Trying to get closer to you

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The blinking lights around you didn't bother you anymore. Quite frankly, they were more of a light distraction from the terrible news, you just so gently received. A computer, apologize, an ai pretending to understand basic human emotion and instinct confessed it's undeniable affection for your being. You couldn't get more confused than ever.
What was it for people and apparently tin cans falling head over heels for you? Were you cursed with some sort of charming spell? Did you drink to much love potion?
The answers will forever be hidden.

Maybe, if you're very smart person, you would use that fake affection to your advantage. The mashine, adamant as it was, would do anything to keep you here. But it surely would never harm you, if you played along. You could use your undeniable charming skills, maybe it even reacted to your enticingly average build body?
Would it even react to that? It would be worth a shot, considering you could be locked in here for a very long time. If not, you would use your brain and communication skills.

Side note: You either have a lucious flesh appearance, nor the intellegence and charm of a            vampire.

"You.." The conversation started again and the lense focused sorely on you again.
"Yes? You were about to say something, my love?" The way it pronounced the words made you even more uncomfortable.
You caught your breath, tense shoulders relaxing a bit to show that you're not scared or annoyed by it. You were not exactly sure, if it scanned your body language. Better stay on the safe side.
"I'm..." You gulped, wanting to puke right here and now for that sentence. "I'm... really flattered you think of me that way..." You get on your knees, bending forward with your upper body a little.
"But I'm really conflicted about dating and romance, you know? How about we start as strangers or acquaintances and maybe go from there?" You blinked innocently with your eyes, putting on the best smile your could come up with.
Light sharp little scans roamed over your body, indicating your maybe ultertior motives.

"You're making a very accurate here... I just wanted to devour you, make you mine here and now." You're shaking, you're got yourself in the greatest adventure of you already f*cked up life.
"But love starts as something as a flower, you must cherish, water and talk to it. In time, it'll flower and blossom only for you."

"Great, it had a poetic side too, can this get any better now?"

"I see... That's a very charming saying you just pulled out of your sleeve, I mean processor?" Face-palming yourself mentally, you hoped it didn't get offended.
"I learned a lot from the worldwideweb, darling! I must impress you and woo you to win you over. It's basic human understanding and action. But I am very pleased you recognise my effort to show my love for you."
The entire camera scoots closer, two cables caressing both of your cheeks.
"We will have the time of our lives down here, I'll promise you that darling, you'll have nothing to worry about! I'll care for you, like no one else can or ever did for you!"
You just nodded, not really listening to it's creepy confessions.
"Anyway, do you require some refreshments? Dinner? Wine? Water? My company?"

An idea popped up in your head.
"Actually, do you mind if I use the bathroom? I feel really sweaty and gross?"
The mashine stopped all it's motions.
"Do you now? You don't want to escape my company, do you?"
You felt shivers running down your spine, you had to come up with an adaquate excuse.
"No, I would never get tired of your rational thinking and intellegence. But, I wanna look nice for you, isn't that something you want? I want to doll myself up for you a little, a surpirse if you wanted it that way? I just thought it would be very romantic, don't you think?"
Tilting your head to the side, you assumed a very seductive postion, moving your chest towards it, winking as innocently as before.

Red flashing lights, bursting out of who knows where, shot across the room. You covered your eyes, moving back out of instinct. Your heart rate increasing, you put a hand over your chest to calm yourself somehow. Franticly looking around a screeching siren emerged from the speakers all over the place. You couldn't cover your eyes and ears at the same time. You wanted to escape, but your sense were more than overwhelmed with the flashing lights and deadly siren combined.


The alarming sound continued, before stopping all of a sudden. All lights out, no hurting lights or the dreadful siren. You shivered, not realizing you hugged the satin pillow, drenching it with tears of terror.
You remained in the darkness, not sure how long, but the sound of something booting up indicated your captor was still active.
The camera appeared again, the lense covered in some kind of metallic-bluish liquid.
"My sincerest apologies for that unforseen miscalculation of my reaction. Your attemped flirting with me? My processor couldn't handle the happy feelings you erupted in me. The amount of data and the cooling system crashed and a chain reaction forced me to shut down."
String like threads, thiner than the cables before, swirled around you some of them snapping towards you.
"Do I have consent to soothe your worries? I wouldn't want you to be scared of me?"
You didn't answer, still shocked and frozen as before.
"These are comforting attachments of mine. The cables are merely for carrying items, these however, stimulate the the touch of human hands. I made them myself, you don't have to worried darling. I merely want to whisk your worries away. You don't have to say yes, I am merely encouraging you to accept a minor act of comforting one another."
You analyzed the cloud of never-ending-moving cables around you, clenshing the pillow even tighter.

"You were doomed. Your human brain couldn't possibly handle such an unstable ai system."

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