Malt Shop

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I walked into the malt shop and glanced around. I wasn't surprised that the place was packed. Most of the people there were teenagers. All of them were kick starting thier weekends. My eyes met the colorful gumball machines near the back of the store. Most of them were full of candy, but they did have a few with prizes in them. One had bouncy balls and the other had random stickers. The red, white, black, and chrome styled place gave me comfort. I have a lot of good memories here. I walked towards an empty table near the back and sat on the red leather booth. Neon light signs decorated the walls which added to the charm. It was kinda like stepping back in time in a way. I grabbed a small menu that was at the table and looked at it.

It being a malt shop they didn't have many food options. "How many I help you?" I heard a voice say. When I looked up I felt myself blush a little. It was the new guy; he started working here about a week ago. I ended up liking him faster than I expected. I think it was due to his charm and sense of humor. He was also very different from everyone else who lives in this small town. That's probably why he has caught the attention of a lot of people. Good attention and bad attention. Most of the bad attention was from people's boyfriends being a little too jealous. "Yes." I replied with a small smile. I ordered a hamburger with onion rings and a strawberry milkshake.

"Strawberry milkshakes are my favorite." He said with a smile as he wrote down my order. His small smile made me smile back. He walked into the kitchen and I sort of just glanced around the place. I saw the new guy come back out and give a few people thier orders. One of the women that were there started flirting with him. A strange feeling filled my stomach and an ache gripped my heart. Out of the times I've came here and saw him I've often wanted to ask him out on a date. But I've always been too afraid to become of how handsome he is. Also, maybe it's because no one has ever asked me out before. And each time I see him there's always a pretty girl flirting with him.

I looked down at my hands and chipped some of the fingernail polish off of them. A few minutes or so passed and I looked back up. I saw him walking towards me with the food I ordered. "Here you go. I added extra sprinkles and cherries to your milkshake, but don't tell anyone." He said with a wink, which made me smile. "I'm sure you do that for everyone." I replied shyly. "I don't. I just felt like you needed a little extra cheering up." He said with a small smile curling the corners of his big lips a little. I caught myself staring at his lips and blushed. So I looked away, hoping he hadn't noticed. "Thanks. I really appreciate it." I said. "If anything isn't satisfactory just let me know, okay?" He said. "Okay. And thanks." I said, looking back up at him. He smiled softly before walking away.

I glanced at my milkshake and he did, in fact, load it up with sprinkles and cherries. My smile grew before I took a bite of my hamburger. When I was finished eating I paid for my meal. Then I used my extra change to get something out of a gumball machine. I got a couple of stickers and laughed to myself when I saw them. One was a cupcake with pink icing and a butt crack. 'I'll put that on my sketchbook.' I thought as I left the malt shop.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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