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I walked into my favorite coffee shop, and smiled. The smell of fresh coffee, donuts, croissants, etc. I got in line to wait my turn to order my usual. Sometimes I go for a tea, but I mostly get a latte. As the line got shorter I smiled again. My favorite barista was working like always. When his pretty blue eyes met mine I felt myself blush a little. A smile spread across his face and gave me a little wave. I waved back, and felt excited to get to talk to him this morning.

I had kinda developed a crush on him since I come here a lot. Sometimes he has my order already ready for me. On days I prefer tea he always hands it to me and speaks in a British accent. He was quite probably the cutest guy I've ever met. When I reached the counter I smiled when he made eye contact with me. His brown curly hair was shoulder length. I figured he decided to let it grow. I don't blame him, especially with this chilly weather.

"Hello, Y/n. How has your day been going so far?" He said with a smile. "Okay so far. Better now that I'll have one of your amazing lattes." I replied and his smile grew. I thought I saw his cheeks turn a little pink, but maybe it was my imagination. "I'm very pleased that you like them. Do you want your latte to go?" He replied. "Actually I'll have one for here instead." I said. Today I didn't have to go into work. I actually took a staycation, which was very much needed.

Even if I do work at an art gallery. "Okay. You want your usual chocolate croissant?" He asked as he took my order. "Yes, please." I said with a smile. I paid for my breakfast and walked over to a table to wait. A few other people were sitting at tables. Most of them were drinking coffee and using the free wifi. A few minutes passed before I spotted Barns walking I'm my direction. He sat my latte down next to my croissant, which was on a small plate.

"Enjoy your latte and your croissant." He said with a smile. "Thanks, I'm sure I will." I replied with a smile. When I looked down I felt warm inside. There was a heart in the foam that was on top. I picked up the drink and took a sip. It tasted delicious as always, same with the chocolate croissant. I noticed a piece of paper that had been tucked underneath my cup. I picked it up and unfolded it. I blushed when I read it. I got butterflies as well.


Would you like to go on a date with me? Just text me when you can.

- Barns

I glanced up at where Barns was working. He was making the drinks while someone else was taking orders. I admired how handsome he looked. His brown curly hair, pretty blue eyes, and plump lips. I took my phone out and added his number to my contacts. Then I continued drinking my coffee and eating my croissant. When I was finished a table cleaner came by to take my dishes. I let them know that everything was delicious.

As I was leaving I glanced over at Barns, and he noticed I was leaving. He quickly waved goodbye and I did the same. I could feel myself blushing. Before going home I did a little grocery shopping. I put all of the groceries away before texting Barns.

Me: Hey, it's me Y/n.

Me: I would really like to go out on a date with you.

I knew he was probably still working, so I didn't expect an instant reply. I couldn't help but feel excited for my date with Barns. I wondered if he had a crush on me like I have a crush on him. I tried pushing my thoughts aside as I cleaned my apartment a little.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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