W-what? Part 17

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Credits to: 23lovlifd

I had staid away from Henry. Every time we felt alone I just wanted for him to rip his clothes off and fuck me. 
I know it's a lot, but cmon.

Today was a Saturday in February and the whole family was going out to dinner with some of Henry's rich friends. I had a problem,  it a real one, but with his friends. They were so fine, too fine.

Anyways since it was a fancy place my mom wore a tight, knee height dress, a beautiful gold watch, a fancy pair of diamonds and a Cartier bracelet and also some gorgeous loubitons. Henry wore a casual and expensive suit. I did my hair and wore:

I did my hair in a tight ponytail, my make up and went downstairs

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I did my hair in a tight ponytail, my make up and went downstairs.

"Oh my god mom you look so gorgeous!" I say
"Oh honey, you too!" She says

"There are important people here, you could make some great connections" Henry says
"Yea okay thank you"

So it wasn't really a dinner but more a convention or something of a sort. I don't know, rich peoples mumbo jumbo.

We sat in the car and drove over there..

While at, whatever it was

There were super important people here from all over the place, rich people..

Men with their wives which had gorgeous diamonds won, gorgeous dresses and whatnot.

I was quite bored and was just hungry, I walked around looking around in the huge, gorgeous house we were in.

"If you want you can go talk to some of the people here, they're quite important, may help you with your future" Henry said. I hated when he was too much into business.

"Sure" I said and walked over to a gorgeous, tall woman.

"Hi I'm Aurora" I say
"Well hello" she says with a British accent
"I just wanted to say I love your dress" I say
"Oh wow thank you darling" she says with a smile
"So what do you do? Job wise" I ask
"Well my husband is mostly the one who makes the living, but I have a small clothing line of my own" she says
"Oh wow" I say
"Yea, if you any to you can model for us, you're gorgeous!" She says
"Oh my good, thank you! So are you" I say
She gave me a hug before she went to some of her friends and I was suddenly alone again.

"Dinner is ready sir"

A waiter said to some guy.

We all went to a huge other room where there was tables everywhere. We sat down me, my mom and a few other. Henry sat with his friends.

I was so excited for dinner as we sat down. I noticed how the people dressed and was quite impressed.
My mom talked with some of her friends about why we moved here and what not.

Then after the first course, the main course came. I got a steak with some potatoes and my mom got some fish.
Hers looked delicious but I decided to just eat mine. I was hungry, crazy hungry.

As I sat and looked around, observing people, I noticed this one guy who really caught my attention. He wasn't too old nor my age. He was giving me a smirk as I was eating like a pig. That's how I always felt when I ate..

I asked my mom if I could go to the bathroom and I did. I went outside for a cigarette. I lit it up and stood, enjoying the view.
"Didn't know you were a smoker"  a voice said from behind me
"W-what?" I ask
"Zayn Moretti" he says
"Uhm Aurora" I say
We sat there and smoked together before we went in, 10 seconds apart, why? I don't know why but we just did.

I sat back down and continued dinner..

A few hours later

Me and my mom talked to some quite important people. It was quite nice and quiet but I was again bored. So I went outside again to smoke..

Zayn then joined me and we talked. We talked and talked about my favorite song, his favorite color. I had so much fun I forgot the time. I forgot how angry Henry could get when I was late.

"Where are you going?" He asks
"Here my number is*****" I almost yell
"Why are you running?" He asks while I took on my heels
"My stepdad is so gonna kill me" I say while Zayn gave me a smirk
"Think it's a hit too late" Henry said.
"Henry, cmon!" I say
He took me by my arm and got angry
"Why are you so angry at me?!" I say
We were in a big hall while he held my wrist.
"You know who he is?" He asks
"The son of a dangerous man, a fucking dangerous man" he says
"O-oh I'm sorry  I didn't know" I say and Henry let's me go walking away in disappointment while I swallowed my heart.

"Hey guys, where were you?" My mom asks
"Just talking" I say while Henry gave me a look..

Part 2 next!

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