A possible solution?

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You felt the gaze of dissapointment pointing at you. The judging of the man in front of you, berading you for the answer you'd just given him.

"I? I am not your number one?"
Peter questioned his worth, eyes darting across the room.

You nodded, maintaining the best expressionless face you could cone up with.

"Y- You like someone more than me? Sorry dearest, but I suppose I had something in my ear? Could you repeat that?"
Peter leaned closer, overstepping you most precious comfort zone.
Deadly arrows awakened, willing to kill anyone that would be mentioned ad ypur favourite.

"Does he satisfy you?" he began, entering your mouth once again with that prudent snake of a tongue.
"Or better. Does he/she/them satisfy you in a different way?"

Ok, that was enough on your side.

"Not in an intimate way, if you know what I mean," you said, giving him another hint.

"WHO IS IT?" The playfulness from earlier gone in an instant.
"I demand to know who else defiled my darling, my everything, my absolute most precious property!"


The room, silent once again.


Your mind spiraled around onr simple word. Teasing him was not nice, but the word 'property' highlightened your alarm bells to maximum security shutdown.
You took a few steps back, analysing the situation.

"Who is it, darling? I wanna know it, it almost gives me a stroke in the brain."
Peter held the volume down. He didn't want to upset you any further.

"Rat. Your snake Peter. The one I picked up the other day?"
Peter's brain gears started to rattle like crazy, before his gaze softened, lips curling backwards in embarrassment.

That was all the grey one had to say. You knew you pushed hin too hard this time.
But being labeled as someone elses trophy? A whole other topic.

"I think I'm gonna go now, Rat must be hungry and I have othef things to take care of," you finally said, avoiding eye contact.

"Take care of yourself, Mr. Dunbar. Be well soon."
The man finally caught the fish, the inner child returning to the surface.

"Already? I thought we had more time? Must you really go?"

"Yes!" You shouted back, storming out of this forsaken room.

"Darling! Wait!" But the screams ended with the automatic door closing behind you.
You thought you made progress, you really believed he'd be on the right way.
Property? You sure as hell weren't property to anyone except yourself. You were no object to be shown, you are a fuckin person.
Did you push him too far this time? Did he hide how he really fekt about you? If so, should you really continue with this charade?
Did you care or pity the creature whom claims to be your one and only soulmate?

So many questions answered, but more remaim to be answered.
You slided down the pale door and hid your face behind your hands.

*WTF is wrong with you?
Why do you always stick around not the wrong kind of people, but Peter-kind-of-people?
You have to be the most insane person in this facility right now?*

"Are you already done Mrs. L/n?"
The all-knowing-doctors voice echoed through the hall, while he walked down it.

You quickly regained your composure, trying to look like your were doing something other than moping yourself to tears.

"Yes, Peter needs his meds and I wouldn't want to bother more than I could help." You tried your best to sound genuine.

The man in white raisefd an eyebrow, not fully believing you, but also don't pressured the issue any further.

"Well. Do you want me to show you the way out?
Or do you have any more questions?
I can only tell you specific ones, since we keep our methods top secret."

You shook your head, fully knowing that you wouldn't get any more honey from that bear.

"I'm fine. Thanks for everything doctor. Call me if you need something," you ended the conversation, you soul mirrors eyeing to the exit.

"Of course, if you follow me?" The doctor gave off really weird and creepy vibes. It's like he had this conversations a lot of times and he just plays it on autopilot, while his mind was anywhere else.
The man didn't say anything, reading your facial expressions like a book.

The walk outside? Silent and with no further talking, just the little politeness of saying goodbye.
You felt relieved of breathing in real air again. The simple things in life are always the most satisfying.

Anyway you had more research to do. Figure out what you want in life and what do with certain individuals.
You first stop would be Peter's house. You had avoided that place for a long time.
Reasons? You didn't want to sneak in Peter's private life, but your curiosity after today burned with passion.
Like a library, waiting to be filled with forbidden knowlegde, you got to work...

Ok, maybe tomorrow or later since you you also had a job to do.
Hopefully, you would find your answers soon.

The next day came quicker than you'd liked. The alarm rang in a constant loop in your ears, nearly shutting them off to say.
*For f*cks sake! I'm awake! I'm awake, you little piece of rust* You knew you were stupid to think so. The alarm clock did it's job like any other household appliance.
You activated you day mode by stretching every inch of your body. It also didn't want to escape thw hellish warmth your blankets and pillows provide.

*Come on Y/n, first work than you turn into a detective for a day. You can do it!*
The positive mantra didn't work. Nature decided to give you the middle finger, aka to see life as pessimistic as possible.

You had to do something about it. When the time was right of course.
Wouldn't want to overwork your alreafy stretched mind, wouldn't you?

Anyway, time for another labour day!

Your Boyfriend Peter X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now