Chapter 16

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This part contains some psychological, emotional suffering, conflict, internal struggle, curse words, self injury and stuffs. Readers are requested to read at your own risk. If you aren't comfortable with these kinds of plots, please skip the part.

"That day I believed that I was the cause of my parents' misery. I can remember that night very well Yn. My baby brother was maybe senseless after crying for hunger and thirst. But I thought he was dead. I started walking with him in my embrace. On my mind just one thing was roaming around. Should I live? First mom, then dad... My baby brother didn't do anything to get this outcome!!! For whom I'm gonna live? They all left this world because of me. Shouldn't I leave too?

Can you think Yn, what was going on the little head of a five year old that he was questioning his existence?
It started raining. I can remember the moment. I was on the railing of the bridge with the baby on my embrace. I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt he moved a little. Once, twice, thrice, it started crying.
Yn, I was screaming, you are alive, you are alive!!! I ran from there and took a shelter. From the very moment, our new journey had started.

I had done everything for him Yn. From shoe polish to wash dishes in roadside food stall, every thing. Didn't eat for several days but never let my brother cry for a grain of food. He isn't my brother Yn, he's my baby. I never went to school but admitted him to the best school of the city.

He too worked hard Yn. Education, sports, and in every aspect, he never came 2nd. He completed his middle and high school by the scholarships he earned. He is of your age Yn. And if I think carefully he is reason I met you.
Can you remember that day Yn, when I met you first at your high school? The girl gang was trying to bully you. That was your result day. That was the day of prize distribution too. The sports team of my brother's high school won the inter-school sport championship. He got the "Best player of the season" award. So I was there along with my brother to collect the prize.

From that day I am watching you Yn. Maybe stalking! You reminded me of my early life. There was no one beside me when I was suffering. So I don't want you to suffer Yn. Several years of struggle helped me to gain too. I have now my own company, own house, cars and stable bank balance Yn. I know you will become like me very soon. But I just want to stand by you Yn. I want to be with you. I want you to get the happiness that I craved for. I want you to become the happiest person Yn. I want to see the smile on your lips forever. I couldn't be able to see you cry Yn. I can't."

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