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I said goodnight to my roommate before heading up to my room. We had a long day of unpacking all of our belongings. It felt strange, yet refreshing to be in a new apartment. Luckily I hadn't moved to a different town, so I still knew where everything was. But it was still a new neighborhood and there were new neighbors to get to know. Although I doubted that we would actually get to know them personally. I just hoped that everyone would be nice and not mean or too weird. I don't mind weird just as long as it isn't borderline creepy and disturbing. I didn't intend on going to bed just yet. I just needed to relax and be by myself for a while. I decided to take a shower; when I was finished I changed into my pajamas.

By pajamas I mean an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I walked back into my room once I was dressed. I sat down on my bed and grabbed the book I had been reading. I took a break from it because of how busy I had been recently. So I felt like it was a good time to jump back into it again. I read a few chapters before I started feeling sleepy. So I placed my bookmark between the pages before setting it aside. I switched off my bedside lamp and got comfortable underneath the covers. It took me a while before I started to drift off to sleep. But when I did I fell into a deep sleep; I guess these past few days has caught up to me. Something woke me up and when I glanced at the clock it was 3:00am. Recently I've been waking up at that time to use the bathroom or get a drink. Tonight though I needed to do both.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and yawned a little as I stretched. I moved the covers off of me and grabbed my flashlight. When I turned it on and shined it in my room I almost screamed. But I was too scared and afraid to scream. My heart was pounding in my chest and my vision when blurry for a few seconds. Anxiety burned in my stomach and all of my limbs felt a little numb. There was a man standing in my room near the closet. I thought for sure he would run at me and try to keep me quiet. I've watched too much true crime to know that there were limited options for what was going to happen. The most optimistic of them all would be that he would leave after robbing us.

A few moments passed, but they felt like hours. I had been holding my breath, but eventually I started breathing again. Confusion replaced some of my fear after a little while. The man stood there as if he couldn't see me or he didn't think I could see him. I kept my flashlight on him as I stared at him. 'Am I dreaming or am I having sleep paralysis?' I thought inside of my head. I could move though, so it wasn't sleep paralysis. "Um... who are you and... what are you doing here? What do you want?" I asked him. To my surprise he blinked a few times as confusion washed over his face. He didn't say anything, but now I was very aware that he was looking at me. "Did you hear me? Who are you and what do you want?" I asked, breaking the silence that filled the room.

"You... you can see me?" He asked curiously with furrowed brows. 'What the hell is going on? Is this some crazy person who thinks they're invisible?' I thought to myself. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be able to see you? You're standing in the middle of my room." I replied. My fear was reduced to a tickle of anxiety in my stomach, but I was still very aware that it was present. I wondered if I had to call the paramedics for this guy. He was obviously not okay. "No one has ever seen me before. But... you're not the person that's usually in this room." He said. I wasn't entirely sure what to say. "My roommate and I just moved in," I said as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I still kept my flashlight on him though. "Do I need to call a doctor for you? Are you lost or something?" I asked, unsure how to approach the situation.

"No... no, I'm okay. I... if you can see me... what do I look like?" Confusion seemed to overtake his every feature. I walked over cautiously and turned on the main light in my room. He squinted and rubbed his eyes a little. I needed the light on so I could see him better. He had almost shoulder length curly hair that was brown. His eyes were blue and he had big lips. The jacket he was wearing had a pretty embroidered floral pattern on it. A black button up shirt, black jeans, and black leather boots. I said all of this to him and his eyes widened. He still seemed very surprised that I could see him. But it was strange, almost like he didn't expect me to describe his appearance the way I did.

We started at each other for what felt like forever. Then he started to walk towards me. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked, fear burning in my stomach again. I was surprised to see fear in his eyes as well. "It's okay. It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." He said softly. A loud bang from the hallway made me jump a little. I looked towards my door even though I couldn't see what had happened. When I turned back to see the man in my room, he was gone. The windows hadn't been opened and I flung my closet open to look inside. He wasn't anywhere to be found. 'Maybe I was dreaming.' I thought inside of my head. I opened the door and saw my roommate slowly getting up off of the floor. "What happened?" I asked curiously. "I tripped over a fucking box." He said with a smile laugh. I laughed too and helped him stand up.

I was suddenly reminded of how badly I needed to pee. So I hurried to the bathroom and then went downstairs to get a bottle of water. I went back to my room and told my roommate to watch out for vicious boxes on his way back to his room. We laughed and I closed my bedroom door. I couldn't stop thinking about that man I saw. Deep down I had a feeling I would see him again. I'm not sure why, but that's how I felt.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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