The proposal.. part 22

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A few weeks after the trip it all had been casual at the house, Henry was starting to go away from me which was weird.

Anyways, after a long day of school and what not I came home to see another car I front of the house.

As I walked in I saw my aunt! Oh good I loved her!

"Oh Honey!" She yells hugging me and I hugged her tightly back.
"What a surprise!" I say
"Yea, your moms boyfriend invited me here!" She says

That was weird, I didn't even know Henry knew her..

"Yea and I wanted to take us all out to dinner" he says
"Nice" I say with a smile
"My parents will be joining too" he says

His parents? Why so many people at once?

I don't know but I went to my room and studied before we went out. I decided to FaceTime Dean.

"How are you?" I ask
"Eh fine, could be better, u?" He asks
"Yea well I stopped at my internship so stuff have been a bit calmer" I say
"Must be nice, I just started my internship" he says
"Oh wow, how's it going?"
"Well the boss is a ass-"

Me and Dean talked for a few hours before I got ready.

It was of course a fancy restaurant. I decided to wear:

As we all were ready we sat in the car and I could see Henry non stop smiling..why? I have never seen him smile like that.

We arrived at the restaurant

As we arrived we all sat down at a big table and to be honest I was getting bored. I met Henry's parents before we sat down and talked with them.

"Wow aren't you gorgeous" his mom says
"Thank you, so are you" I say
"Awe such a sweetheart" his dad says

"So why did you and your mom move here?" He asks
I didn't know what to say but just said
"Well Brooklyn wasn't really something for us so that's why we decided" I say with a smile
"Oh fair enough, your mom is a lovely woman" they both say

I smile and moved on and sat beside my aunt and my mom..Henry hadn't looked at me all day but of course, he is my moms boyfriend..

As some time went buy, every time I looked at him, he just looked away as if he was uncomfortable...

We had a great dinner with conversation and fun. Henry and everyone else followed us to some beach..

He put my mom in a blind fold and took her down to the beach, right as the sun was going down. There was a big flower thing and roses and a big heart thingy with roses and their initials

H + S

Henry took off her blind fold and my mom was made me smile but at the same time I knew what was gonna happen.

He went down on one knee and the question came..

"Serena, will you marry me?"

Felt like a gunshot.

"Yes I will!" She yells before kissing him and we all clapped while they had their moment.

Tears streamed down my face, happy ones of course..

I went down and hugged her, and she was so happy..
The joy on her face was unimaginable, Henry had a big smile too. Seeing him so happy was never something I thought I would see..

After many months  of preparing, buying dresses and them booking their honeymoon.
Today my mom was going on her last trip before having a 2-3 month break.

"Bye mom!" I yell and wave goodbye as she was in her ride
"Bye hon!" She yells

Henry wasn't home yet and I decided I could smoke a bit of weed before he came. Lately there was too much love in the house, not something I was used to. 

I wore:

I texted Dean and Madeline and both came over

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I texted Dean and Madeline and both came over. We sat by the pool..

"So they're getting married huh?" Dean asks
"Yea. And they have a 1 month honeymoon going everywhere so my aunt will check up on me here and there" I say
"Noice" Madeline says while taking a puff
"Yea I guess, I just need to focus on school and the exams" I say
"Yea true enough" she says

I took a puff and gave it onto Dean.

"Are you okay?" He asks
"Yea, why wouldn't I be?"
"Well you have seemed off lately" he says
"Just school" I say
"You know we can always talk" Madeline says and they both look at me. Dean had this look, like "I know what you and Henry have been doing" kind of look...
"You both need to stop" I say with a smile and take a puff..

And I took more

And more

And more

Around 8 pm Madeline staid with me and Dean took home.

"I'm home-" Henry says and saw me and Madeline high as hell on the couch. Even though we put eye drops and shit ton of perfume, he seemed weirded out.

"You two been having fun?" He asks
"Yuuup" Madeline says
"Aurora can you come here?" He asks

Me and him hadn't talked alone for weeeeks so to be honest I didn't want confrontation.

"Nop" I say
"Nop" I say again
"Aurora I'll go to your room" Madeline says and slowly walks upstairs. 

I saw Henry giving me an angry look and I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I ask
"Are you stupid?" He asks
"Oh shut up" I say
"Aurora, what are you doing?" He asks
"Oh Henry stay out of it" I say and walk away and suddenly he grabs my arm
"Don't even."
"Don't what? Don't let you fuck me?" I say with a smile and walk away.

He stood in pure shock and I went my way.

Me and Madeline had a great time and just had fun in my room..

The end! What's going to happen next? Is aurora going to break up the marriage? Or will Henry keep using her just because her mom is always on trips.

So many questions and we'll see what happens next time at the wedding!

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