Chapter 28

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"And what about you Jungkookahh? Will you able to see 'US' to be happy? Will you really able to see 'US' to be together?"
The words of Yoongi were lingering in Jungkook's ears. Was Jungkook even a slightest happy? Not at all. How could he be happy? He was giving his love to Yoongi, his one and only love. He had in relationship in past but never had in love. The thoughts of separation from Yn was killing him from inside.
But he had to do that. Because he can't see Yn and Yoongi in sadness, in pain. Jungkook realized that Yn can't never be happy without Yoongi. So he decided to fake his happiness.

"Hyung how couldn't I be happy when you both become happy. And if I ever feel sad or upset, I'll watch both of you to smile. That would make me joyful again.", Jungkook faked a smile and continued.
"Now both of you stop thinking about me. Yn, please sign on the divorce paper. The sooner you sign, the sooner will have the official separation and soon you could get to marry hyung."

What happened next? Let's read this part in 'fast forward' mode.
Yn signed the paper as well as Jungkook. After few trials in the court, they officially separated. Right after that Jungkook started the arrangements for Yn and Yoongi's marriage. Yoongi, in the beginning, opposed the idea of marrying Yn right after the divorce. He wanted to give her some time for mental preparation. But there was Jungkook. He somehow managed to make them agree for this.
"Hyung, good deeds shouldn't be delayed."

Time Skip to the Day of Marriage

It was the day of Yoongi and Yn's marriage. Jungkook arranged everything by himself. After the official process, they did the social marriage. Jungkook invited few close friends of both of him and Yoongi. They were basically shocked when they saw the bride. But Jungkook managed everything smoothly.

After everything done, Jungkook brought them to their room. He decorated the room by himself. He decorated with Yoongi and Yn's favorite flowers, scented candles and many decorated items. It doesn't have to write, how hard it was for Jungkook to decorate the room. He oneday dreamt of a night like this with Yn. But now... He shouldn't think about it. Yn is his brother's wife now.

"Now it's time for my leave. Best of luck for your first night hyung.", Jungkook congratulated Yoongi.
"Where are you going now?", Yoongi asked. He was really worried for his younger one.
"Hyung don't worry. I'm going to a friend's house. We decided a sleepover. And also I should give you both some privacy.", Jungkook smiled and went out of the house.

But did he really go to his friend's house for sleepover? Not at all. He had no plans either. He just wanted to go out from the house.

Jungkook was walking aimlessly on an alley. He couldn't realize when he came on the main road. Flashes of moments with Yn were coming into his mind.
Their first meeting, the singing practices, the inter-college competition, their duet performance, his song dedication, their friendship, his confession, everything was unfolding like pictures before his eyes.

Jungkook was in deep thoughts that he didn't notice the car right in front of his eyes. He came out of his imagination by the beaming light of the car. He closed his eyes because of the brightness.
The person on the driver seat touched the brake of the car.
Keeeeeeeeeech... (The sound of the car brake)

Everything got black in front of Jungkook’s eyes.
"Yn, be happy with hyung.", he murmured before losing his sense.

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