Chapter 29

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"Umm...", Jungkook opened his eyes. He started to look around. It was an unknown place.
"Where am I?" Jungkook asked in his trembling voice.
"You are in my house.", an unknown voice said.
Jungkook's vision wasn't still clear. So he blinked his eyes several times.
It was a girl, maybe of his age. She came near to him.
"How are you feeling now?", the girl asked.
"Better. How did I come here?", Jungkook asked.
"You came in front of my car from nowhere. You lost your consciousness. So I took you here.", the girl stated.
"Thank you.", Jungkook was trying to get up from the bed.
"Hey! What are you trying to do?", the girl asked.
"I have to go." Jungkook replied.
"What? You wanna go now? In this condition? No way. Doctor strictly advised you to take rest.", the girl stated.

Jungkook didn't listen to her. He wanted to be alone this night. He wanted to spend some time with the thoughts of Yn. He again tried to get up. His knees were trembling. But he forced himself, and stand up somehow.
"Hey Mr.!!! What are you doing? Just go back to the bed.", the girl said annoyingly.
"Thanks for everything but I have to go.", Jungkook didn't listen to her.
"Mr. Whatever... You have to stay on that bed.", the girl's voice became deeper.
"You helped me when I needed. Now you don't have to think about me.", Jungkook said.

"Listen Mr.!!! First of all, you came in front of my car, then got unconscious. Now you are telling me not to think about you! Huh!!! Mr. I have other works besides thinking about you. As you came in front of my car, it's my duty to take care of you until you are cured. Now go back to your bed.", the girl said in an ordering tone.
"A little girl! maybe of my age, is ordering me!!!", Jungkook thought.
"Miss, I have to...", Jungkook tried to say something but the girl cut him in middle.
There was something in her voice that Jungkook couldn't do anything further. He went back to the bed and lied down.
"Stay still like this. I'm coming back with your medicine.", the girl went to the next room.

She came back to the room in few minutes.
"Take this medicine.", she handed over two pills.
"I won't take any medicine.", Jungkook said.
"How will you? You can come in front of a car but can't take medicine... Take it...".
Again that voice. The girl's voice has something different that Jungkook couldn't help.
"You can't order an adult like this.", Jungkook complained.
"Shut up and take this. Adult!!! You are adult!!! Then why did you behave like a toddler. Which adult faints just looking at a car? Adult!!! Which adult faces nervous breakdown by just a head light of a car. I just got saved from going to jail just by luck. Adult!!!", she mocked Jungkook.
"Hey! Don't mock me! I'm adult. I'm 26 year old.", Jungkook stated.
"26 year old toddler to be precise.", the girl teased a little.
"Hey! Don't tease me. You're saying like you're much more elder! Huh!!!", Jungkook got irritated.
"Much elder than you...", she replied.
"Elder! Huh!", Jungkook tried to shake of this by a mocking grin.
"30", the girl stated.
"30 with that baby face!!!", Jungkook again mocked her.

The girl didn't reply further. She took the pills and put those into Jungkook’s mouth by holding his face like a mother forcefully feeds her child.
Jungkook just awestrucked. He couldn't help but swallow the pills.
"Now take some rest."
The girl was going to the another room when she stopped for a bit and looked toward Jungkook.
"Toddler", she laughed a little and went from there.

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