I Can't Choose (Sakata Gintoki/Hijikata Toshiro)

Start from the beginning

What Hijikata failed to take into account was that (Y/N) extremely hated being bothered. In this month alone, Gintoki had been arrested 16 times.

"But...uh...what do we do with him..."

"Lock him up for eternity. Make sure he never sees the light of day— I'll take good care of the kids and the house...and the dog.."

(Y/N) kept yawning in between her words and sighs loudly.

"Ugh, what a pain— Fine, I'll come down there."

"Alright. Looking forward to seeing you, be safe "

Hijikata acted nonchalant but as soon as the call was ended he grins as he clenches a fist in the air.

"I get to see her again today..!!"

"Ugh, what a bastard." Gintoki spews from his cell, "Hey you mayo monster— You can't keep doing this to me!"

"You won't have to do this long, you sugar freak." Hijikata grins evilly at Gintoki. "When (Y/N) and I get married, you'll disappear from our sights."


"Hah! As if! Wait and see— I'll be the one she says yes to!"

After a little while, (Y/N) arrived— dressed only in a light camisole and a cardigan. Her hair was messed up, obviously she just woke up and didn't bother fixing her attire.

Hijikata blushes when he sees how light she dressed— and yet she still looked so gorgeous.

"(Y/N)!" Gintoki yells protectively, but a similar blush was covering his cheeks as well. "Why did you go out wearing that?! Are you an idiot?"

"An idiot," (Y/N) huffs, she points at Gintoki. "I should be saying that to you! How could you get arrested so many times.!!"

"It's not even my fault?? That mayo monster is the one to blame! He keeps arresting me so he can get close to y—"

"A-Ah!!! Right, (Y/N)! Here! These are for you— I found them lying around..." Hijikata hands her the bouquet and she smiles softly, taking them into her hands.

"You're so sweet, Toshi-chan." (Y/N) smiles at Hijikata warmly, "—Unlike a certain idiot that does nothing but get arrested."

"Wha—" Gintoki's mouth gaped, "He planned all this..!!" Gintoki points to Hijikata and (Y/N) sighs.

"You know what, this is the last time I'm bailing you out! The next time you get arrested go break out of prison yourself..!!"

Hijikata goes to unlock Gintoki's cell to release him while (Y/N) had been shaking her head as if disapproving the act.

"For your punishment, carry me all the way back home. My legs are tired, I wanna sleep."

(Y/N) lifted her arms up to let Gintoki carry her, and he did— quite so easily.

Gintoki gave Hijikata a smug look and proceeded to walk home.

"I won." Gintoki mouths to Hijikata before sticking his tongue out and disappearing.

"That sugar freak....." Hijikata clenches his fist— jealousy bubbling up inside him.


"Who is it?"

Hijikata shifted nervously when he hears (Y/N)'s voice. This time he gathered up the courage to go straight to (Y/N)'s house (essentially, also Gintoki's house)

"I'm sorry, no one's at home right now...." (Y/N) half-heartedly yells from inside.

Hijikata sighs, knowing it was because she thought it was too much of a bother to stand up and open the door.

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