Subject 404 | Part 3

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"How did you get inside?" I asked after I regained composure. "I unlocked the door. Don't worry, I locked it behind me." He replied shyly. I forgot that he had supernatural abilities. "Oh." I said, not really knowing what to say. I didn't expect him to just show up at my apartment. I figured that he would have ran away somewhere else. "Why did you come here?" I asked him curiously after a moment of silence.

"I wanted to check on you. Especially after that ass hole hit you." He said with sympathy and concern in his eyes. He slowly walked closer to me and I let him. He gently rubbed the cheek Dr. Carter slapped with his thumb. "I'm okay, I promise." I said softly with a small smile. His concern made me feel warm inside. "I'm glad you're okay." He replied as he slowly pulled his hand away from my face. "Are you hungry?" I asked him after a few moments. He said that he was and I asked him what he would like to eat.

I ended up ordering a pizza for us. We ate as we watched tv. As he and I spent time together I considered quitting my job. Yeah, I worked hard to get that position in that company. But... I just wasn't sure if I could stand working there anymore. I highly doubted that Dr. Carter would get fired. Especially since he is the grandson of the CEO. They would probably get him out of jail time for physical assault. Then he'll be right back at the facility working. "Are you alright?" Barns took me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I was just thinking." I replied with a deep sigh. "What are you thinking about?" He asked curiously. I told him what I was thinking, and he supported me quitting my job. I understand why he wanted me to quit as well. He didn't want me around Dr. Carter and he didn't want me at that facility anymore. I suddenly remembered that I forgot to call Kevin. I sent him a text message instead.

Me: Hey, sorry I didn't call you. I forgot.

Me: I made it home though.

Kevin: It's okay. I had a feeling you forgot, but it's okay. You had a stressful day.

Me: Thanks, I'm glad you understand.

He and I texted for a while. I even mentioned my thoughts on quitting my job. He said that he was considering it as well. Apparently, all of the changes Dr. Carter had made to the experiments bothered him too. Carter slapping me was the last straw I guess. He said that he would help me file my two weeks notice. Although I had no intentions of ever going back after today. I'm sure Kevin knew I wouldn't be back either.

That's why he said he would gather my things and bring them to me tomorrow. I thanked him before we said goodnight to each other. Barns and I stayed up for a little while after that. We put the pizza box in the trash as well as the soda cans. "I'll set up the couch for you to sleep on." I said before grabbing a spare pillow and a blanket. "Thanks. I really appreciate it." He said with a smile. We said goodnight as well before I went into my room. I put on my pajamas and got into bed.

I was starting a new chapter of my life. It was scary, but a little exciting as well. I was nervous about finding a new job, but I knew I would find one eventually. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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