What do you mean?.. Part 31

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It had been almost a week since Henry left. I have been quite alone and scared lately but there was a black keep standing I front of the house 24/7, thanks to Henry.

Did I still feel safe? No. But was I going out to drink somewhere random? Yes? With 2 bodyguards shoved up my ass? Hope not.

Madeline came over..

Madeline came over and we got ready, listening to music and dancing around. We were going to meet up with a few others and have fun!

I did my makeup and hair. I had my hair in a ponytail with a loose hairs and wore:

 I had my hair in a ponytail with a loose hairs and wore:

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(The weather was also unusually warm in these times)

Madeline also wore something cute and had her hair down.

Later on Dean came and we all did some pre-shots..

Somewhere near a club..

We met up with the others and I was only just a bit over tipsy..

"Aurora, cmon, we have some green!" Madeline yells while drunk as hell. I was trying to not drink and black out but still went with madleine. It was getting a bit cold and I considered going home..

"Oh cmon aurora, it'll be fun!" Madeleine says laughing.
"Fine fine I'll come" I say and walk with them..

We smoked and I was high like never before..

I feel like Dean or Madeline mentioned something about something else in the joint but to be honest I don't remember..

We walked back into the club and all just laying around, drinking and whatnot. This was a different type of bar. A bar with coke, models and shit ton of mdma.

We all kept ordering shots and drinking until I had no idea what I was doing. Drunk with Dean and so many others, the t was overwhelming in some way.

"Madeline I think I'm gonna go for a smoke" I say
"Okay we'll come too!" Madeline says while dragging Dean with her.

We all ran out and sat down somewhere random..

"So, fun aurora is back??!!!" Madeline yells while lighting up her cigarette and mine.
"Yuuuuuup!" I yell and hug her. This feeling was something I tried keeping away. Trying not to get drunk, trying not to get high, trying not to disappoint Henry. Henry...henry.

"So how's henry in uhm New York?" Madeline asks
"I don't know, probably just boring business" I say slurring the words..

"I'm going to call him" I say, trying to keep myself put.

"Hey gorgeous"
"Heyyyyyy handsome" I slur out.
"Where are you?" He asks with a concern in his voice
"Out. Friends. The usual" I giggle while taking one puff  of the joint.
"Out where?" He asks even more concerned
"Ooouuuutttttttt" I slur out and Madeline's giggles while she takes a puff too.
"I'll be there" he says and hangs up. As if.

I didn't believe shit that he would come and he just tried to scare me. I enjoyed my time..

A few shots later

I went outside again and saw a black Audi A6 pull up. Beautiful one, one of my dream cars..

I then saw Henry getting out of it, I was flabbergasted to be honest.

"You really came?" I almost yell
"Yea cmon" he says grabbing me in the arm and another arm by my waist.
"The Prince Charming himse-" I then threw up. Luckily we were outside, but at the same time embarrassing. He held my hand while I held it in a rough way.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry" I whisper, my voice was almost gone by now
"It's okay, let's go" he says comforting me and while on the way I stopped. I felt dizzy. Everything around me was moving in circles

"Henry I think, I think I'm going to faint?" I ask and then it all went black..

The next morning..

"Owwww" I moan in pain as I woke up with a terrible headache. I had my minutes to come to myself and realize where I was, I was in my room. My own.

"Good morning princess" I hear and see Henry by the door.
"Good morning. No actually horrible morning. My head is pounding like crazy, so you have any ibuprofen?" I ask while hurting my face in my hands.

"Here, and some water" he says and brings them, like he already had them ready.

For the rest of the day I felt myself die. Worst hungover ever; never ever drinking again..

A few days later

Henry was so sweet to me the last few days considering he was supposed to be in New York; but at the same time he seemed annoyed. It had been a bit awkward in the house..

"Aurora we need to talk" he says while sitting at the table
"Yes?" I ask while walking down the stairs in my PJ's
"Sit down.." he says while looking some type of disappointed..
"Henry you're scaring me? Is everything alright?" I ask while eating some breakfast that was on the table.

Btw I have been doing so much better, I have eaten good and felt way way way more comfortable I. My own body..

"I don't think I can do this." He says stern
"Do what?"
"This. You and me." He says

My heart dropped. My mouth open as if I heard wrong.

"What do you mean?" I ask while still in shock..
"I can't be your savior constantly. I have work, actual work." He says
"Henry are you serious?" I ask trying to hold back my tears as I see his stone cold face. There was almost no emotion and it broke my heart even more..

Henry POV..

I held myself back as much as I could. Trying not to show one emotion, why? Well I'm not that guy at all.

I felt horrible for what I'm doing to aurora but I need to get this deal done. And I can't tell her what it is..

I see her trying to hold herself back, but I know I have hurt her deeply.

"Aurora look, it's just not the time." I say holdning myself back. I needed to keep her safe until the deal was done, I couldn't risk it. Risk losing her..

"But why? I don't understand" she says confused
"I can't tell you exactly why, but my work is important for now.."

God I was being a dick..

Back to Aurora

I felt as if my heart was pounding in my head. As if my heart was jumping everywhere.

I was broken.

I held my tears back as much as I could.

"I can arrange an apartment for you and move your stuff there" he says
"Do whatever you want Henry." I say.

I went upstairs and into the bathroom. Tears began pouring. I sat down on the floor and tried not to make one noise.

I cried. I poured my heart out. I love him so much, why would he? We had it so good??

I was crazy confused. It felt as if my life ended..

The end! I know a fast ending but let's see what happens next? Does anything happens to aurora? Maybe Henry?


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