I love you..part 28

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Credits to: 23lovlifd 😊

I was dreading today, why? Because Dean and Madeline forced me to go out. I haven't gone out in while but also been bored cause Henry was getting quite distant again.

I was getting ready in my own room, my mom still hasn't come back yet, but we were talking everyday.

I did my hair in a ponytail with curls and had my new gold hoops on which Henry gifted me. I did my usual make up with my signature winged eyeliner and put on my perfume from Armani, sí. I decided to wear:

I went downstairs and Henry put a feew hundreds for me to use

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I went downstairs and Henry put a feew hundreds for me to use.

"For u bby <3" it said. I smiled and put it into my little Chanel handbag.

I saw deans car pull up and there was Madeline too. I went into the car and hugged them both.

"So where are we going?" I ask
"To this super exclusive club" Madeline says with excitement
"Oooooo" I say
"Yea and we already brought pre-drinks" Madeline says
"But Dean is driving?" I ask
"Well he's not allowed to drink" Madeline says
"What?! Why?" I ask
"Well I started on some pills and I'm not allowed alcohol at all since I could loose a kidney" he says
"Daym" I say
"Yea" he says

We arrived at the club
It was around 9-10 pm when we arrived and we had already done some pre-shots. I also decided that I didn't wanna get too drunk or get too high.

We went inside and we asked for a vip table.

We sat down and ordered drinks, and what not.

Me and Madeline went out to the dance floor, and to be honest with the lights flashing all's round and the loud music, and the pre-shots, I felt alive. I hadn't had so much fun in a long time.

Me and Madeline danced around eachother, getting close and close. Her hands on mine and my on hers, every guy was starting. Weirdos.

"I'm gonna go out for a smoke!" She yells
"Okay me too!" I say

We went to the table and took our cigarettes and Dean came too.

We went outside and smoked to get some fresh air. Since we went to the back of the club we were at some creepy ally way.

"Dean you should come with us to the floor, it's boring with u" Madeline says
"Yea okay fine" he says
"So you both know how me and Henry have been together?" I ask
"Yea?" They both asks curious
"Well, he's been super stand offish and almost never talks with me, like work is more important" I say
"You know what baby, you should tell him. Don't hide cause it would get horrible"Madeline says while hugging me
"It's not that serious" I say
"Look as a guy, you should tell him, or else he won't know" Dean says
"Yea okay I will" I say
"Madeline how are u and your new guy?" I ask
"Well he's super nice, a bit older and his family are probably the nicest I have met" she says with her cheeks all flushed.
"Awe" I say and hug her
"What about u Dean?" Madeline asks
"Dude I don't even know anymore" he says with a smile

My stepdad.. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu