Forever gone? Part 38

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Today was my usual day, actually not.


I finally graduated! I finally finally graduated from Princeton and already landed a job in a nice bank.

(Aurora went from biomedical scones to economic study's)

Well I wasn't graduated yet, but today was my day! Today my mom and Henry were coming and so were some of Henry's family!

I had never been this excited before!

At 6 am

I already woke up at 6 am with pure excitement as I had put my gown ready and my white dress!

I got up and started doing my hair! I had a beautiful blowout and I did the most gorgeous makeup!

After getting ready

It was now 8 am and the graduation started at around 11.

Henry woke up just in his shorts and no shirt.

"Good morning my love" he says kissing me on the cheek
"Good morning!" I say as I quickly got on my dress.

Which was:

I also had some pretty white heels and Henry strated getting ready too

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I also had some pretty white heels and Henry strated getting ready too.

"You look beautiful my love" he says admiring me up and down
"GEEEE IM SO EXCITED" I just jump around and he starts laughing. I always love hearing him laugh..

Around 9:45

We all started to take on our gowns and cape and stand in line. Me and Madeline were crazy excited and also spotted Dean further.

In the crowd I saw my mom, Violet, deans parents, Madeline's parents, and even Zayn!

I didn't see Henry even though he actually drove me here but maybe he was just on the phone or something.

"Madeline, I'm shitting bricks" I whisper to her as tears almost escaped my eyes.
"No dude same, I'm about to cry" she excitedly says.
We held hands before the called Madeline's name, and then mine.

"Aurora Marley" the say my name do my walk, thank my teachers and get my diploma. Tears started streaming, and o tried spotting Henry, and couldn't find him. I saw everyone else but him.

Where is he? What is he doing? Is he okay? Did he just miss my fucking walk and my whole graduation..

The feeling of my heart beating harder, my throat hurting and my nails digging into my palms. My ears ringing and my happy tears were now angry and confused. I was angry and confused.

I walk down to say hi to everyone else and take pictures, Henry was stil not here.

After the graduation.

I sat on the side walk, everyone slowly took home to get ready for the after graduation party. I had now sat here smoking for god knows how long, thinking. Thinking and thinking what Henry's stupid excuse would be to miss the most important thing in my life, something that only happens once in a lifetime.

I started to slowly break down, was I over dramatic? Maybe. But this was important for me, and so is Henry.

I suddenly saw Henry's car, I wiped my eyes and got up.

"Look aurora I'm sorry" he says looking deep into my eyes.
"Don't start with that bullshit Henry. This was the most important day of my life." I say slowly walking away
"Aurora I mean it, I'm so sorry!" He says.

I kept on walking, not knowing where to go..

Late at 1 am.

I had been staying over at Deans and having dinner with his family. They were sweet and welcoming, my mom had joined me too.

We had also partied at the after party and just had a long night but I couldn't stop thinking about Henry.

We were now at Henry's

"Honey, want me to go with you?" She asks
"No mom it's fine." I say

My mom stayed in the car while I walked inside.

"Henry?" I ask

There was no signs of Henry. I decided to walk upstairs to check and saw him on the couch in his bourbon room, his slip untied and a scotch in his hand.

"Hey" he says
"I'm here to get my stuff" I say. Holdning tears back.
"What? Wait, let's at least talk about it" he says
"Sure let's talk" I say sitting down beside him but still with distance.

"Look aurora, I know i made a huge mistake, im so sorry" he says
"Im so sorry is gonna fix this? And it's not just about you missing my graduation, but for a long time you have basically ignored me. You have paid no attention, and every time I try to help you with something you keep me out of it" I say
"Do you wanna keep this lifestyle? This is why I do what I do. For you. For us. I know I have been distant and Im sorry I made you feel like that but I just don't have time" he says. Both with a stern but also tough tone.

"I give all 24 hours of the week to you, if not to you then just my education. I worry about you all the time. Im scared. Henry im actually scared that everyday something will happen to you because of your so called job" I say
"Oh don't do that" he says annoyed
"Don't do what?" I ask
"No Henry what?" I ask
"Stop blaming me for your overdramaticness. I don't have to always give myself to you" he says

My heart dropped. I could feel the heaviness in my body and my throat hurting.

"I'm going to get my stuff, I don't have time for you shit. I'm tired of you Henry. You are so draining, you crave attention but never give any to me. So I'm taking my stuff.
If you even get near me, my house, my mom just remember I know what your job is, I know what you do and what you have done. I'm not scared of you.."
I say while my heart was beating as fast as- I don't know. But I was scared, but couldn't and wouldn't show my emotions.

I walked away and packed my stuff. I could suddenly hear a glass break, I ran to Henry and saw him with glass gates everywhere and his hands bleeding.

"Just go." He says angrily.

That was our last interaction.. it have now been around 10 months. I don't know where he is, what he's doing...

The end!!!

Guys I have just seen how many reads I have and thank you so much! Thank you for all the support!!! I try my best and let's see what happens!!!!!!

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