dearest friend, I just want what's best for you," they said, suddenly moving their face forward, only inches away from yours.
Gulping your face turned rosy red.
"If I was at this abomination's postion... ", they began, nuzzling into your chest.
"– I would overthrow ypu with the affection ypu deserve, not cage you like a bird, who wants nothing more then peace and freedom," they said, nipping lightly your neck.

Peter had to stay calm, 'this abomination' they said, how dare they question his undenying love for Y/N. With this sentence, this freak with the poison green hair had signed his death sentence.
But you were there, being manipulated by them, you trusted people so easily, no wonder Peter had to appear in your life to protect a precious thing like you...

"T... TK what are you doing," you moaned as he pushed you backwards, binding your arms and legs to the edges of thw bed. It felt good, the bindings were so soft.
Struggling you tried to break free, ypu didn't this, you weren't ready for it.
"Showing you what real man does to his beloved," they shot the words out.
TK laid between your legs, the shyness from before, completly gone.
"What do you mean?," you blurted out, your body reacting to their tender touch.
"You'll see my dear, just lay there amd stay beautiful," they urged you, making you even more nervous.
"I'm not beautiful," you said, tears building in your eye.
"I'm a normal person with normal needs and struggles, nothing more, nothing less."
Shaking their head, TK kissed your forehead, leaving no space unkissed.
"Do you even see the beauty you are, inside and out?"
You always told yourself, do what everybody want and you get to have a peaceful life. You questioned this attitude sometimes, but from your childhood up to now?
Always told to behave, not being the way you are, that was your life and life has always f*cked you in the ass. Still you smile. You smile  everyday, praying to some goddamn deity, god whatever it would turnover someday.

"TK, you know it isn't true, please stop it... I know you're trying to cheer me up... I know you want to help... I know you mean it, but I have to deal with this alone," you tried to reason with him.
"I want to help you. If I have to force you, I won't hesitate. Please let me show you how much I care about you, will you?"
*Oh? Now you're asking for my consent.*

Suddenly, the window opened, revealing a slender figure and needle like eyes, who seemed to... to glow?
"How dare you?" The words were spoken in a more than just a threatening manner.
A step forwards. "How dare you stain MY DARLING?" He shouted the last to words at TK, who emerged from your close position.
"I could ask you the same question." They pointed at Peter, shooting death glares st him. "How dare YOU TREAT HER LIKE AN OBJECT TO SATISFY YOUR PERVERTED DARK NEEDS?"
You never saw TK that way, they were always the calm and welcoming neighbour next door kind of guy, it honestly scared you a little bit.
"I am THE ONLY ONE, who can fulfil her mind and body," Peter growled, fists rising, ready to leave a mark on TK.
"Really? Than how come she tries to escape from you all the time?" TK made a point and appearantly hit a sensitive nerve.
"Sh- She doesn't escape, I respect if MY DARLING wants some alone time."
TK smirked, reajusting their glasses.
"Alone time with other people you mean," they teased the already tensed man.
"For a short nobody, you sure speak big words out of that tiny mouth," Peter said, looking directly at your binded being.
"Sadly– ," he let his tongue roll out, displaying the feral alpha side of him.
"– I have the right 'tool' to make her scream my name..."

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now